Hey Nancy!
The Senate and Trump can invoke the 6th amendment.
Right to a Speedy Trial
Hey Nancy!
The Senate and Trump can invoke the 6th amendment.
Right to a Speedy Trial
Clear cashe but issues yes - had to do it several times almost once an hour.
No house has to appoint Impeachment managers and she won't do it.
contemplation on Impeachment:
The House has the sole power of impeachment and the Senate has the responsibility of trial for those impeached.
So basically; impeachment is like an indictment in the judiciary system. The 'indictment' should be to the level of 'beyond a reasonable doubt' and the evidence provided to the "court" or in this case the House. That evidence would then move to Trial for the evidence and the defense to place their case before a jury/judge or in this case the Senate. The trial portion of this would not be the discovery portion of this process, that should have occurred in the House of Representatives. If the Democrats really wanted to have executive officials as witnesses they would have waited on the court to force them to appear as that is the normal process.
Thusly, the demand of Schumer and Pelosi that the Senate investigate the President further is unfounded.
He has been impeached. Basically all impeachment is is an indictment. How strong the case is will vary. After an indictment or probable cause of a crime the evidence is taken to the court for trial. At the trial the defendant can defend themselves and is not the discovery process and if new information about the case comes forward during trial it must be presented to the judge to see if it is admissible in court.
anyone else get two Emergency Alerts tests on tv today within half hour?
well ain't that sumptun.
Yup an Impeachment is like a legislative indictment, not a judicial indictment. And since they do it in public without a trial it is a smear since it is not sealed before it goes to trial.