Anonymous ID: ece41b Dec. 20, 2019, 10:30 a.m. No.7572367   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2537




Try using search - spell out some text that is in the pic and search!

Anonymous ID: ece41b Dec. 20, 2019, 10:33 a.m. No.7572394   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>2537



>This document is utter nonsense.


For anyone who isn't so sure as I, here are a few reasons as to why:

Why on earth would you put the sentence "talking notes are on the slides", actually onto the slides? In a similar vein, why would you list the date of the practice presentation, it's not like you're going to do anything with that information?


You're telling me you had time to look at a screen, go through slide by slide and take pictures, then go through several sheets of paper and manage to get a clear view of the text on all the important ones, but on Schedule "L", you only had time to take two blurry photos? Assuming these are supposed to be draft documents, you would have had however long you liked. Don't get me started on the Schedules. Why would you put quotes around the letters? Why are the censor boxes in different places each time? IT MAKES NO SENSE.


The entire tone of this document is wrong. You're either presenting to a set of technical people, in which case the technical language is fine (and the assumption the readers will know what on earth you are talking about) OR more likely, you are presenting to a board of people, who consist of a range of professions from finance to management some of whom who would stare blankly as soon as you said the word AI without context.


No-one who wants to talk technical about AI will call it AI. The term is too vague, this document seems to be more likely referring to machine learning (in the places it makes sense at all).


Bait-and-switch is illegal, why would you use this terminology if you were going to present it? There are other cases of weird terminology over this whole document that would never be used in a corporate environment: social engineering, psychological manipulation tactics, disrupt, under people's radars, disguising, indirect taxations, advertisement vulnerability, lies in wait, the target, manipulation metrics, beaten to death, Reddit AI Chatbot, manipulating the customer, 3D mapping users homes, accidentally, etc


You wouldn't make part of a presentation confidential. Making one thing confidential makes the whole thing confidential. In particular, it's not even all the controversial stuff that's marked confidential just a weird selection. Not to mention, Schedule Z seems to consist far more things than should be limited to a Schedule according to previous patterns.


Most of this is just corporate babble and technobabble that doesn't actually say anything other than our thing does stuff.


Reddit AI Chatbot? Seriously? Also, you called it H.A.N.K with the dots in-between the letters? Wat. "Persuaded to return to a previous product that they had otherwise publicly disavowed", how? No explanation, magic!


And I quote, "Don't admit we do this, they may find out we .. [CENSORED] user .. [CENSORED] exp .. [CENSORED]", sure this bit is super-sensitive but the rest is fine!


And probably most important, I am pretty sure no set of companies or governments has the capability to do all of the things listed in this document simultaneously, and link them all together to provide any thing close to the accuracy that seems to be implied.


I could go on longer but frankly I am running out of steam and I believe I have made my point clear. The fact this is a DRAFT document in entirely designed to hide any potential flaws that are spotted so that they can just be claimed to be part of a work in-progress.