Her inaction violates the Sixth Ammendment's 'Speedy Trial' clause!
It is an abuse of process for her to not bring the charges as required and obstruct a speedy trial!
Her inaction violates the Sixth Ammendment's 'Speedy Trial' clause!
It is an abuse of process for her to not bring the charges as required and obstruct a speedy trial!
you don't know anything about advanced image server design, or about the mitigation of DoS attacks.
Nor about DNS and how DNS is the part that makes it all slow at the start, when you get to a page.
a site that is 'freds stupid pictures' site that maybe has his mother or hsi friends go ti are a lot different than one that has tens of thousands of hits per hour, and services millions in almost real time.
and where are the scripts?
server side? Browserside?
in the dns?
you are a blind person who badgers soldiers in the field. These IT professionals might look like an unwashed bunch of amatures, but I also know that one uses what is proven and what works.
if scripts were written well 17 years ago, why wouldn't you use them. Plus php is server side so you have no what to even know what their scripts are doing.
you write it all in .js? that's at the broweser?
how easy a replacement to your version would be.
If this really is Freddie B, I hope you are well.
you should do somethign real instead of trolling here. I thought you were some kind of genius? why don't you make a wheel chair bubble house and float off to Mars? You 'll sell a lot of them.
wow a 'programmer' like 'you'
you don't know who i am or what I know.
you devolve into rants of hatefulness when I give away a billion dollar idea to you of building floating wheel chair bubblehouse that go off into space, collect energy, and give wheel chair bound people something to do besides trolling at 8chan (8kun)
what a jerk you are.
we are here for the future and you are here for your ego.
you should go to Wikiwoe and read about how people feel regret after they say or do stupid things, and finally the karma all catches up to them. Wait, that doesn't exist. maybe you could write it you are such a good programmer.
but are you a 'programmer'? not a net work engineer?
not a software specialist who does deployable systems?
are you a coder?
you know how to do really cool CSS animation?
I'm think of a thousand years of space travel off of simple ideas of bouancy and thermal heat transfers, and you are thinking 'thump my chest like a child and boast about being a 'programmer''
so you have a lot you can work on.
anger managment,
being quick with the mean
ignoring good ideas.