Anonymous ID: 4f8878 Dec. 19, 2019, 9:36 a.m. No.7560893   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Had some weird dreams last night. I know they amount to nothing but oftentimes through my life I have found them to be extended forms of deja vu I would later experience or see. In the dream it was like a rerun of an older dream I once had when I was walking into a Target on the phone with family member and all of a sudden in the distance and behind Target a massive explosion took place (far in the distance), it was a huge cloud, nuclear mushroom shaped. Then the dream shifted and Schiff was being escorted to a SUV by two individuals in black with very odd looking military masks, like nothing I have seen before. He was yelling "I am an American citizen, this is illegal!". Then it shifted again to DC where a huge crowd gathered and POTUS gave a speech which started as "In every generation comes times we work for the greater good and must fight those who wish to harm us, today I have issued the orders for… " then it shifted again and it was as if I had aeriel oversight as I watched from town to town as those same black uniformed groups were engaged across many areas. In one case they were entering a building protected by people in police uniforms with (what I assume was feds) yelling at the police to stand down or be considered hostile.


Then it shifted back to the POTUS giving the speech again. By the end of the speech (he looked older), a large craft with US emblems flew over and rocketed upward (as in toward space) as he said that "we can never return power to those who seek to harm us, we will forever be vigilant against powers that seek to harm us".


Then I woke up.

Anonymous ID: 4f8878 Dec. 19, 2019, 9:57 a.m. No.7561296   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Back channel comment is interesting. Makes me wonder about a previous post I made about if the FSB warned POTUS about that Kate situation.