Anonymous ID: 6024d6 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:06 p.m. No.7549251   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9317

>>7549069 Also they are saying that no one can be above the law or below the law, because THERE IS NO LAW. In their hearts anyway, this is their goal—to rule as unchallenged overlords, with zero constraints on their satanic behavior, intending to live "forever" via either constant organ replacement or mechanical bodies. With an endless supply of humans to enslave, rape, torture, & kill/eat–all enforced by Skynet/AI.

Anonymous ID: 6024d6 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:20 p.m. No.7549420   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Saw a research result once that said the majority of people literally would rather die than have to get up and speak in public. They have a mighty, insurmountable fear having many pairs of eyes boring into them, disrupting their schtick, peeling them bare (if only they knew what a rush it is), more than they fear death. They derive comfort, and a sense of safety, from the herd. The same thing applies to accepting the repeated programming via media. Therein lies a sense of false safety. Many of them fear having that security blanket stripped away more than death. They would rather be wrong and die with the entire herd, than risk going against the herd, being wrong, and being humiliated. This is why we are patient while winning gradually—each person who finds the courage to come over to us gives more people the courage, the cover, to do the same.