Anonymous ID: d4ff50 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:43 p.m. No.7549676   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9685 >>9707


Catholic Priest Jailed in Poland for Warning that Jews Intend to Destroy and Enslave Them


Posted by EU Times on Dec 17th, 2019 // 2 Comments




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Jacek Miedlar, a former Catholic priest and prominent nationalist figure, has been arrested in “based conservative” Poland for publishing an ‘antisemitic’ historical essay that prosecutors claim allegedly violates the country’s laws against promoting fascism, totalitarian state systems, and vaguely defined ‘hatred’:


Jacek Miedlar — who enjoys a high profile on the Polish far right — was arrested at his home last Friday by officers from the ABW, Poland’s domestic security agency.


According to Stanislaw Zaryn, a spokesperson for the ABW, the former priest was being charged with incitement after he published an manifesto online with the title “Poland in the Shadow of Jewry.”


The screed accuses Jews of conspiring against Polish independence over the course of a century, labeling them as Poland’s “most vicious enemy” whose goal is to “mutilate and enslave Poland.”


The news of Miedlar’s arrest was announced on Friday morning by Grzegorz Braun, an MP from the far-right Confederation (Konfederacja) Party, who told reporters that the ABW officers had cited Article 256 of the Polish Penal Code, which punishes the promotion of “totalitarian” ideologies and national, religious or ethnic hatred with up to two years in prison.


Speaking on Monday, Miedlar accused the Polish authorities of behaving like the former communist regime in the country.


“They treated me like a common criminal,” Miedlar complained, adding that ABW officers had spent six hours carrying out “various activities” in his home. Officers confiscated neo-Nazi T-shirts as well as two computers and a number of cell phones.


“They didn’t leave with drugs, explosives or guns, because I don’t have any,” Miedlar said.


Ordained as a Catholic priest in 2015, Miedlar rapidly established himself in ultranationalist circles as a hardline ideologue, railing against “Talmudic Jews” at a far-right rally in Warsaw the same year.


n April 2016, he delivered a sermon at the cathedral in the city of Bialystock in which he ranted about the “Jewish mob [who] want to bring you to your knees, to grind, swallow, digest and in the end spit you out.” He then declared that “uncompromising national-Catholic radicalism” was the best “chemotherapy” for Poland’s “cancer.”

Anonymous ID: d4ff50 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:44 p.m. No.7549685   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9707 >>9720



Miedlar’s ravings made national news in Poland again last March, when he defended the massacre of 50 worshipers at a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand by an armed neo-Nazi.


Praising Brenton Tarrant, the Christchurch assailant, for the “truly noble statements” he expressed in a rambling hate manifesto posted online before the attack, Miedlar said the atrocity in New Zealand had posed the question, “What does it mean to stand up for white Europe?”


Referring to the shooter by his first name, Miedlar opined that “Brenton” had “some right to do what he did, because he saw the direction in which this so-called civilized world is heading.”


The Catholic Church suspended Miedlar from his priestly duties in 2016 in response to his attacks on Jews. Miedlar has also twice been refused entry to the United Kingdom, where he was invited to speak at rallies organized by the far-right “Britain First” group.


Another Israelite watchman is temporarily silenced not because what he said is false or slanderous, but rather because it’s true, and not only have the Jews betrayed and enslaved the ethnic Christian Poles for the last 1,000 years, they did indeed hand over newly independent Poland after World War I to their fellow communist Jews, and then repeated the insult in the wake of World War II.


These are simple, demonstrable historical facts. But as Nobel-Prizing-winning Russian writer, Alexandr Solzhenitsyn aptly observed, “For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”


And according to The Talmud, if you insult a Jew, even if the insult is The Truth, you will be harassed, arrested, fined, imprisoned, and even put to death if the insult is injurious enough.


After all, the greatest fear of the Jews is that the we will one day wake up to the true extent of their crimes against us. Yes, they truly fear us much more than they fear God. It makes you wonder who their God actually is.


Since the Jews refuse to debate their critics, their only recourse is to silence them, and by doing so, they merely create more antisemitism, which they claim they are trying to eradicate.

Anonymous ID: d4ff50 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:46 p.m. No.7549707   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Key Takeaway: >>7549685 >>7549676


“For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”


And according to The Talmud, if you insult a Jew, even if the insult is The Truth, you will be harassed, arrested, fined, imprisoned, and even put to death if the insult is injurious enough.


After all, the greatest fear of the Jews is that the we will one day wake up to the true extent of their crimes against us. Yes, they truly fear us much more than they fear God. It makes you wonder who their God actually is.


Since the Jews refuse to debate their critics, their only recourse is to silence them, and by doing so, they merely create more antisemitism, which they claim they are trying to eradicate.