This is a garbage fucking site. What kind of image board can't load images. Maybe CM needs more 17 year old PHP scripts to fix it.
Maybe CM should look into WordPress or Discourse.
Look at all those links at the bottom what kind of hot trash does this site run on?
Has CM ever heard of Node.js or literally anything that's happened in web development since 2007?
The late 1980s hospital gown color scheme is growing on me.
Let Freddy baker.
Toots needs to sober the fuck up a little first
Can you blame them? Anyone who would wear Q merchandise is clearly a disgraceful piece of shit that nobody needs to do business with. Think of the children. Imagine the smell.
It's the product of a 40 year long counterintelligence operation. Be proud.
Don't worry boomer I'm not here to point out what useless fucks you are. Just trash the shitty software and laugh at Q.
Only truly great websites force their users to perform troubleshooting in order to see anything
OK boomer.
Too bad I do know.
Programmers like me don't need morans like you to visit WikiHow to try and explain it
Suck a dick faggot
Dont hurt your brain
How does CM taint taste
FapJack that you? Get the Hellmans
Oh I guess it just makes you a lonely fucking loser then. Good talk.
All I see is *
I'm here for you
Where have you been?
Electrons hurtling throughout the continuum since existence began.
Your taint.
My mouth.
Don't worry about it, nobody here has any fucking clue. Most of the posters here are basement boomer coomers and lonely housewives without the guts to take the black dick to stay occupied.
You're one of the only people here with your wits intact. Cherish it while it lasts and get the fuck off this terrible website before you turn into me.
You don't know my life