Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.7566074   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6181 >>6491

“When You’re Brought Up for Treason, What Will Your Response Be Then?” – Adam Schiff Confronted on Capitol Hill – Read His Miranda Rights (VIDEO)


Give this guy an award!


America’s Voice correspondent Ben Bergquam confronted Rep. Adam Schiff on Capitol Hill on Thursday before the Democrat party-line vote to impeach President Trump.

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 5:32 p.m. No.7566124   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6144 >>6163 >>6187 >>6236 >>6264 >>6338 >>6401

John Durham asking for John Brennan’s emails, call logs from CIA!


It’s being reported now that John Durham has set his sights on former CIA Director John Brennan, asking for his emails, call logs, and other documents from the CIA:


NY TIMES – The federal prosecutor scrutinizing the Russia investigation has begun examining the role of the former C.I.A. director John O. Brennan in how the intelligence community assessed Russia’s 2016 election interference, according to three people briefed on the inquiry.


John H. Durham, the United States attorney leading the investigation, has requested Mr. Brennan’s emails, call logs and other documents from the C.I.A., according to a person briefed on his inquiry. He wants to learn what Mr. Brennan told other officials, including the former F.B.I. director James B. Comey, about his and the C.I.A.’s views of a notorious dossier of assertions about Russia and Trump associates.


Mr. Durham is also examining whether Mr. Brennan privately contradicted his public comments, including May 2017 testimony to Congress, about both the dossier and about any debate among the intelligence agencies over their conclusions on Russia’s interference, the people said.


The people familiar with Mr. Durham’s inquiry stressed that it was continuing and it was not clear what crimes, if any, he had uncovered. Representatives for Mr. Brennan and the Justice Department declined to comment.


This doesn’t look good for Brennan, who undoubtedly played a big part in this Trump/Russia investigation. That doesn’t mean he’s guilty of any crimes, but if I were a betting man…


In their write-up of this article the Times added in one paragraph to tell the anti-Trump media how they should spin this:


Mr. Durham’s pursuit of Mr. Brennan’s records is certain to add to accusations that Mr. Trump is using the Justice Department to go after his perceived enemies. The president has long attacked Mr. Brennan as part of his narrative about a so-called deep state cabal of Obama administration officials who tried to sabotage his campaign, and Mr. Trump has held out Mr. Durham’s investigation as a potential avenue for proving those claims.


That is complete utter garbage. Even AG Barr, whose interview just aired on McCallum’s show, said he doesn’t even know who Durham is interviewing or investigating because he doesn’t keep up with the day to day. And if he doesn’t know, how the heck is Trump going to know? To suggest Trump is using the DOJ to go after ‘perceived enemies’ is just the NY Times trying to invent an anti-Trump narrative in order to attack the president.


As an aside, Barr said in his interview with McCallum that when he appointed Durham to do the investigation, he didn’t even know Durham personally. He said all that he knew of Durham was that he was legendary in the DOJ as a prosecutor and for being fair. So again, for the NY Times to suggest this is completely baseless and, as I said, garbage.

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 5:36 p.m. No.7566167   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6178 >>6179

Chuck Schumer: Trump Has ‘Lowest Character of any President We Have Ever Had’


Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) joined SiriusXM’s Joe Madison Show on Thursday, where he discussed President Donald Trump’s comments about Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and referred to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as the “grim reaper.”


“You know and knew Congressman Dingell,” Madison said to Schumer. “You knew him, and I would be remiss if I didn’t ask you what you thought about President Trump’s comments yesterday from Battle Creek, Michigan.”


“At a time of solemnity, when he’s being accused of high crimes and misdemeanors, to be nasty, vulgar, and just lying shows the character of the man,” Schumer stated. “He has the lowest character of any president we have ever had.”


“In America, even when we disagreed with other people, they had some degree of high character,” Schumer added. “This man has none.”


Madison then shifted focus to impeachment and inquired about what the Senate trial is going to look like.


“Well, Joe, impeachment is one of the most solemn and serious moments for our country,” Schumer said. “The Constitution states the Senate shall have the power to try impeachments. And it’s an awesome power in the biblical sense, like the angels in awe of God. It’s awesome, and it’s the greatest check that Congress has on a president who breaks the law, who overreaches”:


If this trial is not conducted in a fair way, it is very likely that Donald Trump will overreach even more than he has until now and that future presidents could overreach even further. So it’s very, very serious and we, Democrats in the Senate, have come together on a very, very, simple proposition. The eyewitnesses to what is alleged by the House should come before us as witnesses and all the documents surrounding what happened in the House, which tell the story better than anything else should come before us.


Schumer also said he can “understand” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s “frustration,” saying “she does not want to send the articles over if [Mitch] McConnell is just going to have a sham trial.”


Schumer then delved further into the topic of McConnell and referred to him as the “grim reaper.”


“There are 401 bills that the House has passed, serious bills: background checks for guns, voting rights for people, who are being deprived the right to vote,” Schumer said, adding, “health care so that we can get better health care and get lower costs of drugs, college — making college more affordable and increasing Pell Grants and things like that.”


“McConnell has not dared put one of them on the floor, nor has Trump, and Trump has applauded that,” Schumer added in frustration. “He is the grim reaper. You know what we call the Senate these days? The legislative graveyard — where good bills are sent over by the House, and, you know, we should debate them. We may not agree, but at least let’s debate them, amend them.”


He's reached DeNiro level TDS

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 5:38 p.m. No.7566195   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6443 >>6491

Harvey Weinstein Accused of Sexually Assaulting 16-Year-Old Model in New Lawsuit


Kaja Sokola alleges she was assaulted in 2002 after coming to the U.S. from Poland to work as a model at the age of 16.

On the heels of an announcement that The Weinstein Co. has come to a tentative $25 million settlement with women who accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual misconduct, the embattled mogul is being sued by a former model, who says he assaulted her when she was 16 years old.


Kaja Sokola says she came to the U.S. from Poland in 2002 to work as a model, and she was introduced to Weinstein at an event associated with her agency. According to the complaint, the producer asked her to lunch in the interest of helping her pursue an acting career. She agreed but alleges his driver brought them to Weinstein’s apartment instead. There, she claims “he terrified and sexually abused her.”


Sokola claims that prior to the assault Weinstein told her to succeed as an actress “she would have to be comfortable doing whatever the director told her to do — including losing her inhibitions and getting naked” and afterward insisted “what had just happened was normal.”

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 5:57 p.m. No.7566418   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6466

How The FBI (Or Congress) Can Use Warrant Surveilling One American To Spy On Many More


If you’ve watched the current impeachment proceedings with something beyond a passing interest, you might have heard the controversy over Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) secretly obtaining and then releasing phone records of political rival Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) and journalist John Solomon.


Critics say such an alleged invasion of citizens’ privacy and rights for political purposes is beyond the pale.

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 5:59 p.m. No.7566445   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House-Senate Impeachment Impasse Would Mean Trump Wasn't Impeached At All: Harvard Law Prof

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 6:05 p.m. No.7566509   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Silicon Valley is powering the new military-industrial complex


In early November several dozen experts from the American military industrial complex—including senior officers, defense contracting executives, and think tank advisers—gathered at a hotel a few blocks from the Capitol to discuss artificial intelligence software. While everyone ate lunch, General Jack Shanahan, head of the Joint Artificial Intelligence Center—JAIC, or the “Jake,” as it’s known—sat onstage in his dress uniform and chatted with two civilians in suits: Eric Schmidt, Google’s former chief executive officer, and Kent Walker, its chief legal officer.


The appearance with a high-ranking military officer was a coup for Google. Over the previous two years, the company and its parent, Alphabet Inc., have been criticized relentlessly for being insufficiently patriotic. Its perceived infractions: One, the 2017 decision to open an artificial intelligence lab in Beijing when many in the U.S. had come to see the development of AI as a national priority on par with the Manhattan Project. Two, the 2018 decision, in the face of pressure from employees, to withdraw from Project Maven, a secret government program to use commercial AI software to analyze images from military drones.



Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 6:06 p.m. No.7566519   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6528

Former CEO of Israeli Company Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison for Orchestrating Major International Binary Options Fraud Scheme

Anonymous ID: 735aa7 Dec. 19, 2019, 6:08 p.m. No.7566532   🗄️.is 🔗kun

As House votes to impeach Trump, McConnell pushes 13 judge nominations through Senate


While the rest of Washington focused on impeachment proceedings Wednesday, Mitch McConnell successfully pressed forward on a subject that has been the one knockout success for the Republican Senate and President Donald Trump: judges.

Wednesday afternoon, the Senate majority leader forced a deal with Democrats to expedite 11 federal district judge nominations. Before adjourning on Thursday, all were confirmed.

McConnell's thrust is emblematic of what he sees as his crowning achievement. So far, he has led the charge changing the landscape of the federal courts across the country with a record number of appellate court judges – currently at 50 – and Supreme Court nominees Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh.


"My motto for the remainder of this Congress is 'leave no vacancy behind,'" McConnell told radio host Hugh Hewitt on Wednesday.

McConnell had scheduled procedural votes on nominees coming roughly every two hours. Two votes were held Wednesday before the agreement was reached to speed things along with 11 consecutive votes in the late afternoon.


kek and from this sauce, they are pissed at this