Democrats Sneak Amnesty Power to Future President in 2020 Pentagon Bill
The 2020 Pentagon spending bill contains a camouflaged provision allowing any U.S. president to amnesty millions of illegal immigrants — regardless of the shock to Americans’ wages, workplaces, and communities, says a former immigration judge.
“It takes a little bit of digging (or wading) to get to Title X, Subtitle H, section 1099C on page 1,061 of NDAA 2020, which is captioned ‘Parole in Place for Members of the Armed Forces,'” says Andrew Arthur, a former immigration judge who now works with the Center for Immigration Studies.
(b) Sense Of Congress.—It is the sense of Congress that—
(1) parole in place reinforces family unity;
(2) disruption to servicemembers must be minimized, in order to faithfully execute their objectives;
(3) separation of military families must be prevented;
(6) Congress reaffirms parole in place authority for the Secretary of Homeland Security.
The last line will be cited as legal authority for a future President to offer the “parole in place” to as many migrants as he might wish to provide, said Andrew:
Expect section 1099C(b)(1) and (6) of NDAA 2020 to be used by a future president to grant future amnesties. DACA and DAPA rested on the slim reed of “prosecutorial discretion”. The next administrative action to grant status to those who entered illegally, on the other hand, will set firmly on the rock of Congress’s “reaffirm[ation of] parole in place authority for the Secretary of Homeland Security.”
… President Bernie Sanders is just waiting for the opportunity.
Current law and White House policy say “parole in place” can only be provided case-by-case, said Andrew.
When individual migrants are given the “parole in place” status, they can get legal work permits and also request an “Adjustment of Status” to get green cards and citizenship.
The GOP’s congressional staffers are paid to find and delete legal time bombs, such as the parole-in-place language before the law is approved. Once signed into law, it will remain law unless several determined GOP legislators get Congress to delete the amnesty loophole.
“Somehow, a Kamala Harris talking point is about to become law, introduced before our very eyes through its initial application to a very select and sympathetic group of aliens,” Andrew wrote. “You can expect it to get much, much bigger and blossom into a full grown amnesty at some point during a future administration, likely sooner rather than later.”
I would suggest to POTUS to not sign another bill into law until 2021…