Anonymous ID: 9ead0d Dec. 18, 2019, 12:58 p.m. No.7549157   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Instead of calling a disheartened American a dribbling idiot for not tolerating inaction by "patriots in control" informing as many people as possible for the need to unite, you should be preparing for that moment when it is revealed this has been a psyop aimed at hoping to avoid the inevitable, allowing time for "good" people in DC to gather up the courage to do what is right and necessary. Should that fail, then we do what we have done historically. We annihilate the problem. It feels good to accept that possibility. Nothing to fear at all. Worst thing I can think of is surrendering to them without a fight!

Anonymous ID: 9ead0d Dec. 18, 2019, 1:16 p.m. No.7549368   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I also come from a lineage (both sides) who fought during all the important conflicts dating back to the Revolutionary War. One side were even Quakers, with roots in nobility dating back to 1066, who arrived with William Penn, and who saw the need to take up arms against the Crown! Not many can claim a direct connection to 1812, with documents to prove it, plus a still existing fruit orchard that began from a pension from the Navy for having participated during that important conflict. Also a released civil war prisoner (the winning side) from an infamous battle, who returned back to service during, then after the war was over. Me? Ready, willing and able! Skills a plenty. Target rich environment.