Anonymous ID: 7724cf Dec. 20, 2019, 7:31 a.m. No.7570997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1049 >>1114

Re: Q London pics.


Piccadilly series.









Four of five (4 of 5) filenames begin with Fsurv.


Field surveillance, FBI surveillance, and the like, are possibilities.


Another is a reference to a type of flash drive,

Corsair Flash Survivor Stealth USB Drive

Vid related.


If this was one of the (likely multiple) meanings for Fsurv, then, data transfer of digital information would be part of exchanges.


Viv[a] v Viv[e]

Viv[a] L[e] Revolution

Viv[e] L[a] Revolution


Anons in past have noted possible flub in using Viva (spanish) vesus Vive (french). Also note the use of Le versus La.


Also not that phonetically the [e] in Révolution sounds, in french, like "AY" in english. Swap the [e] for [é] is like another [a] for [e] exchange. And this hints at pronunciation.


That in mind, pay attention to the English accent in the embed vid. The vid does not demonstrate this, but consider the slang use of "me" for "my", ie me football, meh football. Then consider the 8chan/8kun use of muh, muh collusion. Kek.


Pics to follow.

Anonymous ID: 7724cf Dec. 20, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.7571099   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1114 >>1211



Re: Q London pics.


Look again at the Piccadilly pic, Fsurv_londonps1. First note that this filename is the odd-man-out. Similar but no [_] before the ps. Also note that the image does not appear to be taken 1) from same vantage point as other two at Piccadilly and 2) the background buildings are different.


Apart from this, look at the man on the left side of frame. Is he the same as the man in CLAS_WW_UK_ACTIVE_T ? This odd-man-out image might have been taken at similar time of year but not in close proximity, time-wise and possibly location-wise, as the other two Picc pics.



Anonymous ID: 7724cf Dec. 20, 2019, 7:51 a.m. No.7571153   🗄️.is 🔗kun



While a digital data exchange may have been in play in the context of Q's London pics, Fsurv may be a simple reference to PS's cache of material that is now in the control of Q team.


For example:


We have everything.


Anonymous ID: 7724cf Dec. 20, 2019, 8:03 a.m. No.7571211   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Another note: the image quality in the Piccadilly pics seem rather poor. This, possibly, indicates 1) the type of device used to capture the images and 2) the version/date of availability of said device. And that could assist in dating these images, again.


Anons, any ideas on the device/model used in Q 1405, Q 1406, and Q 1407? Old style flip phone? Low-res disposable camera?