Anonymous ID: d5bb23 Dec. 18, 2019, 2:39 p.m. No.7550378   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0475

Dearest Q,


I have fallen down many rabbit holes; before the fall I was the typical person no thought process, no questioning just a feeling of "Something isn't right."


I have learned knowledge that no one I have encounterd wants to hear; the moment it leaves my lips I observe the change in their behaviour and emotion toward me and the information. It's like their mind immediately rejects anything outside of the programming and its like the programming sees the information as a virus and is intent on destroying it and or at least silencing it. Rejection and anger are the typical responses.


I have spoke with many people; from my observations all of them are sick with some form of disease, pain, skin problems, arthritis you name it. When presented with an alternative their mind questions the authenticity of it. It is out of their grasp that an alternative could even exist.


They immediately all react the same and say the same thing. The doctors can't help me, the pills don't help me and I am getting worse. When you inform them that they are the cause of their own problems from their diet, to their environment such as music, movies, chemicals, beauty products etc. They shut down. They do not want to KNOW they can change everything if they change their eating habits and environment.


My final observation; they all sound the SAME! Like a news script, commercial script. Honest to goodness they ALL recite the SAME narrarative no matter the topic at hand. It is truly bizarre to sit back and witness it. They all sound the SAME. Like mindless zombies. I don't know if they have ever had an original thought of their own.


I don't know how to reach them; they want their poison and their "fun". They don't want to think and be self responsible. They want to be TOLD EVERYTHING. Unless of course it is outside of the box they have stuffed their mind in.


Your undertaking is MASSIVE.

I wish you and humanity the best and pray we escape this mind prison.


Thank You,
