` ID: 919e68 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:20 a.m. No.7570926   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0955



Look folks, classic DIVISIVE behavior from JIDF shills. They want you to blame the Jews even though Jewish voters are overwhelmingly in favor of Trump having a 2nd term.


Let them know that Anons are…


Because we understand that the Cabal shills have been cloaking themselves as Fake Jews for generations, in order to draw fire at Jewish people, when the real enemy doesn't hang out with them.


The real enemy is the …

Nordic World Order

Who run the World Jewish Congress even though they are related to Swedish and Danish nobility and royal families, descendants of the Khazar Turks who pretended to convert to Judaism in order to lure diaspora Jews out of the Persian empire to teach them the arts of moneychanging, interest, and commerce. These Nordic warriors were REALLY STUPID because they had a habit of killing any leaders who appeared to be clever. They managed to enslave the Jews for centuries and hide among them, learning the arts of banking, but modern Jews are waking up, just like the rest of us, and NOBODY wants a puppetmaster pulling all of their strings, NOBODY!!!

` ID: 919e68 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:27 a.m. No.7570974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1009 >>1010 >>1065



Nothing to do with "Historically Black"

They accept students of any race.


However, unlike historically white colleges like Harvard and Yale, they are NOT funded by criminal activity such as the illegal drug trade. Yale's Skull And Bones club, monopolized the Opium trade and is likely involved with other drugs as well.


HBCU should stand for Honest Broker Colleges and Universities because they are honest about their funding and they make an honest trade of tuition fees for education. Harvard, Yale and the other elite schools are more about Bribery and pretending to impart an education while at the same time making sure that the best jobs go to the folks who are 'in the club.


Cult of ConArtists

` ID: 919e68 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.7571075   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1081 >>1085 >>1093 >>1103 >>1154



HOLLYWOOD is where HiveMind is created.

In fact, the whole reason why Hollywood came into being, was to create HiveMind and control the worker bees who produce the honey for the Cabal slavemasters to enjoy.


What color is honey?


So, the herd of sheep produces golden fleece, and then their masters fleece them to get the wealth

Bees are just more livestock and even more mindlessly controlled than sheep.


Georges Mélies was already creating cinmatic illusions in 1896. Just scroll down his filmography here:




The Cabal wanted to use that technology. They started in New York but lighting was a problem. Too many rainy days. So they moved to LA and set up in the Hollywood Hills outside of town.

Watch the film Hugo (2011) to see what Mélies could do.


Read the book by Ray Chandler, based on 1930s LA, called The Big Sleep about the porn industry, the Hollywood Hills, blackmail, drugs. The movie version was sanitized so read the book. The whole system of handlers enticing young girls into sex with promises of fame, has been there from the beginning. There have been over 100 of these women from Hollywood who started out as sex kitten movie stars and then graduated to handlers like Ghislaine Maxwell.


It all goes deeper than you can imagine. Fortunately, Patriots are Now In Control of much of Hollywood, and many of the films being produced are different, and help wake people up rather than dulling them to sleep.

` ID: 919e68 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:47 a.m. No.7571113   🗄️.is 🔗kun



We've seen lots of faked polls before. Plus, you have to realize that many people who claim to be Jews are actually Pagan Satanists in disguise. So they will naturally all support Democrats.


But if you look at Orthodox Jews, who are the True religious Jews, they overwhelmingly back Trump. They are the people who visited the WhiteHouse for Hannukah. They are the ones who note that Trump moved the embassy to Jerusalem, prayed at the Western Wall in a yarmulka, and has Jewish grandchildren.

` ID: 919e68 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:52 a.m. No.7571157   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Are you white?

Then you should be lined up against the wall and shot, along with all your other white comrades like Pelosi and Schumer.


Nobody can tell me that a white person is innocent when Pelosi gets on TV day, after day.


. . .


On the other hand, doesn't the Rule Of Law tell us that individuals are responsible for the crimes they commit. And it has to be proven. So if we apply that rule to colleges, we would be identifying Marxist professors who are NOT educating kids, but using brainwashing techniques on them. Then get rid of only the guilty ones.