zippy aint it??
just think S L O W
>>7557196 pb
the vid clips for q posts are fine, just viewed them
prolly one of those works-for-other-people-but-not-for-me-dammit things.
sense of humor needed at all times
great work, stolen
not quite so literal i think
Sun Tsu said something similar
the idea is that you prepare first in such a way
with such foresight
that when action is finally taken
the result is a foregone conclusion.
Leading by example.
there are those who are neither new nor old
don't remember cbts
but know the roller coaster ride all too well
(middle kid, kek)
well-said, anon.
examining patterns of movement
involving military planes/fleets/yachts
can reveal a lot about what is going on
with both white hats & black hats
depending upon what is being watched
Even just comparing what is normal
with what is not is useful
Not a trivial 'tell'
Could be critical in some situations
there are no military yachts, haha
that adjective would apply only to ships & planes
but anons who have been around for a while
know why we track yachts as well
Baker here for the moment
Just can't stay much longer
(Eyes going too many hours on the board)
But board is moving so
can bake