Anonymous ID: a636f2 Dec. 18, 2019, 11:56 a.m. No.7548367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8381 >>8433


>>7548225 lb

>Please tell us Barr is going to drop some tactical TRUTH NUKES on the world tonight?


Barr isn't going to say one fucking thing that America doesn't already know.

If anything, Barr will start bringing us all down slowly in preparation for the zero justice that he will be bringing at the end of all of this.

This is the same exact same plan that career crooks play every time the public discovers their fuckery.

Barr is the fixer .. Durham is his tough guy looking butt plug.

Anonymous ID: a636f2 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:01 p.m. No.7548432   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8457 >>8460


>And then Q will get us to focus on some non interesting phrase like it's a secret code or something


I feel a picture of an old guy's ear this time, anon.

haven't had one of those wild goose chases from Q in a while.

… or a pen placed at some obscure angle that is important (to morans) and needs to be researched for 3 days.

Anonymous ID: a636f2 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:05 p.m. No.7548489   🗄️.is 🔗kun



← Q will post this 10 minutes before Barr's nuthingberder interview is over.

Anons will fall over themselves researching what it is, and what i means.

I got $100 that Q pulls some similar distraction .. and another $500 that anons fall for it … again.

Anonymous ID: a636f2 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.7548592   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8610


>A "Market" That Needs $1 Trillion in Panic-Money-Printing by the Fed to Stave Off Implosion Is Not a Market


I have a feeling that this is the fed supporting the Chicom selloff of US stocks.

I don't agree with it … the market should stand on its own … but the fed and politicians' fuckery puts all American wealth at risk if they don't step in and support this Chink selloff.


I hope it works.


Anons: don't put you fucking Christmas Bonus into this market now- that's why it's going up beyond true value right now … don't chase this market! wait for the fucking pullback! Two months.