Anonymous ID: a4d0cd Dec. 18, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.7548366   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8379 >>8392



Whatever happened to the JBS in Canada?

Posted by Admin on June 8, 2013


I launched the present web site, “No Snow in” to feature an April 1972 extended article in American Opinion (now called The New American) by anti-Communist Christian, Alan Stang.


In that April 1971 piece — in light of the revelations he is about to make concerning Pearson and Trudeau being Communists (I already knew about Pearson), and about Trudeau’s appointing Soviet agents to high offices in Canada– Stang appeals to Canadians and Americans to work together to defeat Communism:


“The situation has now been simplified. There is only one thing anyone has time to know: The events of last year prove that if enough Canadians, with the help of enough Americans, don’t act soon enough to prevent it, Canada in a very short time will be a totalitarian dictatorship of the kind in Cuba.”


I can hear the titters now. “Oh what a fool he was! 42 years later, Canada is still not a Cuban-style dictatorship! Canada was never under any threat from the Communists.”


Those titters are wrong.


Stang merely undershot the Communists’ real target when he said Canada would become a Communist dictatorship.


The Communists were not after Canada; they were after North America.


As Charlotte Iserbyt says, “Regionalism is Communism.”


And if you read the Charter of the Communist-founded UN, its Chapter VIII: Regional Arrangements makes it clear the UN Charter is based on regionalism.


It clearly anticipates new regional structures forming across the planet, in particular for “security” purposes. This is very clear from its sections 52 et seq.:


“1. Nothing in the present Charter precludes the existence of regional arrangements or agencies for dealing with such matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security as are appropriate for regional action provided that such arrangements or agencies and their activities are consistent with the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations.”


Note the words “the existence of regional arrangements or agencies for dealing with such matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security”.


Those words should make it clear to anyone who does not think there is no such thing as “conspiracy,” that 9/11 and the consequent Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America (SPP), which is a “response” to it, and the North American Union to come from the SPP, fit right into the UN’s provisions for a regional “security” apparatus.


In essence, 9/11 does for North America what WWI and WWII did for Europe: it gives Canadians and Americans an excuse to throw our hands up, put our guns down, and surrender to regional union under the Communist UN.


9/11 and an eternal, Orwellian “War on Terror” is North America’s answer to an embarrassing lack of full-scale warfare on this continent.


9/11 is our impetus for joining the Communist UN’s “One World or None” club. Alan Gotlieb did say that “nobody had thought of” a North American Union until after 9/11, which was the “provocative agent” for NAU.



Anonymous ID: a4d0cd Dec. 18, 2019, 11:57 a.m. No.7548379   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8392




Gotlieb was lying; Henry Kissinger “thought of it in 1993” but at least a glimmer of truth emerges from Gotlieb’s lie: it connects 9/11 directly to Communist regional union in America under Chapter VIII, s. 52 et seq. of the Charter of the Communist U.N.


Moreover, the U.N., as future world government over continental and hemispheric regions, is obviously the primary beneficiary of the creation of such regions. It is the main beneficiary of events that are used to stimulate (or I should say, “simulate”) national destabilization,the 2009 case of Honduras being one good example. The Castro-founded Front de libération du Québec (FLQ; English: Quebec Liberation Front) being another. And 9/11 being the biggest and most recent in North America.


We are being attacked to force us into the Trojan Horse Communist U.N., and then the trap slams shut.


In other words, the UN and its Charter are weapons of warfare, in direct conflict of interest with the national sovereignty, self-defense, internal cohesion, culture and constitutional self-determination of any and all of its member nations.


It didn’t just start with 9/11


A true chronology of the North American Union stretches back much farther than 9/11 in 2001, or the 2005 model parliament for North America launched in Canada’s Senate chamber. I won’t recite the details here, but continental union was well underway before WWII.


In fact, as one example, I would say that Canada’s 1931 Statute of Westminster, which conferred legal independence upon the colony of Canada, was itself a major step towards North American Union. Continental union could not be done without cutting Canada’s UK apron strings. (Continental union cannot be done, anyway, because it is unconstitutional for Canada.)


When that Statute supposedly set Canada “free” of UK, the economic focus apparently also shifted from trade with UK to trade with the USA. This was an early step toward North American, continental integration.


The Communists who took Canada — and they did take it, Stang is right when he reports “She has already fallen” — were after a North American Union.


They were after the North American region, which is to say, they were aiming at a Communist regional union under the Communist UN as world government.


Yesterday, while researching one of Trudeau’s appointed fellow Communists, Jean-Louis Gagnon of Information Canada, I stumbled over an item in the April 27th, 1972 edition of the Ottawa Citizen newspaper. It also appeared in the Windsor Star the day before.


Just one year after the Stang piece, the John Birch Society was going to set up a Canadian branch and schedule public lectures — supposedly to wake up Canadians.


I don’t’ know what happened to JBS Canada, if they finally got set up or not, or gave up on the prospect of waking Canadians up to Communism. They don’t seem to be here now, and I’ve searched google a couple of times. The U.S. JBS site seems to have no link to a Canadian branch.


I wonder if the 1971 Stang article inspired an attempt to set up JBS in Canada, or if it was part of a planned expansion into Canada, to pave the way for it. It would be interesting to know how the Birchers came and went.



Anonymous ID: a4d0cd Dec. 18, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.7548392   🗄️.is 🔗kun




Remember, this is one year after the date that Stang published in American Opinion: “Canada – How The Communists Took Control“.


Here’s the article:

Birchers organizing in Canada


Source: Birchers organizing in Canada

Ottawa Citizen – Apr 27, 1972


Scroll to p. 18 of 70 in the search on that link, to view the original.


Also in Windsor Star.


TORONTO (CP) — The United States-based John Birch Society is beginning an organizational drive in Canada with a series of publ­ic lectures in local high schools next week, the anti-Communist group said in a statement Wednesday.


Lt. Col. Gordon Jack Mohr, U.S. Army, retired


Lt. Col. Gordon Jack Mohr, U.S. Army, retired


The ultra-conservative organization with headquar­ters in Belmont, Mass., said the speaker will be Lt. Col. Jack Mohr, a retired United States Army officer who now is a full-time employee of the society.


The statement described him as “one of America’s most highly-decorated veter­ans of the Korean War”‘ who was captured by the North Koreans.


The statement quotes Col. Mohr as saying the United Nations has “promoted the continued control of Communist dictators, and has now welcomed into its midst the Red Chinese murderers.


Continued membership in this organization will only lead to a complete loss of Canada’s and the United States’ own national will and sovereignty.”


The Globe and Mail says the society has hired a full-time organizer for Canada, William Schreck, 32, a for­mer New Jersey business­man who has been in Toron­to for three months.


“The John Birch Society is doing everything in its power to try to fight evil which is manifested in the Communist conspiracy,” he told the newspaper.


“The manifestations of this conspiracy are as prevalent in Canada as they are in the United States. The problems are entirely the same. The United Nations is a major problem but Cana­dians just don’t understand it. [But] they will after we get through.”


Mr. Schreck told The Globe and Mail the society is primarily concerned with U.S. foreign policy.


“American foreign policy is responsible for virtually everything that is going on in the world today,” he said, adding that a Canadian organization was necessary be­cause Canada was equally threatened by Communist conspiracy.


He said the society’s aims in Canada, as in the U.S., “and everywhere,” was to bring about an era of less government, more responsibility, and with God’s help, a better world.\



Anonymous ID: a4d0cd Dec. 18, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.7548838   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Antifa - Never forget their despicable hidden commie subversive tactic's.


Anon's have the Truth on our side. Dark to Light.