Anonymous ID: 5e80d8 Dec. 18, 2019, 10:32 p.m. No.7557472   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7514 >>7531 >>7537 >>7548 >>7554 >>7557 >>7563 >>7574 >>7592 >>7597 >>7604 >>7605 >>7612 >>7613 >>7628 >>7640 >>7643 >>7647 >>7668 >>7669 >>7734 >>7781 >>7796 >>7807 >>7847 >>7878 >>8052

I don't think people are seeing what's right in front of them.


Feinstein runs Congress.


Feinstein, Schumer, Pelosi, Schiff, Nadler, McConnell and about 20 others are the management team that report to the Puppet Masters. They run the Country in a juanta type system with Wetworks, entrenched bureaucrats, Intel and Military/Gov Agency factions. They have integrated the Mafia and MS-13 into their operations via Intel (CIA). They do business with the drug cartels. They have massive under the table operations with China and Russia. They were selling off America a chunk at a time for a seat at the new world order for their families in perpetuity.


This is not about Dem or GOP. This is about President Trump finding the honest parts of the Government, gathering them together, and ejecting the corrupt individuals without starting a Civil War or tanking the economy.


You have to face the reality that the American Dream and the American People were being traded as commodities on the open black market by this 'management team'.


POTUS is working with about 70% of the House Dem Caucus and about 30% of the Senate Dem Caucus to isolate the conspirators so that they can be arrested, charged, tried and convicted.


It's time to wake up and smell the coffee - We were sold out by both parties and right now, at this hour, both parties are trying to figure out:


  1. How to get rid of Trump & White Hats

  2. How to contain the damage they're doing

  3. How to survive while they re-group

  4. How to keep the Public from awakening


What you are seeing is this:


POTUS is systematically isolating the conspirators away from the rest of Congress on both sides of the aisle. The deals White Hats are cutting right now are with both Dems and Rinos that have been ensnared by the Mossad snuff films or financial misdeeds evidence. It's getting very dicey right now in Congress because the conspirators see their markers being dissolved and their power receding. We're at a very critical moment in all this because we're reaching the point of diminishing returns where the people that will take deals have taken them and the people that are too scared or too far into it have refused.


Once the last of the deal takers have been debriefed and their testimony has been integrated into the clean up effort? Arrests begin.


I'm giving you a 50,000ft overview. Think of the hand to hand combat going on in the bowels of DC power right now and the complexities of the interactions, strategies and communications. We as a Nation are in uncharted waters politically, constitutionally and morally.


Luckily God is running the show and POTUS is his anointed Leader in this matter.


I leave you with this. I'm not worried and you shouldn't be either. We have readied ourselves for this moment for 3 years. POTUS has readied himself for 20 years. White Hats have readied themselves for 56 years. God has been ready since he put us on this planet.


Enjoy the Show.


Enjoy the Great Awakening

Anonymous ID: 5e80d8 Dec. 18, 2019, 10:45 p.m. No.7557635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7657 >>7667


What if 80% of the Democrat Party, not only in DC, but in every State Government, was playing ball with POTUS and using 'backchannels' to isolate the conspirators?


That would be something, wouldn't it?

Anonymous ID: 5e80d8 Dec. 18, 2019, 11:22 p.m. No.7557954   🗄️.is 🔗kun

99% of solving a problem is identifying just what the problem is.


That's what President Trump has been doing all his life…


I'm not worried.

Anonymous ID: 5e80d8 Dec. 18, 2019, 11:37 p.m. No.7558094   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Paterno wasn't involved. He knew. He overlooked.


The truth is the child trafficking network that was attached to his program was so powerful that they would have killed him and he knew it.


Paterno was a victim of their system. They took a clean guy and a clean program and destroyed it.


They're leeches. They're parasites. They live to consume, ravage and destroy.


Joe Paterno got run over by Luciferian pedophiles.