` ID: f5bc87 Dec. 19, 2019, 11:48 a.m. No.7562585   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2612 >>2694



Q's drop on back channels confirms something that we have seen on this board before.

I checked it out with:




Aug 28/ 2018

One of the other posts has this link to JFK's speeches




It is interesting, don't you think, that this site offers a translation of this speech in just about every language imaginable up in the top left of the page? I tried Russian, and this part about a small planet


Ибо, в конечном счете наше самое основное общее звено, что мы все живем на этой маленькой планете, Мы все дышим одним воздухом. Мы все дорожим будущее наших детей. И все мы смертны.


Is clearly a human translation, not a machine one.

Think about it. After Vladimir Putin has spent 15 years rooting out corruption in Russia, making his country Great Again, promoting peaceful religious belief, and running a foreign policy in which other countries are always referred to as PARTNERS, along comes Donald Trump in the USA, rooting out corruption, MAGA, restoring religion (Merry Christmas frens) and treating foreign nations as bilateral Trade Deal partners.


It was no accident that Trump retweeted a dancer who follows the Galactic Federation of Light. We should by now all understand that we are in the midst of an INTERNATIONAL WAR, a spiritual battle between the forces of evil who want to impose hierarchy and control versus the forces of LIGHT who want to restore God's plan for every human to have FREE WILL and a direct line of communication with God.


The Federation of Light is real. But not everyone fully understands how it works and who it is. So some people have fantastic visions of angels. Others have fantastic visions of spaceships from the Pleiades. But if you dig with an open mind, you will come upon so many coincidences, that you will begin to believe there really has been a hidden society doing battle with the Cult of ConArtists for centuries if not longer. Just like Clan McLeod has been feuding with Clan Sinclair for centuries.


One coincidence that I cannot explain is how a boy born in Leningrad, Soviet Union, could have been raised as a Christian by his mother and a neighborhood priest. And yet that is the biography of Vladimir Putin. And I believe that biography because of the American woman who interviewed him in Leningrad when he worked as an assistant to the Mayor. She found him to be remarkably honest, unlike just about everyone else involved in government. Notice how Russia has never taken any of the bait that the Democrats have thrown at it, to start a war. They have never overstepped the bounds. Yes, they did respond to NATO military exercises with their own military exercises, but every sovereign nation has the right to do this in their territory.


I have always believed that there was a backchannel to Russia, likely working between high ranking military officers, and the military attaches who are stationed in both country's embassies. The Dems suspect this, but have no way to crack the military security and find anything concrete, so they cooked up the whole Russia collusion story.


Yes, there has always been collusion between Trump and the Russian government. But it has always been channeled between military intermediaries as part of a global security gambit, to keep world peace so that everyone can thrive. The Globalist narrative of scarcity on earth is a LIE. The planet could easily handle double the population. But if countries in Africa and Asia had more prosperity at all levels of society, then it is unlikely that the population would ever grow to that point. In China, the strategy is to hamstring the criminal classes so that more ordinary people can share in prosperity. All those factories pumping out export goods, have also been undercutting small Chinese producers. It's just as well that they all fail and shut down so that China's middle class can thrive without criminal oligarchs sitting on their backs. It will happen.

` ID: f5bc87 Dec. 19, 2019, 12:04 p.m. No.7562727   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2752



Read Sun Tzu's Art Of War

It should become clearer.

Also, study how eastern martial arts work. How the opponents strength and momentum are channeled to defeat him.

And read up on Zen. This form of Buddhism originated in China, and then spread to Japan where the Japanese gave it the name, Zen.


What is the sound of one hand clapping?


If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?

` ID: f5bc87 Dec. 19, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.7562828   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2837





Read the works of the prophet Edgar Cayce. His channeling is considered to be the beginning of the New Age, but he was a man of God, not Mammon.


And doesn't the book of Enoch tell us to pray silently, in a quiet and private place? That is how to truly communicate directly with God. No priests needed.

` ID: f5bc87 Dec. 19, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.7562850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2885



The Cult of ConArtists would like you to think that it is all about rituals. But the fact is that it's really about letting go of priests, heroes, gods, and going within yourself to find your personal connection with God. We can all be prophets in our own lives.


But that disrupts the hierarchy that the Cult of ConArtists uses to feed off of us like parasites.