Trump should demand videotape of his testimony and produce a bunch of documents and film incriminating Mueller in multiple acts of treason and felonies.
A Boom! never has a ? only a ! The only Boom! i see rn is the House Russia Report, but even that will result in no direct action, only possible referrals to DOJ for "investigation." Check back in 2019 for actual actions.
If Q thinks i'm going to watch crap tv shows for any reason, Q can kiss my ass.
Extremely fuckable look.
Picasso worked until he died at age 92, Chagall at age 98. If your work is something that benefits mankind, yourself and your family, you should never quit. "Retire and you expire." ~ well-known executive quote utilized by Trump.
I taught my dog to pretend-Heil Hitler.
Pretty good source. Reasonable people.
Yeah, it's on reddit.
Which Hannity tick-tock clock ever struck a bell? Even 1?
They are called Baaaaaaatists anon, sheep are on fb.
Yuge issue.
I think congressional authority to fire them all is what DJT referred to during the SOTU.
Video or it didnt happen.
I can hardly keep up with all the demoncrat suicides and arrests. Or are they murders perpetrated BY demoncrats? So exciting.
Pocket Veto their bill and send them packing for 30 days, get something done for a change.
The Maldives are nice when U.S. indictments issue.
Yeah. Enjoy the show!
Salman, however, countered as fuck!
Pocket veto
No, we but we do have stolen elections in VA, AL and PA. Only 47 states to go!
Agree. The potential reactions is HIGHLY EXAGGERATED. Nobody will follow locked-up losers, Soetero is not hip in handcuffs. Just put it all on tv and watch the normies beg to see him killed.
I give Trump a B+ on general polity, a C on swamp draining to date.
Just the same as what were seeing plus personal acquaintance with POTUS modus operandi.
Agree, that would mean arrests in the next few months.
100% clown faggotry.
Mueller is a crook.
That's some faggy shit right there.
Seems like the planefags got bored and tired because never any confirmations.
Some lawyers do good work, like the guys at Judicial Watch. I was in law 30 years, it's extremely grueling, a football game every day is how I thought of it and treated it. I dont recommend law as a profession, it's over as we know it, as is medicine, it's just a matter of time.
Artists work way more than 8 hours a day. Matisse stated that he worked 24/7/365 for 60 years and he wasnt far wrong.