Anonymous ID: e39556 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:13 a.m. No.7570880   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0893


Y so Sirius

what's doggin' ya, little fella?

you lovvveed the fame biscket.

but your moral side said 'no' to becoming one of the bitches.

so you make an elaborate larp and try to take an heroic last stand against reality saying 'no one wuvs me, they woonnnt pay for a 5 million dollar studio to make me kang in, and thus . . . woe is me , cry cry cry but

I will not meme you to be so clear as to who it is, cause I don't really know, ah the fond fun times watching the mental meltdown of a talented mime who, never the less, loves to read and talk, oh the sadness.


So now I know he's never really gone, which is good for the world.

but growth means that the 'final pronouncement' of 'being really over' is just another tantrum.


we wuv this person, but hates the shit he says.

who we? why the we that matters.

and the nomoniee s arreee

yes, Ar, matey.


why so Sirius

Anonymous ID: e39556 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.7570919   🗄️.is 🔗kun


ah, another one who , yes, while seemingl kkind at times craved that fame thing and he played a larp that he couldn't replace with what he really was and a false persona is what people came to expect, so he could never be his weak and sex-addicted self in public, but had to do the 'wise and hipcat friend of everyone' bit, but doing all kinds of soft reveals, and sadly people thinking he was the character, he could never break free of it so he either (and this is what i hope) faked his death or really did it (which would suck, but is most likely).


and he's gone.

or is he?

Anonymous ID: e39556 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:39 a.m. No.7571066   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1082


marxism is a cult of sex-slaved drug addict 'true-believer' conformists, with daddy issues, who replace family for false fellowship of pimps and drug suppliers, and hope to do 'brave things' to trade for sex before they are captured and put in prison and the ones who were getting them to do bad shit are made the leaders of the country.


so that they can loot it through bond issues to banks based in either Mexico city or Swiss-cheese ville.


and a lot of blood and revolution for those in the blood and body parts business.

Anonymous ID: e39556 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:45 a.m. No.7571103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1109 >>1206


hivemind is a buzz word to justify operations against people who work together.

it's a nonesense term of psychology and made up as a way to trick people to think that there is a 'fellowship'


the idea of it is 'false fellowship', a real term and a real thing.


people who believe in hivemind always want to come up with ways to control it and manipulate it and they also set up consulting services that launder money to themselves with the purposes of influecing 'hivemind' probably paid for by the non-profits that hteir families have cuckold, the trust funds looted off to fund a rampage of mean and collectivist bullshit that results in the collapse of societies,

the concept of 'hivemind' is a delusion of the organizational behaviorists, a soridid bunch of control freak elites who are hushed into being owl they can be, and given easy lives being 'spokes parrots'