Anonymous ID: dabee7 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:20 a.m. No.7572280   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2450

To all who believe their lying eyes…


You consider yourself “woke” while avidly consuming the globalist narrative, especially the part that gives you license to harass other people, as long as they are not members of the elite.


You heap scorn on everyone who sees more than lies on the surface, serving only the owners of the human assets.


You tell your shrinking heart that the lives of X number of those who identify as JINO’s (judaic in name only) are worth more than the X to the tenth power number of those murdered in banker’s wars, in Bolshevik attempts at ruling the earth, in every half-hearted attempt to take power into corruptible hands.


You habitually mistake superficial sentimentality, designed to easily placate the heart with inane platitudes, for the responsibility of being a spiritual warrior, coming from the heart of the Universe, not the temporary center of a flickering mind!


You are programmed in fact to sneer and jeer at those who really walk the walk, while cherishing a foolish fantasy that the action of conforming to the social order of the minute will carry you forward in personal growth.


The growth of the parasite known as personality, now favored by Pedowood narratives as more important than character or any other aspect of human nature deeper than the suggestible domesticated ego cares about, is festering fine in this hothouse of the damned!


You will soon face the acid test for whether your soul is of gold or of lead, as the darkest rituals of the upper crust break through the multi-generational cone of silence.


The Christ Jesus avatar was crystal clear on the subject of children:

Harm them in any way and you will LONG for a millstone to drag you under the surface of the ocean and hide your face from the light!


The death cult ruling this earth for ages DEPENDS on the consumption of children and babies! The snark lord has been selling temporary human power in trade for tattooing the soul with the blood stains of innocents, for millennia!


Because the universal creation is alive, has consciousness, it also has a heart. The human hyenas defiling the natural order, the way the power of love flows in harmony, are given participation trophies when they invert, degrade and pervert this energy flow.


Ever notice how one person acting out the impulses from their inner demon master can stop the flow of a social gathering and reverse it, into divisive strife and stress?


Human trafficking is the most profitable illicit activity, more than drugs and more than the arms trade.


For the above assertion to be confirmed, the superficial crepe paper camouflage must be penetrated and lifetimes of perceptual conditioning must be overcome.


Here it is, the line in the sand, the boundary of compassion, the moment of truth:

Where do you stand on the topic of medical mutilation of children?

Anonymous ID: dabee7 Dec. 20, 2019, 10:21 a.m. No.7572293   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Ever wonder why the medical knowledge needed to fabricate sterile Frankenstein monsters in a ghoulish caricature of biological perfection, which has been developed for at least a century, is being pushed upon human society in a desperate rush?


Why the rush now?


Money? (creating dependents on the medical mafia for life? What a subscription service!)


Social Deconstruction? (confuse children, divide the adults, sterilize some and raise selfishness as a lifestyle far above the good of humanity?)


The Science Says? (sorry Charlie, science and reason reveal it is a pernicious, hypocritical LIE but doctors may violate their Hippocratic oath in the most hypocritical way possible!)


With all the other dirt rising to the top, as the human race’s immune system finally gets enough momentum to reject all behavior foreign to the true design, we are beginning to see the practices and beliefs of the smokers of the dark pole, those who live by inverting Life forces for profit and sick amusement, are being revealed.


If your misshapen image of your Snark Lord is being raised as an ideal, then the hermaphrodite model of Molech becomes the ideal for the zombie apocalypse!


First, we allow the psychopaths to mutilate the children and laugh all the way to the bank, spouting out travesties of "social virtue" along the way!


Then, they start the stylish trend of creating hermaphrodites to emulate the entity who “liberated” them from all soul constraints, disconnecting from the center to be blown by the wind of social farts.


Since no human technology can create beauty or perfection, and all the poor mutiloid victims are non-functional facsimiles anyway, why not continue the degradation of the human temple?


Piercings for the bored, tattoos for the aesthetically challenged and ta dah! Why not mutilated children into sterile monstrosities?


People in denial are those who worship the State.


People in delusion are those who believe the corporate media more fervently and naively than any religious believer, ironically!


People in resistance to their own hearts and souls have no conscience forbidding the coercion of others in order to persist in their bubbles of safe thinking and superficial feeling.


Stop the mutilation of children or lose your soul


Stop the pedovores consuming the purity of the human spirit or lose your life


While the minions are diverted by the political drama designed to placate their stillborn consciences, the worshippers of the inverted are making their move in plain sight!


If humanity does not finally wake up and smell the tyranny, powered by the crass consumption of the most precious and tender souls, then the future will be dark enough to satisfy the most licentious egos!


Human consciousness creates reality; be very, very careful what you wish for at this critical moment!


Those who know how to pray and communicate with their souls, NOW IS THE TIME to use your power of vision to envision humanity's bright future. coming around the corner into sight.

Anonymous ID: dabee7 Dec. 20, 2019, 11:01 a.m. No.7572662   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>>7572280 (You)


>if you really wanna be "woke" understand that human trafficking is a 100% DEMAND market. It's easy to smuggle guns and drugs, people have to minimally be transported as livestock, but hidden.


>Second woke think your need to know is the majority of smuggled humans are women that are sex trafficked. …and yet we got socialists and feminists trying to get prostitution legalized.


Did you leave out the facts regarding the primary SOURCE of this demand market?


Yeah, the same soulless minions of the Dark Lord/Snark Lord.


Since when should we allow a market serving the most depraved?


BTW, the official statistics on pedovorism and child trafficking are woefully underreported and underestimated, by design.


Your second point is broken; agree or not, the drive to legalize is to bring transparency, to allow the light of human attention to melt away the cockroaches and reveal the players and the play, to allow social forces to counter the secret shame.