Anonymous ID: 7a9684 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:12 p.m. No.7549327   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9620

Junction of Northumberland Avenue and Victoria Embankment, UK.


Re: Q's London Pics.


Item 1 → Q confirmed Security Camera above the Junction and aimed toward the River Thames/ Embankment.


Note the docking station for bike hires and the associated sign on sidewalk.


Pic of docking stations. One on corner of junction. Another at pedestrian crossing near the entrance to the Corninthia Hotel.


Recall that Q linked the London pics via the Corinthia Hotel image dropped.


Moar …





>>>>7544266 OB

Anonymous ID: 7a9684 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:37 p.m. No.7549620   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Q's London pic of The Ch Hotel, daytime, is used here as a reference point for orientation. Features provide confirmation for time range discussed earlier today.




Think government supply, prime real estate, transformation 2010-2011. It was shrouded in scaffolding for about a year. Then, in 2012, Olympics. Remember marathon route?


Then-Mayor Boris launched Barclays Bikes aka Boris Bikes and docking stations around the city. These are landmarks that actually leave scar-like marks even if removed or relocated.


Example relevant to Q pics.


Item 2 - pic from vid, view of these features of the CH drop -- vantage point stairway from Jubilee Footbridge to street level on Northumberland in vicinity of hotel and the Playhouse Theatre.


Item 3 - reverse view of image that Q confirmed. Note the Whitehall Gardens behind fence on the left, Playhouse in background, docking station (with sign), location sign at sidewalk "Northumberland Avenue WC2", and CH hotel in background on left behind cover of tree. The 2nd docking station is located to the left of the black car's positon.