Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.7549082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9121

Adam Schiff leads cult-like Democrats to their own mass suicide, following in the footsteps of Marshall Applewhite, founder of California’s Heaven’s Gate cult


As Democrats tie political nooses around their own necks in a stunning display of coordinated mass political suicide, we are reminded that California is home to all sorts of cults and cult leaders who repeatedly manage to convince large numbers of people to do insanely self-destructive things.


The effort to impeach Trump, led largely by California Democrat Adam Schiff, rests entirely on the charge of a thought crime, where Trump is accused of thinking certain things as he took actions to root out corruption and malfeasance in Ukraine. The Democrats have attributed to Trump the most malicious thought crimes they could imagine, and there’s quite a rich kaleidoscope of horrors in the minds of these Dems, considering how many of them are child-raping perverts, drug users and sexual deviants in one way or another.


Schiff isn’t the first California lunatic to lead a group of people to their own destruction, of course. In 1997, the Heaven’s Gate cult, headed by an influential sociopath named Marshall Applewhite, led his 38 loyal followers to commit mass suicide by eating applesauce laced with phenobarbital.

The lunatic cult leader looks shockingly similar to Adam Schiff, the crazed, wild-eyed conspiracy engineer who led the Democrats’ fake “investigation” into Trump:


What Schiff and Applewhite have in common is that they are both leading their followers to commit mass suicide. In Schiff’s case, his “followers” are Democrat House members who are figuratively tying nooses around their own necks as they vote for impeachment, forever cementing their names as co-conspirators in a staged, treasonous political coup attempt against the United States of America.


Applewhite’s followers died from phenobarbital while believing they would be teleported to a “mother ship” that would save their souls. We don’t yet know how Schiff’s lawmakers will die, but they no doubt believe that are about to be elevated to heroic status as “saviors” of America, even as they plunge swords into their own political futures and bleed out every last drop of credibility they squandered.


Key to the power of a cult leader is denying its members access to any outside information that might contradict the false beliefs of the cult itself. That’s why Adam Schiff would not allow Republicans to call witnesses during his secret basement “trials” in which so-called “witnesses” actually had not witnessed anything at all. The entire fiasco was very much like a “cult confession” phenomena where cult members “testify” their faith in the cult leader and his twisted beliefs.

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:55 p.m. No.7549111   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9124 >>9341 >>9485 >>9654

Five Times Golden Boy Obama Obstructed Congress and Democrats Didn’t Impeach


With the full House of Representatives expected to vote on impeachment Wednesday, it seems appropriate to point out—again—how if Democrats’ public sentiments about impeachment were sincere, and not purely partisan, they’d have impeached Obama for the very same things… many, many, many times.


In addition to “abuse of power,” Democrats have charged President Trump with “obstruction of Congress” over the refusal of the White House to simply allow individuals to testify. The Trump White House, like his predecessors’, is very much aware of the separation of powers, and hasn't given Democrats open season to call any witness they want to be grilled for hours without some pushback. This is technically how the system is supposed to work. Congress can subpoena witnesses and documents from the executive branch, but the executive branch can fight those in the courts. Democrats, not wanting to prolong impeachment and risk severe public blowback, have essentially argued that such refusals to comply with the first request merit “obstruction of Congress.”


So, let’s take a look at just a few examples of their golden boy Obama doing the exact same thing, and then we can ask ourselves “Why didn’t Congress impeach Obama over this?” If the same standard they’re applying to Trump today were applied to Obama, the latter would have been kicked to the curb.


  1. Refusing to let the White House social secretary testify on party-crashers scandal


In 2009, two party-crashers got past the Secret Service during a state dinner, and managed to meet and shake hands with Barack Obama. How does such a breach in security happen? Congress wanted to know and opened up an investigation. For some reason, though, the White House wasn’t equally interested in investigating the breach, and when White House Social Secretary Desirée Rogers was asked to testify before Congress, the White House refused to let her, citing separation of powers as the reason. There wasn’t anything partisan about this investigation. In fact, Democrats were the ones running it. The refusal to comply with the investigation was bizarre, and legal scholars found the “separation of powers” excuse in this particular case to be rather dubious.


What was the Obama White House really trying to hide? Who knows? But, despite “obstructing Congress,” the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives didn’t launch an impeachment inquiry.

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:56 p.m. No.7549132   🗄️.is 🔗kun

America’s illegal alien population is three times Europe’s


American conservatives are concerned that we are a step or two behind Europe in committing open-borders suicide. But if you actually look at the numbers, in many respects America is blazing the trail to destruction much more swiftly than Europe.


A recent Pew Research report estimated the entire illegal immigrant population of Europe is 3.9-4.8 million. That is for an entire continent of 747 million people. The U.S. is less than half the size, yet the estimates of the illegal alien population range from 11 million to as high as 22 million.


Pew, as well as other left-leaning groups, likes to say there were only 12 million illegal aliens last decade and that the number has actually gone down in recent years. But the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) notes how they rely on census data that has traditionally undercounted illegal aliens by 15-35 percent. Moreover, given the massive influx of Central Americans in recent years, it is laughable how some of these organization can say that the numbers haven’t moved. ICE’s docket of non-detained aliens targeted for removal alone has grown by roughly one million since 2017, while the immigration court backlog has grown nearly tenfold over the decade.


Former DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen was asked at a hearing last December whether the number of illegal aliens was closer to 11 or 12 million or 22 million, as estimated by a recent Yale/MIT study. Nielsen admitted that there definitely are somewhere between 12 and 22 million, “higher than originally estimated.” That was before one million illegal aliens were apprehended the following year and countless snuck through the border in one of the worst border crises in recent memory.


FAIR therefore estimates that there are 14.3 million illegal aliens at a minimum, not including the 4.8 million children born to them on our soil that are erroneously viewed as citizens by the courts and bureaucrats. Most European countries don’t have such a policy.


That is an enormous number, even if it’s not up to 22 million. The burden is incalculable, which is why it’s so dishonest for politicians to continue demanding that we bring in more refugees. At most, Great Britain has 800,000-1.2 million illegal aliens, Germany has 1-1.2 million, and France has 300,000-400,000, according to Pew.

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.7549166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9175 >>9230 >>9286 >>9341 >>9485 >>9654

Ousted President Evo Morales Says Transnational Corporations, US Gov’t Were Behind Bolivia Coup


In a tell-all interview with Glen Greenwald from Mexico, ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales recounted the US’ heavy hand in fomenting a coup in his country and the reasons behind it.


Ousted Bolivian President Evo Morales did not hold back on his criticism of U.S. empire in an interview with Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald in Mexico. Morales was overthrown last month in a U.S.-backed coup that has left dozens dead and a country in upheaval. While faces in the White House may change, the same imperialist policies remain in place, Morales explained. Between Obama, Bush and Trump, he said:


I doubt that there are differences between them. Maybe in their form, but at the end of the day, there are no differences between them. They all speak of peace, but none speak of social justice or the independence of states, the dignity or identity of the people…so, as far as I see, democracy in America deceives its people into voting but neither the people nor the government rule, it is the transnational corporations who govern, whether it’s the Democrats or Republicans.”


The longtime democratically elected president of Bolivia claimed that he was under pressure from the U.S. from day one of his presidency to put Washington and American corporations before his people. The U.S. Ambassador immediately instructed him that his country could not have any relations with Iran or neighboring states Cuba and Venezuela. “We are not a colony of the United States!” Morales told Greenwald. The calm and affable president, wearing a humble local jacket, told him that one former head of state warned him to “watch out for the U.S.” joking that there are no coups in America because there are no American embassies there.

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 1 p.m. No.7549180   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Hong Kong Cancels New Year’s Eve Fireworks Show Over Anti-Government Protest Fears


Tourism officials from Hong Kong are citing protest-related security concerns as the reason behind the recent cancelation of the special administrative region’s annual New Year’s Eve fireworks celebration.


The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) announced Wednesday that for the first time in 10 years, the city will not have a fireworks display on December 31 over Victoria Harbor in celebration of the new year.


“The HKTB places high importance on public safety of all events it organizes,” the group said in a statement, as reported by Bloomberg. “In view of the current situation in Hong Kong, we have decided to adopt a new format for this year’s New Year Countdown event.”


Rather than the usual fireworks display, the HKTB has instead organized a "Symphony of Lights” light show above the harbor, complete with rooftop pyrotechnics from participating buildings.


The board also noted the unemployment rate for the city’s food and beverage industry has hit a seven-year high, and Hong Kong Airlines reported a 46% year on year drop in passenger arrivals, according to the South China Morning Post. Hong Kong government officials also recently announced the city had experienced a 56% drop in overall tourist figures when comparing November 2019 to November 2018.


In addition to the cancelation of the fireworks display, many shopping malls are expected to be closed during the holiday season following the recent targeting of centers such as Sha Tin’s New Town Plaza by demonstrators over the weekend.


Additionally, a “call-out” has been issued by radical protesters who intend to organize demonstrations at malls to further impact the economy and force the government to address their five central demands.

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:04 p.m. No.7549237   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Member of “The Dark Overlord” Hacking Group Extradited From United Kingdom to Face Charges in St. Louis

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:08 p.m. No.7549283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9305 >>9359 >>9382 >>9472

Nancy Pelosi Compares Impeachment to Battle of the Bulge Against Nazi Germany


Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) launched the debate over the impeachment of President Donald Trump on Wednesday by comparing the Democrats’ struggle to remove him from office to the Battle of the Bulge against Nazi Germany in World War II.


Described as “Hitler’s Last Gamble,” the battle began in December 1944, when the Nazis sent 200,000 troops into a surprise attack against American forces. Though the Americans prevailed, 100,000 were killed or wounded over two months of fighting.

Pelosi drew an analogy between the impeachment debate and that battle, the largest ever fought by the U.S. Army:


Last week, in observance of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, members [of the House of Representatives] travelled to that hallowed ground to express our gratitude to the heroes who sacrificed everything to secure victory of freedom over tyranny, not just for America, but for the world. The veterans of that battle — who were there, in their nineties — told us how after the war was worn, the Europeans to whom they liberated would ask, “Why did you risk us? You don’t know us, and give your lives to save us — we’re not Americans?” And our men would say, “We came here to fight for you, not because you are Americans, because we are Americans.” As our beloved [late] chairman Elijah Cummings, and Oversight Committee chair, our North Star, said when announcing his support for this action, quote, “When the history books are written about this tumultuous era I want them to show I was among those in the House of Representatives who stood up to lawlessness and tyranny. … I know that he and all of us here are very proud of the moral courage of members who want to honor the vision of our Founders for a republic, the sacrifice of our men and women in uniform to defend it, and the aspirations of our children to live freely within it. Today we are here to defend democracy for the people. May God bless America.


Pelosi was right, in one sense: the Battle of the Bulge was the last-ditch effort of a determined enemy of freedom to stave off inevitable defeat.


And you're the NAZI's Nancy, you crusty old cunt!

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:13 p.m. No.7549340   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9352

Children in Scotland Will Be Able to Legally ‘Change Their Gender’ After Just Six Months


The Scottish National Party (SNP) has unveiled a set of proposals that would allow 16-year-old children to legally change their gender after a period of just six months.


The Equalities Minister of Scotland, Shirley-Anne Somerville, published draft legislation that would allow anyone in Scotland, including 16-year-old children, to legally change their gender within six months of applying to the government.


Under the Gender Recognition Act, applicants must prove that they have been living in their “acquired gender” for at least three months, then following a three-month “reflection period” the change would be approved by the government, reports The Telegraph.


“We are proposing these reforms because the current system is viewed by many wishing to apply as traumatic and demeaning,” said Ms Sommerville.


“Women’s rights and protections will be as strong under this Bill as they are today, as we remain committed to protect, respect, and advance the rights of women and girls,” she added.


The manager of the Scottish Trans Alliance, James Morton, said: “The current process to change the sex on a trans person’s birth certificate is a humiliating, offensive, and expensive red-tape nightmare which requires them to submit intrusive psychiatric evidence to a faceless tribunal panel years after they transitioned.”


The bill will contain some provisions baring trans women from entering certain jobs, including rape counsellors, religious posts as well as from the army if such a person would undermine “combat effectiveness”.

Anonymous ID: 29ecb0 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.7549370   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9396 >>9485 >>9654

Rep. Louie Gohmert GOES OFF After Nadler Accuses Him of Spouting ‘Russian Propaganda’ During Impeachment Debate (VIDEO)


Rep. Louie Gohmert went off during the impeachment debate after Rep. Jerry Nadler accused him of spouting “Russian propaganda” on the House floor.


The fireworks took place after Texas Rep. Gohmert said Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election.


“This country’s end is now in sight!” he shouted. “And I hope I don’t live to see it! This is an outrage!”


Rep. Nadler responded by the statement by claiming he was dismayed that a lawmaker would “spout Russian propaganda.”


In response, Gohmert reapproached the microphone, which was off, and began shouting at Rep. Nadler to take down his words as the gavel banged.