Anonymous ID: 1b2f52 Dec. 20, 2019, 6:53 p.m. No.7577233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7325



> im no computer wizz, but willing to learn.


>Learn to meme! It is a great way to spread the word and fun once you get it down.


I agree and you don't need fancy software to meme. I use MS Paint for 90% of my memes. I didn't like it at first because I thought it had too limited functionality. But in reality, you are far more creative when you have less to work with. Think of the old Blues musicians. They created a whole genre of music with only 3 cords.


You can start by opening MS Paint from your windows accessories and create Blank canvas. I always use a black background so that things stand out, then switch back here and copy this page using ctrl + print screen. Then paste this into your new MS paint canvas. Then you can select out what you want to copy, then use back space back to your black canvas and hit paste. Whola. Just learn how to use all the different functionalities and ideas will come to you. Some of the best memes are screen shots from old movies.



>help in any search of topics.


If you are more into researching, use to go back and read what others have posted here over the past two years. A Lot of times you will find stuff that was missed or perhaps you'll find something with new meaning relative to recent Q posts. You will be impressed and best of all, no shill bullshit. If you find something of interest, bring it back and share.


But carpentry is hard to beat as a skill for the desire to feel useful.