Alan Dershowitz: Pelosi's Proposal to Withhold Senate Trial Is Unconstitutional
Now that the House has impeached President Trump, the question is what happens next. Speaker Pelosi has suggested that she may withhold the articles of impeachment from the Senate as part of a negotiating tactic. This ploy drives from an idea put forward by my friend and colleague Laurence Tribe, who has proposed that the Senate not conduct a trial — at least not now.
He would withhold the trial until the Senate agreed to change its rules, or presumably until a new election put many more Democrats in the Senate. Under his proposal, there might never be a Senate trial, but the impeachment would stand as a final and permanent condemnation of President Trump.
This would deny him the right to confront his accusers and to disprove the charges against him. Tribe himself uses a variant of this analogy.
He hypothesizes a situation in which a prosecutor indicts a criminal defendant and then discovers that the proposed trial would be been tainted by jury tampering. Would the prosecutor then not have the right to withhold the trial until such time as an untainted jury could be seated?
As a law professor who has employed hypotheticals for more than half a century, this one fails on its face. A true analogy would be not to a prosecutor who discovered after indictment that the jury was tainted, but to a prosecutor who believed before the indictment that there was no possibility of a fair jury trial.
A prosecutor who indicted under such circumstances — not intending to bring the defendant to trial — would be violating his duty and denying the defendant his fundamental rights.