Anonymous ID: c9917b Dec. 18, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.7548567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8594

Sauce for post about Q's "JK" in LB:


Crypto-Jew John-he's-not-Irish-Kerry


John Kerry's Grandfather was Fritz Kohn who in 1901 changed his name to Frederic Kerry

Fred Kerry married Ida Loewe, a Jewish musician from Budapest


Ida was a descendant of Sinai Loew, a brother of Rabbi Judah Loew, the famous Kabbalist, philosopher, and Talmudist known as the "Maharal of Prague" who some say invented the character of the Golem.


>In 1921, Fred Kerry, at age 48, entered a Boston hotel and shot himself in the head.


John-he's-not-Irish-Kerry's Grandmother's Uncle Invented The Golem


*Note - Another former US Secretary of State who was also a Crypto-Jew was Madeleine Albright.


>How many OTHER Crypto-Jews are in Positions of Power in America?

