Anonymous ID: feb933 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.7570916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0931 >>0950



Do you know what’s so evident about you ?? You’re not here to prove to any of us about Qs existence. If that were true, you would lay down some facts, walk away like a normal person and live your life.

No…..this is personal with you, hence your insanity. I know exactly who you are. Because of Q, you lost your whole “fan” (lol) base. You picked the wrong side. You ran your mouth on all your podcasts and on Twitter and became the ass of the century because of Q and now you are here for redemption. Q called you out once for your stupidity and you crave that attention again. You think you’re sooo smart when you are REALLY the ass of the board.

You were never a team player, that’s always been your problem. You’re probably the most selfish, egotistical person I’ve ever met when you’re really a ZERO.

It’s getting old. Q won’t call you out again. You look like a fool. The best way to redeem yourself is to start caring about others. What a concept !!! Start by caring about the people on this board who REALLY care about this country and want to do research and learn. We all have strife in our lives, who wants to come to this board and constantly see a man hving mid-life crisis. Do us a favor and let us convene without your nonsense, please.

To each his own…..but your attention seeking is childish.

Anonymous ID: feb933 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:42 a.m. No.7571080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1085 >>1094 >>1129



I’m not a newbie….was on /pol/ the night of the first Q drop. I just can’t stand this faggot. I know who he is from Twitter and he’s messin up the board. If I was a violent person, a swift kick to the Adam’s Apple would get out my frustrations, but I only got muh words baby.

Btw….YOUR WORDS calmed me down. Thanks Anon. You made me laugh. Xoxo