Anonymous ID: e4f3cf Dec. 19, 2019, 10:37 a.m. No.7561851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1898



Fabian Society members founded the British Labour Party, the London School of Economics, the International Court of Justice at The Hague, and were largely involved in the creation of the UN and the League of Nations before it. They have enormous influence in global matters, yet hardly anyone knows who they are and what they stand for.


…The UN’s Agenda 21 is an example of a Fabian Society program that sets international requirements for how people must live, learn, travel, eat and communicate. Its sole purpose is control of people, not protection of the environment"

Anonymous ID: e4f3cf Dec. 19, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.7561898   🗄️.is 🔗kun



After the Second World War, Huxley’s sons Aldous and Julian contributed enormously to brainwashing the young generation with rock music, sex and drugs, thereby achieving social control. Wells later called Hitler his twin brother in spirit.


As early as 1855, the Masonic socialist Alexander Herzen observed: “It is possible to lead a whole generation astray, blind it, blunt it, and guide it towards the wrong goals…” (Alexander Herzen, “From the Other Shore”, Tallinn, 1970, p. 130).


During the First World War, Wells led the propaganda department of the British intelligence service. He was an adviser on the development of military equipment in both world wars.

In 1901, Wells published “Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress upon Human Life and Thought”, where for the first time he introduced the idea of an ‘open conspiracy’ leading to a “world state with one language and one government’”.


Wells demanded that the less worthy be killed. The Elite should decide who the less worthy was. Wells wrote: “For a multitude of contemptible and silly creatures, fear-driven and helpless and useless, unhappy or hatefully happy in the midst of squalid dishonour, feeble, ugly, inefficient, born of unrestrained lusts, and increasing and multiplying through sheer incontinence and stupidity, the men of the New Republic will have little pity and less benevolence.”


Wells emphasized: "They will hold, I anticipate, that a certain portion of the population - the small minority, for example, afflicted with indisputably transmissible diseases, with transmissible mental disorders, with such hideous incurable habits of mind as the craving for intoxication - exists only on sufferance, out of pity and patience, and on the understanding that they do not propagate; and I do not foresee any reason to suppose that they will hesitate to kill when that sufferance is abused…


They will have an ideal that will make killing worth the while; like Abraham, they will have the faith to kill, and they will have no superstitions about death… All such killing will be done with an opiate…


If deterrent punishments are used at all in the code of the future, the deterrent will neither be death, or mutilation of the body, nor mutilation of the life by imprisonment, nor any horrible things like that, but good scientifically caused pain, that will leave nothing but a memory." (Wells, “Anticipations of the Reaction of Mechanical and Scientific Progress Upon Human Life and Thought”, London, 1901, pp. 299-300)


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