Anonymous ID: 00b49c Dec. 20, 2019, 2:16 p.m. No.7574586   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4721 >>4930 >>4984 >>5050 >>5266


Lets see if I can get some traction this time. I know this looks like one of

those "magical numbers prove everything" posts–it's not. All I've done is

figured out the deltas between pairs of duplicates and found they correlate

to posts that are related to the duplicates themselves–nothing too far

outside of established communication techniques.


For example, posts #3686 and #3687 were duplicates; they were preceded by #3679

and #3680. The difference between the first in each pair was 172 minutes, and

the difference between the second in each pair was 171 minutes. If you look up

post #171 and 172, they're duplicates themselves!


There are other correlations:


#3717 finishes with this line: "Marker [9]."

#2991 finishes with this line: "[2 of 9] complete"


#3739 has this line: "Important to read and understand."

#2820 has this line: "Review time."


Notice how #2991 focuses on Mark Zuckerberg–there was a delta of 2991 minutes

between the 15th of December and the 17th; today, we're getting the news that

Facebook and the other tech companies are getting hammered.


I believe Q gave us Marker [9] through this mechanism–it's related to post

#2820, where he reminded us of 2 investigations started 9 months prior to

that post; [2 of 9] complete. If I'm right, then POTUS will have filed

the official paperwork on May 21, 2018…exactly '''1 year and 7 months ago

tomorrow''', and we will hear some news about completed investigations

relating to the FBI/DOJ targeting POTUS for political reasons, and

Pelosi/Schumer's ties to Russia.


I've put together some shitty graphics to save you the trouble of having to match

everything up yourself. Hopefully if this pans further, someone with talent will

improve upon them.


I think Q+ put out some of our Christmas presents early :)

Anonymous ID: 00b49c Dec. 20, 2019, 2:31 p.m. No.7574731   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>It’s unclear at this stage why Facebook has taken a different approach, though it’s hard not to see it as a way for the social network to try to minimize the number of people who remove themselves from the “people you may know” tool. Facebook is required to provide quarterly privacy certifications to the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC), after agreeing a $5 billion settlement – still to be finalized – over claims it mishandled user privacy.

Anonymous ID: 00b49c Dec. 20, 2019, 3:05 p.m. No.7575025   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Billy Graham's son is a Trump supporter.


That magazine has gone off and done its own thing–probably bought out by Soros, like the ACLU or something.