Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:15 a.m. No.7572239   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2554 >>2569 >>2619 >>2660 >>2683 >>2688 >>2780 >>2856 >>2863

Alan Dershowitz Suggests Allegations Of A Jeffrey Epstein-Mossad Connection Are 'Paranoid Drivel'


Jeffrey Epstein's defense attorney, Alan Dershowitz, was asked on Monday about Epstein's connections to Israeli intelligence by a caller on C-SPAN.


He suggested the notion there was an Epstein-Mossad connection was "paranoid drivel," compared himself to Founding Father John Adams and insisted there's "no truth whatsoever to any" claims connecting Epstein to the Mossad.


Rush transcript (may contain errors):


CALLER: Thank you for taking my call. In terms of understanding this political moment in the criminality we are dealing with, I would like to bring up some books, the authors and content of which C-SPAN should consider featuring. Number one, "House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia". It looks as a money laundering organization tied to organized crime. Number two, how the Russian Mob Has Invaded America." Number three, "Proof of Collusion: How Trump Betrayed America" and now "Proof of Conspiracy: How International Collusion is Threatening American Democracy." Finally, I would ask Mr. Dershowitz to address the topic – the Israeli born former executive producer and a reporter who reported Jeffrey Epstein was being run by Israeli military intelligence. And the allegations in the book – an intelligence agent who worked to set up money laundering instruments around the world. Mr. Dershowitz, your background in defending Pollard and then Epstein suggests you might be an agent of an Russian-Israel axis, I would ask you to address that from a Jewish American patriot of conscience perspective, that's me.


DERSHOWITZ: That is just paranoid drivel. The fact that I am a Russian agent and I am in Israeli agent – I am independent person. I represented Jonathan Pollard because I thought his sentence was way, way excessive. The idea that Russia and Israel combined together, they're basically enemies. Russia supports Syria, Iran, indirectly Hezbollah, people who are dedicated to the complete destruction of Israel. Russia votes against Israel at the United Nations on almost every occasion. I am very proud of my career as a criminal defense lawyer. I have defended some of the most controversial people in history. I think of myself in the tradition of John Adams, who represented the Boston massacre soldiers who were accused. I think of myself in the tradition of so many other defense lawyers throughout history who have endured criticism for defending the most unpopular people of their age and generation. I am 81 years old and hope to continue defending people you don't like and who most Americans don't like because the need for a defense attorney to stand up to excesses of the prosecution and paranoid excesses of the kind you expressed in your views about Epstein working for the Mossad. What intelligence agency would trust Jeffrey Epstein to work for them? These are just allegations that are being thrown out there, there is no truth whatsoever to any of them. Certainly no truth to any claim I have ever been an agent for a foreign country. I am a loyal, patriotic American. My grandparents came here to get away from the oppressions of eastern Europe. We love America, we're patriotic and I will continue to do what I feel the American Constitution demands of me - defend people who are accused wrongly or rightly of serious matters.


The former Prime Minister of Israel and head of Israeli Military Intelligence was pictured hiding his face while entering Jeffrey Epstein's New York City townhouse (which was given to him for free by pro-Israel billionaire Les Wexner) in 2016.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:17 a.m. No.7572260   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2688 >>2780 >>2856 >>2863

Mexican Border State Judge Under Official Review After ‘Suspicious’ Releases of Cartel Gunmen


PIEDRAS NEGRAS, Coahuila – A local judge faces a formal review of her decisions to release cartel members for suspicious reasons. One of those freed was a leading gunman who took part in last month’s large-scale invasion of Coahuila, which led to 23 deaths.


Last month, approximately 150 gunmen from the Cartel Del Noreste faction of Los Zetas rolled into Villa Union, clashing with police and shooting at the local city hall. Moments later, state police and CDN-Zetas fought in a series of shootouts that killed 17 gunmen and four officers. As the gunmen left the town, they kidnapped innocent civilians, including two local firefighters, who they reportedly killed in the aftermath.


Authorities later arrested more than a dozen gunmen and some collaborators. As part of the pending investigation, one of the leading shooters was previously arrested by Coahuila State Police. State Judge Maritza Flores then ruled the arrest illegal and ordered an immediate release. This week, officials required Maritza Flores to present herself before superiors in Saltillo as part of a review into her “suspicious” decisions, various law enforcement sources revealed to Breitbart Texas.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:19 a.m. No.7572278   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2285 >>2382 >>2688 >>2780 >>2856 >>2863

YouTube Deletes Viral Yuri Bezmenov Lecture On Communist Subversion For 'Hate Speech'


Google-owned YouTube has deleted Soviet defector Yuri Bezmenov's viral lecture on the process of subversion for "hate speech."


The move came just days after YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki unveiled a new subversive "harassment policy" which bans "malicious insults" against "public officials" who are members of a "protected" class.


Last I saw it, Bezmenov's lecture had well over a million views.


It went viral on Reddit just around two weeks ago (many leftists enraptured by the new Red Scare misinterpret the video as an indictment of modern-day Russia rather than the communist subversives who've taken over our institutions and compromised our ruling elite).

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.7572292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2318 >>2362 >>2688 >>2780 >>2856 >>2863

A timely reminder from William Cooper: The more divided & confused we are, the more control they gain.


No matter your opinion of Behold a Pale Horse, there are indisputably some powerful truth bombs in that book. This one is as old as civilisation itself. But in the current political and social climate, it is one that is very relevant. Always remember: DIVIDE and CONQUER has always been play no. 1 in the playbook of TPTB.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:22 a.m. No.7572309   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2338

US Steel Shares Plunge, Dividend Slashed, Buybacks Halted, 1,500 Workers Cut Amid Deepening Manufacturing Recession


President Trump told a crowd of steelworkers in Illinois in July 2018 that "After years of shutdowns and cutbacks today the blast furnace here in Granite City is blazing bright, workers are back on the job and we are once again pouring new American steel into the spine of our country."


While US Steel's Granite City might be operational for the time being, the steel producer has just announced it will shut down a "significant portion" of its Great Lakes Works facility, slash its dividend, terminate 80% of its share buyback program, and layoff 1,500 workers.


Great Lakes Works is expected to halt operations by April 2020. The mill rolls slabs into sheets of steel and has been battered by the manufacturing recession and trade war. The facility laid off 200 workers earlier this year, with another 1,500 in the near term, reported 247 Wall Street.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:26 a.m. No.7572346   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Illegal aliens caught in child sex trafficking operation in Wisconsin


The Green Lake County Sheriff’s Office has arrested six people on December 11th in connection with a sex trafficking case, according to a news release.


Law enforcement officials said they received a 911 call on Thanksgiving Day around 11:00 p.m. from a juvenile on the run. According to police, she had escaped from a residence where she was being sex trafficked. Police said she was able to provide information that allowed police to start an investigation.


Police executed a search warrant on Nov. 29th at a home in Manchester, Wisconsin, where they seized multiple items of evidence believed to be connected to the assault of the juvenile. The warrant also led to the arrest of six people who all lived in the home.


The six men arrested for second-degree sexual assault were identified by sheriff’s officials as follows:


Esler Hugo Rivera, male, 33

Rolando Corado Gonzalez, male, 28

Avelino Sarceno-Sarceno, male, 40

Ember Rivera, male, 37

Noe Bautista-Martinez, male 28

Evis Amabilio Garcia-Rivera, male 31


Sheriff’s officials said Evis Amabilio Garcia-Rivera is suspected of trafficking the victim within the residence among the others.


All of the suspects are believed to be illegal aliens from Guatemala. Sheriff’s officials said they were being held at the Green Lake County Correctional Facility on cash bonds that vary from $20,000 to $50,000.


Sheriff’s officials say Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will be involved with the case.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:29 a.m. No.7572359   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Russia has become world's NUMBER 1 exporter of wheat & other agriculture – Putin


Russia’s agriculture sector is booming and the country has surpassed the US and Canada to become the world's top wheat exporter, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced during his annual year-end press conference.


The Russian president noted that over the past several years, the country has changed from a major importer of grain to a major exporter.


“The Soviet Union was always buying grain, we were one of the largest buyers of grain, wheat. I would like to mention that today Russia is the largest supplier of wheat to the world market, we are number one,” he said, adding: “We are ahead of the United States and Canada.”


According to data published by the Russian Federal State Statistics Service on Thursday, grain harvest in Russia increased by 6.5 percent this year, up to 120.6 million tons in net weight. The production figure is better than that projected by the Russian Ministry of Agriculture.


Putin earlier said that Russia has ensured its independence on the global wheat market. According to the Russian president, enormous natural resources should serve as a guarantee for high-quality food production and should be used specifically to increase the production of organic, non-GMO food products.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.7572388   🗄️.is 🔗kun

A Plot To Make Pelosi President? Now Adam Schiff Wants To Go After Vice-President Mike Pence…


I was really hoping that this wouldn’t happen. Within hours of President Trump being impeached by the House, the mainstream media was reporting that Adam Schiff “has declared war” on Mike Pence. At this time of the year, most Americans are celebrating holidays and spending time with their families, but Adam Schiff continues to be deeply focused on his twisted obsession to take down the Trump administration. When Rachel Maddow asked him if he was “actively looking at Vice President Mike Pence and his role in this scandal”, Schiff made it quite clear that he has targeted Pence. Is Schiff doing this because he wants “justice”, or is there some deeper plot afoot?


Before we get into the specifics, let’s talk about a hypothetical scenario in which Nancy Pelosi could actually become the President. If President Trump is removed from office by the Senate, Vice-President Mike Pence would move into the Oval Office and a replacement for Pence would be nominated. But if Trump and Pence were both impeached and removed from office before a new Vice-President could be nominated and confirmed, then the next in line for the presidency would be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.


In other words, if Trump and Pence were both suddenly out of the picture, Nancy Pelosi would become the President of the United States.


We have never actually seen the speaker of the House become the president in such a manner, and such a scenario would appear to be exceedingly unlikely, but it could hypothetically happen.


Up to now, the efforts by the Democrats to get rid of Trump have not gone well. According to a brand new survey that was just released, only 42 percent of all Americans support removing Trump from office at this point. And it is likely that support for removing Vice-President Pence from office would be even lower.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:35 a.m. No.7572405   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2534

267 million - mostly American - Facebook users' IDs, names and phone numbers are exposed online and shared on the dark web


Cybersecurity firm found an unsecure database of Facebook user data online

Approximately 267,140,436 records were exposed and shared on the dark web

The database included IDs, phone numbers and full names of mainly US users

The database has since been shut down, but was live on the web for two weeks

Experts warned that people identified in the database could be targeted by spam messages or phishing schemes


Personal information belonging to more than 267 million Facebook users has been exposed in an unsecured database on the dark web, it has emerged.


The Facebook IDs, phone numbers and full names of 267,140,436 users, most residing in the US, were discovered in the database by cybersecurity firm Comparitech and researcher Bob Diachenko, according to a report published Thursday.


The report warned that people identified in the database could be targeted by spam messages or phishing schemes.


Although it is not yet clear how the sensitive information was exposed, Diachenko traced the database back to Vietnam and speculated that it may have been compiled through an illegal process called 'scraping' – where automated bots copy public information from Facebook profiles - or stolen directly from Facebook's developer API.


Access to the database has since been removed, however, the records appeared to have been available without a password to anyone without authentication for two weeks before it was uncovered. A downloadable link to the data had also been posted to a popular hacker forum.


The security breach follows a massive leak in September in which more than 400 million user phone numbers were exposed -and then there was the major scandal in 2018.


It was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had harvested the personal data of millions of peoples' Facebook profiles without their consent and used it for political advertising purposes.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:38 a.m. No.7572441   🗄️.is 🔗kun

ICC to investigate alleged war crimes in Palestinian Territories


The International Criminal Court’s chief prosecutor said on Friday she will launch a full investigation into alleged war crimes in the Palestinian Territories, which could include charges against Israelis or Palestinians, reports Reuters.


“I am satisfied that … war crimes have been or are being committed in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip,” Fatou Bensouda said in a statement.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the ICC has no jurisdiction to investigate in the Palestinian Territories.


“The court has no jurisdiction in this case. The ICC only has jurisdiction over petitions submitted by sovereign states. But there has never been a Palestinian state,” Netanyahu said in a statement.


Bensouda said the preliminary examination into alleged war crimes, opened in 2015, had rendered enough information to meet all criteria for opening an investigation.


The ICC prosecutor said she had filed a request with judges for a jurisdictional ruling, because of the contested legal and factual status of the Palestine territories.


The ICC has the authority to hear cases of war crimes, genocide, and crimes against humanity committed on the territory of the 123 countries that have signed up to it.


Israel has not joined the court but the Palestinian Authority – a limited self-rule body in the Israeli-occupied West Bank – has done so.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:41 a.m. No.7572478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2609

Luongo: Pelosi's Coup Attempt Is Now Open Warfare, "There Will Be Casualties"


The Democrats declared war this week. Not on Donald Trump but on the United States and the Constitution.


What started as a coup to overturn the 2016 election has now morphed into a Civil War as Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Fran-feces) presided over the passage of a bill which creates a clear Constitutional Crisis.


And that means we have multiple factions vying for control of our government, the definition of a Civil War.


In passing these articles of impeachment against President Trump Congress has arrogated to itself powers it does not have.


The first article asserts a motive to Trump’s actions to invalidate his role as chief law enforcement officer for the country. It doesn’t matter if you like him or any President having this power, he does have it.


Read that first article and then apply it to a country other than Ukraine where Trump didn’t have ‘probable cause’ for investigation into corruption and malfeasance there.


That could be Abuse of Power.


But this happened in Ukraine where Trump clearly has probable cause.


The following is the scenario the first impeachment article is asserting as the basis for abuse of power, through ascribing political motives to the President:


One day President Trump wakes up and says, “Shit! Joe Biden’s leading me in the polls. I need to do something about this.”


So, Trump twirls his orange comb-over and calls up the Prime Minister of Armenia, a Russian ally, to whom we’ve pledged aid. Since it’s a Russian ally and Trump may have colluded with the Russians, they would be a good candidate to help him.


But Joe Biden has no history of diplomacy or oversight in Armenia as Vice-President. There’s no record of any contact of any kind with Biden in Armenia, for argument’s sake.


Trump then, during the phone call, shakes down the Armenian PM for that aid, explicitly saying he must create dirt on Joe Biden or he would withhold appropriated aid funds to the country.


Then, after getting caught, Trump tries to hide the record of the phone call by hiding behind Executive Privilege.


That would be Abuse of Power and an impeachable offense. It would be regrettable but indefensible that the odious jackals in Congress were right to impeach him. They would, actually, be defending the Constitution and fully within their rights.


But, that’s not what happened.


Biden was put in charge of Ukraine by President Obama. He had full discretion on policy towards Ukraine and was caught on tape bragging about doing exactly what the impeachment article is accusing Trump of doing. Shaking Ukraine down for favors in order to get $1 billion in aid.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:45 a.m. No.7572512   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2530

Where the top 2020 presidential candidates stand on Jewish issues


As the US presidential race heats up, along with domestic policy, American Jews consider candidates’ takes on Israel, anti-Semitism and more


This election cycle has involved a record amount of serious candidates and issues of historical significance.


We’ve compiled a guide to where the election’s top candidates — President Donald Trump, and the nine Democrats left with the highest chances of winning the nomination — fall on a range of issues that matter to Jewish voters, from the rise in anti-Semitism unfolding across the country to Israel policy.


Click on each name below to delve into our Jewish 2020 candidates guide.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:49 a.m. No.7572549   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Corrupt Romanian Duo, exported to EU Secret Service


The EU’s secret service project is supported among others by the former Justice Commissar, Viviane Reding and ALDE leader Guy Verhofstadt – and faced opposition from the United Kingdom. However, this opposition will be gone after Brexit finalizes.


Big rumors are coming out of Bruxelles and Bucharest…


Seems the secret collaboration protocols signed between the Romanian prosecution departments and the Romanian secret service – started out during the Traian Basescu regime [2006-2014], which lasted until 2017 – has inspired the European Union higher-ups. Florian Coldea, the former deputy director of the Romanian Information Service [SRI] will head the EU’s secret service, an institution which is supposed to come into being next year and collaborate with the EPPO [the European Public Prosecutor’s Office], whose headed by none other than Laura Codruta Kovesi, the former Romanian chief prosecutor. The EU’s secret service project is supported among others by the former Justice Commissar, Viviane Reding and ALDE leader Guy Verhofstadt – and faced opposition from the United Kingdom. However, this opposition will be gone after Brexit finalizes.


This type of secret collaboration between prosecutors and intelligence agents in Romania destroyed any notion or expectation of a free and impartial justice system. Mixed teams operated using SRI spying techniques and equipment; and their goal wasn’t to combat terrorism, super-corruption, or the business cartels, but to conduct political policing. EU elites seem hellbent to import this loathsome practice. Rumors of such a federal institution [a European style CIA] have been circulating ever since 2015, with the terrorist attacks in Paris, but the real push started this year, after the May elections.


Florian Coldea was named in 2006 by president Basescu [a proven collaborator of the Communist security intelligence service under the cover name Petrov] to head the Romanian Secret Service. In 2017, he lost this position, after former MP Sebastian Ghita [a media mogul himself, part of the intelligence network, currently outside the country to escape prosecution] published damning evidence against Coldea. President Iohannis and the [new] SRI director Eduard Hellvig agreed to put Coldea, a four star general, in reserve. In 2009, both Coldea and Kovesi became famous for the meeting inside Gabriel Oprea’s living room – Oprea being a member of the social democrat party [PSD] and a general himself – during the presidential election day [rewon through shady means by Traian Basescu]. Other politicians and even journalists took part in that meeting.

Anonymous ID: 646f32 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:53 a.m. No.7572595   🗄️.is 🔗kun



A Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract

from the Countless Democrat Scandals,

Criminal Conspiracies and Coup Attempts


The primary criminal conspiracy is the ongoing Deep State-directed coup d’état that continually morphs from one massive Democrat crime spree into another.


Impeachment Fiasco


Now that the Democrats have done the dirty deed, every American is compelled to ask:

What in the world is really going on?!


While it appears to be very complicated, and it is, it’s really all very simple.


The short answer is found in the subtitle of this post: “IMPEACHMENTgate is a transparent Deep State Hoax Carried Out to Distract from the Countless Democrat Scandals, Criminal Conspiracies and Naked Betrayals”


The longer answer is that the Democrat Party has become so corrupt and criminal in their collective and individual conduct that they have no choice but to majorly distract the body politic from their many scandals. There are now so many Democrat scandals, and so much criminality perpetrated by the Left, that it boggles the mind. Therefore, they truly feel they have no other option but to blow the whole place up … as in orchestrate an obviously false impeachment of an innocent POTUS.


What better way to start a second civil war — right during the holidays — than to unjustly impeach a President whose only ‘crime’ was to LAWFULLY investigate Democrat transgressions of federal law.


Really, exactly who is it that is intentionally ruining the Christmas season with an utterly reckless and politically grotesque impeachment proceeding? See The Hidden Powers Behind the Destruction of America


KEY POINT: Remember the Democrats have always been extremely proficient at accusing the opposition of the very crimes and scandals and wrongdoings that they have themselves committed. President Trump has repeatedly been a victim of this ploy. And, it works like a charm … … … but only up to a certain point.

What outrageous scandals? What vast criminal conspiracies? What brazen cover-ups? What lawlessness and corruption? What institutional malfeasance?