80% chance that Misfud is dead?
80% chance that Misfud is dead?
An Italian article reports that Misfud's recent mysterious phone call is almost certainly fake, and that a member of the Agrigento Justice system thinks there is an 80% chance that Misfud is dead. (1/3)
Google translation:
Mauro Indelicato, Roberto Vivaldelli
19 December 2019
(Agrigento) In the city of temples it seems that by now everyone has downloaded it. In Agrigento, where the Maltese professor was president of the local university consortium, there is now a real competition for those who take the greatest distance from him. The reference is to Joseph Mifsud, a key figure in the Russiagate, of which there are no traces since October 2017.
No one knew anything
Mifsud arrived in Agrigento in April 2010, presented at the headquarters of the province building as the new president of the University Consortium. At that time the province was the largest shareholder of the institution, so a large part of the political choices depended on what is now known by the Sicilian Region as a "free consortium of municipalities". Eugenio D’Orsi, president of the province from 2008 to 2013, was the promoter of his establishment at the Agrigento university campus, the last one before the dissolution of the body by Rosario Crocetta. "Mifsud - explained D'Orsi in recent days - had given Agrigento some hope. He was a brilliant person, with unlimited knowledge, and we wanted to bring Sicily into the world. The teacher made me contact Malta, and we were going to do the airport thanks to this. That was the best part of him ".
Then, according to the former president of the province, something changed: "In the second part of his experience I say in no uncertain terms that he was a charlatan", said D’Orsi in the interview quoted above. The same former president then confirmed that the decision to choose Mifsud at the time was shared by all the shareholders of the consortium, therefore also a municipality of Agrigento, chamber of commerce and University of Palermo. But today, as mentioned, it is a competition for those who first download the Maltese professor. The town of Agrigento in recent days, through the current mayor Lillo Firetto, announced the establishment as a civil party of the body in the proceeding opened by the prosecutor of the city of temples on the "crazy expenses" operated by Mifsud during his presidency.
A proceeding started after the complaints presented by Giovanni Di Maida, current commissioner of the university consortium, but already at the time a member of the board of directors. He also claims not to have noticed anything, to hear Mifsud justify his travels abroad with the prospect of making agreements with other foreign universities. Agreements then never occurred, he points out Di Maida. However, as pointed out by Felice Cavallaro on the Corriere Della Sera, "perhaps even a few years ago Di Maida himself, who was on the board of directors with professors Maria Immordino and Gianfranco Tuzzolino, could have had some doubts". He, however, like the other protagonists, would have noticed the "crazy expenses" only recently: "Everything went through two officials of the Consortium who said nothing, a lady retired today and an employee who had transferred from the nearby Licata", he explained Di Maida.
In a nutshell, in Agrigento no one had noticed anything or so it was explained by the protagonists. Budget holes, strange phone calls, suspicious journeys, prolonged absences from Agrigento, these are elements that have only jumped out now, just when the name of Mifsud was no longer confined to the pages of local news. And it is only now, from a political point of view, that everyone in the city has begun to distance themselves from the Maltese professor.
An Italian article reports that Misfud's recent mysterious phone call is almost certainly fake, and that a member of the Agrigento Justice system thinks there is an 80% chance that Misfud is dead. (2/3)
The suspect hovers in the prosecution
There is however another aspect that is destined to cast further shadow on the affair. A lawsuit against Mifsud was initiated by the Agrigento magistrates, guilty of having contributed to sending the budgets of the university consortium red. Perhaps in creating that financial disaster the Maltese professor was helped by someone. This is also what the prosecutor would like to ascertain in his inquiry. The problem however, and this is the element that stands out the most at the moment, is that Mifsud cannot be traced. As mentioned at the beginning of the article, he lost track of him in 2017, now more than two years ago: "The investigative office of Agrigento has activated the procedures for the notification, very complex also because the suspects are those that may not be more alive ”, reads a note from the AGI some days ago.
But from the prosecutor's offices in the last few hours even more net suspicions have leaked out. The rumors are growing that the Agrigento magistrates are now almost certain that they are dealing with a suspect who, in the future, will have no way of defending themselves in a courtroom or at a political level: "The odds that Mifsud is dead are very high ”, confirms a source of the Agrigento court of justice. "Let's talk about 80% chance".
That suspicion about the fate of Mifsud
There is another element that pushes us to hypothesize that Joseph Mifsud can - the conditional one is obliged, of course - not to be alive anymore, to relate to the voices of corridor of the prosecutor just mentioned. Although it is obvious that we hope that this is not the case at all. Let's talk about the enigmatic audio file sent to the editors of Adnkronos and Il Corriere della Sera: "I hope you will let me know my words, please listen to the attached files," says the voice of a person who qualifies as Joseph Mifsud and who , on 11 November 2019, issues those statements.
However, an expert - one of the most qualified in Italy - to whom we have listened to audio files has no doubts: the voice is not that of the professor. "I am convinced that the audio file is a fake and that the person who speaks is not Professor Joseph Mifsud". The forensic science expert states, one of the most important in Italy in this field, that Inside Over contacted through Cristina Sartori, judicial graphologist at the Court of Trento. The expert compared the audio file sent by the alleged Mifsud to the press agency Adnkronos and the Corriere della Sera, with two videos on Youtube in which the teacher speaks.
An Italian article reports that Misfud's recent mysterious phone call is almost certainly fake, and that a member of the Agrigento Justice system thinks there is an 80% chance that Misfud is dead. (3/3)
The analysis of the expert we contacted is extremely interesting: "It was recorded with a microphone attached to the collar of the shirt, in a very large environment, directly connected to the computer, there is a lot of echo," he explains to InsideOver. "In the audio file sent to the Italian newspapers - he observes - we also hear the voice of a woman, towards the end, which says 22". The person of the audio message, he continues, "does not have the same cadence as the real Mifsud of the videos, which dragged the vowels because of his breathing. This thing in the audio file is never there and I'm pretty convinced it's a fake. " Even his lawyer, Stephan Roh, had denied Adnkronos that the person of the audio message was the Maltese teacher: "It is absolutely false, 100 percent." Roh says: "Voice too high, not his accent, not the tone, he looks like a real Italian".
At this point, assuming that the appraiser is indeed right (as we believe), the question is obligatory: why would anyone make a fake audio? There are two cases: either the Maltese teacher continues to hide - who knows where - or, at worst, we are talking about a person who may no longer be alive. The last person who saw her in Rome told Panorama that "Joe has a nice apartment in Parioli, I saw him there last time. It was March 2018, ”explains the source. "That [Joseph Mifsud] disappeared in 2017, I read it in the newspapers. I saw him last time in Parioli, near Piazza Euclide, where Joe had a beautiful apartment ". And then?
The hideout in the Marche region
Starting October 31st 2017 - official date of the disappearance - as ascertained by La Verità, the Maltese professor was a guest at the home of Alessandro Zampini, a surgeon specialized in odontostomatology, located six kilometers from Matelica, in Esanatoglia, a small town in province of Macerata, one of the most beautiful towns in Italy. According to Truth, Zampini would not be a "friend" of Vanna Fadini, administrator of Global education management (Gem), the Link Campus University management company, but his partner. The dentist lives in Rome but often returns to the small Marche region, where his mother Luciana lives. The name of Zampini, until some time ago, also appeared among the members of the board of the Link Campus.
As Mifsud himself explains in the deposition given to John Durham: "I stayed there for over two months - he explains - I spent these two months thinking about how to recover my health, which was one of the most important things, and also time to gather my ideas and points of view on what actually happened ". The testimonies gathered by the Truth confirm the professor's stay in Esanatoglia, in the house of Zampini.
Who is Joseph Mifsud
According to the official reconstruction, the teacher stated in a meeting in April 2016 to George Papadopoulos, advisor in the Donald Trump campaign, that he learned that the Russian government had "compromising material" (dirt) on Hillary Clinton "in the form of e- email ". At that point, the President's former consultant would have repeated this information to the Australian High Commissioner in London, Alexander Downer, who in turn reported everything to the American authorities. From here, on 31 July 2016, the FBI investigations on the alleged links between Trump and Russia started, accusations that later proved to be inconsistent. But then who designed and packaged everything with the aim of "fitting in" Trump? American justice is taking its course with the criminal investigation of John Durham.
On 7 November 2018 Giulio Occhionero - at the center of the EyePiramid affair - presented a complaint to the prosecutor's office of the Republic of Perugia for the attention of Dr. Gemma Milani, in which Joseph Mifsud is mentioned: as proof that, wherever it is, nobody can hide the fact that the mysterious professor is fundamental in understanding the origins of the Russiagate and an international intrigue that has led, twice, the Attorney General William Barr in Italy to talk with the heads of our secret services. And an American attorney general never moves from Washington DC, except in exceptional cases. Like this.