If you weren't around then, they tried this shit on 4/pol/. It's the r/qult niggers over here, preying on anons who didn't watch this happen and watch them being torn 16 new assholes over it. They tried it last thread, too (and one line they used was "this was scrubbed off many sites, that wouldn't happen if it wasn't legit!") and yet, now here's a link. They will address me as "Brock" and pay attention, you can smell the reddit desperation on them, it's so painful how they try to blend in, but they are very noticeable in their verbiage and overeagerness. Just think, after 3 years, they still can't.
>>Barr interview on in a few minutes
Have you got a link for those who have to watch online?
It's Russian, but it works, also really good for images, much better than gulag and even searches flikr
will archive & add to spreadsheet, ty