Anonymous ID: 24379d Dec. 19, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.7563888   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3908 >>3919 >>3942 >>3964

Part 1 of 2

Begin Transcript ekim [5:52 AM]

ekim [5:52 AM] set the channel purpose: clean up this mes

brock [5:52 AM] joined post-debate from an invitation by @ekim

brock [5:53 AM] go round up the others. i need some coffee.

ekim [5:53 AM] will do

efink [5:54 AM] motherfucker.

brock [5:54 AM] good morning to u to fink.

efink [5:55 AM] the only good thing about it was that whoever that was, she looked pretty good. how tf did they do that?

brock [5:56 AM] i can't talk. very hush hush. still, we've lost every online poll and we need to get tough here. get this under control.

[5:56] still, i hope we put the sick thing to bed.

[5:56] i hope.

efink [5:57 AM] me 2. do i have time for coffee?

brock [5:57 AM] we're all gonna need a lot of coffee.

ekim [5:58 AM] shaw is on his way sir.

[5:59] i don't see what's so bad. She looked really healthy! I thought she did GREAT!

efink [5:59 AM] she was scoring 3 on AMTS a couple of weeks ago and 22 on mmse. Yeah, whoever that was was normal.

[6:00] but the telemetry sucks. look at all the snap onlines: we're losing 100%

[6:00] romney v obama numbers

ekim [6:01 AM] but those don't mean anything

efink [6:01 AM] it means they're enthusiastic. organized. if they can swarm a poll whats to stop them swarming a voting booth?

[6:01] it also creates a counter-nar. the free press will sniff it. we have to stop the bleeding.

ekim [6:01 AM] k

efink [6:02 AM] don't worry. we have something. GET SHAW OUT OF BED.

[6:02] i'm going for coffee.

cshaw [6:05 AM] hello!

[6:06] hi Liz.

[6:06] I see we're not happy :disappointed:

brock [6:06 AM] Not at all.

cshaw [6:06 AM] I read the round-up. It looked good?

brock [6:07 AM] the round up my burning ass. I'm talking about the real world. Trump made her look like a girl. Today we hit back. We hit back hard.

[6:07] Fink?

efink [6:07 AM] one sec.

[6:10] okay. guys, this is 18-2381 stuff. Got it?

cshaw [6:10 AM] yes

ekim [6:10 AM] yes sir.

efink [6:11 AM] alright. we need to move beyond the disruption scripts and down-voting. we need to start hurting people and that's what this is about. This is about winning because we'll never get a chance at this again. everything is justified. David?

brock [6:11 AM] dramatic.

[6:13] fuck–okay. so the Trump team is an emergent order. thirty million little chan and reddit assholes that bump around and then congeal to vote in a poll or push a meme or make a hashtag trend or whatever. This is new. It isn't like fighting a centrally organized campaign.

Anonymous ID: 24379d Dec. 19, 2019, 1:53 p.m. No.7563890   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3942 >>3964 >>3981 >>4083 >>4088 >>4151

Part 2 of 2

[6:13] It's more like fighting a disease.

[6:14] So what we need to do is break the pattern. The usual means isn't working. Trump's too charismatic. Morale is too high. This is an army of chaos folks.

[6:14] so we have full clearance. Word of God.

[6:15] Fink–let's do this. I have a plane to catch.

efink [6:16 AM] uploaded and commented on an image: foxacid.jpg 1 Comment FOXACID

ekim [6:16 AM] Ew.

cshaw [6:16 AM] i like it! wtf is it??

efink [6:17 AM] This is manna from heaven, kids.

[6:18] We have the use of an NSA intrusion package. We are going to find the thought leaders. the meme-generators. the shit-posters. I need a target analysis for reddit, twitter, and the chans by tomorrow 5 PM.

[6:18] You will monitor, identify, and using the FA software set we have, identify/dox.

cshaw [6:18 AM] that will dox them??

efink [6:20 AM] It will man-on-the-side for the anon boards and intercept traffic. We can use that for IP addresses and loading tracking software and magic lantern onto their devices. Once we have them compromised

[6:20] David? How many do we need?

brock [6:21 AM] I want 150 from 4chan, whatever you can get from 8. I want 1000 top reddit drivers exposed and I want content analysis for their posts. I want the people who are really driving their narrative.

[6:22] I need all that in a packet by tomorrow afternoon with lexical analysis, proof of compromise. I want clips of memes. I want to up-vote patterns. All this has to be inside the US too. We can't use externals.

cshaw [6:23 AM] It won't work outside the US?

efink [6:23 AM] It works fine outside the us you idiot. That's NSA stuff.

brock [6:24 AM] WE don't work outside the US. Do you think this is fucking bean-bag?

[6:24] We are going to disrupt them before this shit goes any further.

[6:24] if they don't have leaders, we're going to get their thought leaders.

cshaw [6:24 AM] like pajama boy!

brock [6:25 AM] I AM NOT N THE MOOD cshaw

cshaw [6:25 AM] sorry

efink [6:26 AM] just get us the target profiles. Hit the numbers. Give us a matrix for each of them. Okay? PII, influence grid, recent activity, Q-rate. Like that.

[6:26] You know what to do.

cshaw [6:26 AM] Yes sir.

ekim [6:26 AM] What are we going to do with that?

brock [6:27 AM] dof u really want tio fucking know, kim?

ekim [6:27 AM] i'm good.

brock [6:28 AM] u better be. I am going to get a plane. You will be up ALL NIGHT. Keep the lab LOCKED. Fink bring in pizza or whatever to keep the kids going.

[6:28] I am out.

cshaw [6:28 AM] does it have to be We the Pizza?

efink [6:29 AM] Brock LIKES WtP. What do you want?

ekim [6:29 AM] Sushi. Sushi would be nice.

efink [6:30 AM] what do you think this is, the Trump campaign. We're getting pizza from We.

[6:30] Get those files together.

ekim [6:30 AM] I'm on it. Do you know what brock is going to do with them? I do kind of want to know, sir.

efink [6:31 AM] google Seth Rich and shut up about it.

cshaw [6:31 AM] OOg.

[6:32] well, they are deplorable. idk. I think we should have done this a long time ago.

efink [6:32 AM] get working kids. I'll check back in a couple. Have something for Brock before he hits the ground. k?

ekim [6:33 AM] I'm sick of We the Pizza.

cshaw [6:33 AM] me2.

[6:33] :confused:

ekim [6:33 AM] :confused: