Anonymous ID: fc2cc0 Dec. 20, 2019, 3:25 p.m. No.7575186   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5199

Hey anons


This waiting game is killing me!


Can we get a list of digg items - so we can put our energy into something for the final push please!!!


I know it will be a huge list - so lets focus on the top 10. You guys reply to this and I will compile the list. Will continue onto the next bread until post 420ish. Let's start with past 3 mo of Q recommendations for diggs mkay.


  1. Backchannels (partial research done - needs focus then memes)




  1. Ghsilane Maxwell / Prince Andrew / Wexner / Bronfman (there's more) etc.

  2. Demoncrat Slushfunds - WW


  1. Karen - TOGTFO