` ID: af310a Dec. 20, 2019, 11:53 a.m. No.7573175   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3195 >>3207 >>3399



Look folks, classic DIVISIVE behavior from JIDF shills. They want you to blame the Jews even though Jewish voters are overwhelmingly in favor of Trump having a 2nd term.


Let them know that Anons are…


Because we understand that the Cabal shills have been cloaking themselves as Fake Jews for generations, in order to draw fire at Jewish people, when the real enemy doesn't hang out with them.


The real enemy is the …

Nordic World Order

Who run the World Jewish Congress even though they are related to Swedish and Danish nobility and royal families, descendants of the Khazar Turks who pretended to convert to Judaism in order to lure diaspora Jews out of the Persian empire to teach them the arts of moneychanging, interest, and commerce. These Nordic warriors were REALLY STUPID because they had a habit of killing any leaders who appeared to be clever. They managed to enslave the Jews for centuries and hide among them, learning the arts of banking, but modern Jews are waking up, just like the rest of us, and NOBODY wants a puppetmaster pulling all of their strings, NOBODY!!!


Please note that Venice was founded by the VENETI

A tribe called the VANDALS swept south from Scandinavia

Or at least, their WARRIOR class did. But who settled on the highly secure island of Venice, safe from warriors who did not swim. What if the islanders controlled all the boats? What if the Venetian oligarchs of the Middle Ages and the Galata bankers are all Nordic people?


Even Israel acknowledges that the Ashkenazi Jews did not originate in Judea, but are a Central Asian Steppe people. Thor Heyerdahl traced the Nordic people back to Asgard, a fortress in the mountains of Central Asia where Azerbaijan is now. In Turkic, Azer means People Of Az. In Nordic languages Asgard means Fortress of As.



` ID: af310a Dec. 20, 2019, 11:58 a.m. No.7573232   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3258 >>3285



Every time this Limited Hangout crap gets posted, reply with digs on the true nature of the Cabal, their true origins, how the masquerade as other groups, and in particular,

How the Cabal chooses groups who oppose them, to be infiltrated so that people can be turned against THE ENEMIES OF THE CABAL


Drown them with facts, because #FactsMatter

Hammer the message home again and again.

Raise up a STORM of evidence refuting their nonsense and Unveiling their evil ways.

` ID: af310a Dec. 20, 2019, 12:09 p.m. No.7573367   🗄️.is 🔗kun



There has been so much lying going on, that TRUTH and TRANSPARENCY are the only way out. We are not stupid peasants anymore that can be herded like sheep by the nobility while they fleece us and like like kings.


I think that focusing a discussion on the above points, preferably in the form of questions, will go a long way to helping other wake up.


Once people wake up, it doesn't matter who has the truth, and who can tell it like it is. When we wake up, we do not need teachers and heroes and supermen. Instead, we need access to information and we will dig up the truth for ourselves using the God-given gift of logical thinking.