Anonymous ID: fb1973 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:29 p.m. No.7549533   🗄️.is 🔗kun

I am watching the DEMazz kangaroo court right now.


Earlier, one of the R representives hit some indisputable points and pointed out the total flaws and complete fraud of the whole 'impeachment' scam and the complicity of the DEMs in the attempt to overthrown the President.


What I found particularly interesting was that he used the word 'bubble' when describing the DEMs and their impeachment scam, and in context indicating Americans know the truth and that the truth will (as is) come out.


First thing that came into my mind when he said 'bubble' was a recent Q drop that included the word 'pop'.



Anonymous ID: fb1973 Dec. 18, 2019, 1:50 p.m. No.7549764   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Traitorous DEMS going on about how they 'honor' the Constitution and must 'uphold' their 'oaths' and 'defend' the Constitution - the very SAME pack of traitors who are even now passing new 'laws' to BAN GUNS and seize everyone's weapons and deny the American People their Second Amendment Constitutional RIGHTS - AND furthermore threatening police, security and sheriff's departments in affected States with firing them from their jobs, withholding funding, fines, prosecution - AND threatening to call in National Guard if they refuse to enforce the 'new' laws of the totalitarian DEMOCRAT regime???


Seriously??? smh


Talk about 'betraying one's 'oath of office' and literally seeking to completely ANNUL the Constitutional RIGHTS of Americans….