Anonymous ID: 2e70d8 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.7572390   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2403 >>2430

Global Announcements

>>7528739, >>7528807 Request to BO for header correction

>>7501280 Codemonkey working on the timestamp bugs

Bakers: Do NOT add Q's non-tripcoded posts to the dough



are not endorsements



>>7571540, >>7571564 Planefag updates

>>7571993 Dish Network Corp Chairman exercised 13,645,693m shares-Dec 13th @ $33.52/sh, market value

>>7571974 96 MS-13 gang members/associates take down

>>7571746, >>7571842, >>7571935 Review 2016 Haitian President EXPOSES the Clinton Foundation & Hillary at a Trump campaign event in Little Haiti, FL.

>>7571731 Repost for the dayshift. Mainsteam exposure! ZH/Q

>>7571726, >>7571720 A retired French surgeon may have raped or sexually abused as many as 349 children

>>7571703 US Steel Shares Plunge, Dividend Slashed, Buybacks Halted, 1,500 Workers Cut Amid Deepening Manufacturing Recession

>>7571669 New York prosecutors take down 96 MS-13 gang members and associates

>>7571644 Warren police: 46 people arrested in human trafficking, prostitution bust

>>7571641 Fresh intel warns of terrorist plot to attack India's PM Narendra Modi during massive rally on Sunday

>>7571613 Shell writes down up to $2.3 billion on weaker economic outlook

>>7571565 At Least 61 US Veterans Who Guarded 'Contaminated' Ex-Russian Base Died Or Have Cancer

>>7571548, >>7571571, >>7571600 Democrats Sneak Amnesty Power to Future President in 2020 Pentagon Bill

>>7571539 Red Pill files abound!

>>7571525 51% Agree peach mint is "abuse of power" by Dems Rasmussen

>>7571520 Celebrity faith healer 'John of God' is jailed for 19 years in Brazil for raping four women

>>7571511 Two-thirds of voters say Dems want to impeach Trump more than help Americans

>>7571506 Review 2018 FBI Agent Peter Strzok Who Interviewed Flynn Had Personal Relationship With Recused Judge Rudolph Contreras

>>7571413 We Are The News request for news!


>>7572109 #9686



>>7570705, >>7570785, >>7570851 interview of Sidney Powell about Mike Flynn, corruption, deep state, prosecutors, DOJ, she NAMES NAMES by Eric Metaxas.

>>7570781 Stocks spike to all-time highs as markets celebrate USMCA clearing the House

>>7570723, >>7570675, >>7570887 Big Tech spying & using AI to emotionally manipulate users & control their state of mind

>>7570870, >>7570875 LG 'After the House vote, Democrats are having BUYER's REMORSE about impeachment and don't know what to do. '

>>7570895 Department of Defense. The power of dance!

>>7570904 NSA twat - Ghidra patch release - 9.1.1

>>7570971 new DJT - had a very good talk with Pres Xi

>>7570921 Cruz shows what is in the OMNIBUS Spending Bill 2020, among them Gov't funded Gun Control Research through the CDC

>>7571096 Pence twat - While Ds wasted time, the Senate confirmed 13 new judges making that a total of 187 amazing judges picked by President

>>7571204 New DJT + pb pics from anon drop ?

>>7571252, >>7571269 Rudy on Glen Beck rn w link

>>7570601 Twitter removes nearly 6000 saudi-backed accounts for platform manipulation

>>7570621, >>7570626 Google's Larry page quietly funneling money into FLu vacines

>>7570756 Warren 'Trump would step on a cute little kitten to get what he wants'

>>7571288 Carnival Glory just crashed into Carnival Legend and almost crashed into Oasis of the Seas at the Cozumel cruise port.

>>7571337 #9685



Previously Collected Notables

>>7570551 #9684

>>7567420 #9680, >>7568228 #9681, >>7568993 #9682, >>7569796 #9683

>>7564378 #9676, >>7565102 #9677, >>7565900 #9678, >>7566704 #9679

>>7561297 #9672, >>7562052 #9673, >>7562861 #9674, >>7563613 #9675

>>7558293 #9668, >>7558811 #9669, >>7559693 #9670, >>7560486 #9671

>>7554999 #9664, >>7555758 #9665, >>7556551 #9666, >>7557318 #9667


Notables Thread #1, #8960-present: >>7003045

Notables Aggregator:

Notables also archived here: >>>/comms/3396 (#740~#6384),

Plain text archives of all QR Notables:

Anonymous ID: 2e70d8 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.7572410   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2430 >>2564









Backup up site:

Anonymous ID: 2e70d8 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:58 a.m. No.7572642   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Account got Flagged. Wonder who would do a thing like that? Working on other solutions. Next Bread will be clean like it should.

Nothing can stop what is coming.


Anonymous ID: 2e70d8 Dec. 20, 2019, 11:04 a.m. No.7572688   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2737


>>7572340, >>7572576 Pelosi Invites POTUS to Deliver SOTU Address on 2/4/20

>>7572192 Adam Schiff Sets Eyes on Pence

>>7572278 YouTube Deletes Viral Yuri Bezmenov Lecture On Communist Subversion

>>7572282 New DJT: Thank You Franklin Graham

>>7572292 Reminder from William Cooper: Divided & Confused, the Moar control they gain

>>7572296 New VP Pence: Senate confirmed 13 new judges, making that a total of 187 by POTUS

>>7572298 Multiple Fatalities in Shooting in North Carolina municipal building.

>>7572239 Dershowitz Suggests Allegations Of A Jeffrey Epstein-Mossad Connection Are 'Paranoid Drivel'

>>7572260 Mexican Border State Judge Under Official Review After ‘Suspicious’ Releases of Cartel Gunmen

>>7572380 Senators Durbin, Menendez, and Leahy begged Ukraine officials to give them some dirt on Donald Trump. CONFLICT OF INTEREST


kitchen is on fire at the moment, call out missed notables

Anonymous ID: 2e70d8 Dec. 20, 2019, 11:24 a.m. No.7572863   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>7572175 Pelosi once hosted reception with owners of Buttigieg 'wine cave'

>>7572192 Breaking: Adam Schiff Sets Eyes on Pence – Tells MSNBC He’s “Acquired Evidence” from Vice President’s Office on Ukrainian Investigation

>>7572239 Alan Dershowitz Suggests Allegations Of A Jeffrey Epstein-Mossad Connection Are 'Paranoid Drivel'

>>7572295 New POTUS tweet

>>7572340, >>7572472 Pelosi invites POTUS to Deliver SOTU Address on 2/4/20

>>7572344 Putin slams EU legislature’s ‘unacceptable’ move put Nazi Germany on par with Soviet Union

>>7572380 Schumer's Corrupt Democratic Jurors

>>7572407 NEW FBI Vault drop - Clifford Irving

>>7572416 CIS summit transcript

>>7572435 New reforms mean prosecutors must hand over victim contact info to criminal defendants-Albany ,NY

>>7572494 Henry Kissinger told White House he talked to Xi about Trump, Kudlow says- from Dec 18

>>7572659 Virginia Citizens Defense League Issues Important Statement/Gun Control

>>7572684 Executive Office for Immigration Review to Swear in 28 Immigration Judges, Bringing Judge Corps to Highest Level in History

>>7572340, >>7572576 Pelosi Invites POTUS to Deliver SOTU Address on 2/4/20

>>7572192 Adam Schiff Sets Eyes on Pence

>>7572278 YouTube Deletes Viral Yuri Bezmenov Lecture On Communist Subversion

>>7572282 New DJT: Thank You Franklin Graham

>>7572292 Reminder from William Cooper: Divided & Confused, the Moar control they gain

>>7572296 New VP Pence: Senate confirmed 13 new judges, making that a total of 187 by POTUS

>>7572298 Multiple Fatalities in Shooting in North Carolina municipal building.

>>7572239 Dershowitz Suggests Allegations Of A Jeffrey Epstein-Mossad Connection Are 'Paranoid Drivel'

>>7572260 Mexican Border State Judge Under Official Review After ‘Suspicious’ Releases of Cartel Gunmen

>>7572380 Senators Durbin, Menendez, and Leahy begged Ukraine officials to give them some dirt on Donald Trump. CONFLICT OF INTEREST

>>7572717 Soros Group Has Given $1.5 Million To Organization Closely Linked To Fusion GPS

