Anonymous ID: 8222dc Dec. 20, 2019, 6:41 a.m. No.7570633   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>7570467 (pb)


So, what’s the backstory on the Avicii logo tattooed on these girls in the 2013 video “wake me up” (over 1B views on YT) in light of his last video in 2018 (posted here yesterday) exposing human trafficking and then his subsequent death? Was he pointing to NEXIM or other human trafficking groups?

Anonymous ID: 8222dc Dec. 20, 2019, 7:25 a.m. No.7570957   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1075 >>1154


>Q Team have Full Control over Hollywood?


Not yet, but considering that C_A controls much of Hollywood and the Media and considering Q129, control of Hollywood by the white hats would certainly seem to be the long term goal.


The strongest evidence that they may have infiltrated and gained some control in my opinion was with the making of the movie, The Hunt, which depicted the global elite hunting normal Americans from flying over country. POTUS made light of this movie and the public blowback made producers can it’s release a couple months back.


There's no question in my mind the Trump's former WH PR team played a covert role😎 in putting that movie together. After all, Josh Rafael, Trump's former WH communications director was the former PR guy for Blumhouse. 100% confirmation.


“The Hunters become the Hunted” ~Q

Q158 November 20, 2017

Future Proves Past 😎


But, once the White Hats have gained full control, we should begin to see movies that are prohumanity and the end of all the transhumanist satanic bullshit. We are not there yet, but I am cautiously hopeful.