Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 3:54 p.m. No.7575427   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5449 >>5466 >>5596 >>5830 >>6041

Chinese Leader Warns Against Foreign Forces Interfering in Hong Kong, Macau


Chinese Leader Xi Jinping said Dec. 20 that the regime would not allow foreign forces to intervene in its special regions, including Hong Kong, during a visit to its neighboring city of Macau.


At the ceremony marking the 20th anniversary of Macau’s handover to China from Portuguese rule, Xi praised the city’s loyalty and patriotism, making no direct mention of the ongoing protests challenging Beijing’s authority in the former British colony of Hong Kong.


Instead, he lauded Macau as an exemplary model of the “one country two systems” model that also rules Hong Kong, saying the territories need to have “firm faith” in the system. Under the formula, the regime had promised a high level of freedom and political autonomy to the two regions.


Xi also swore in the new pro-Beijing leader for Macau, Ho Iat Seng, who was elected to office uncontested in August.


“I want to stress again that since the return of Hong Kong and Macau, handling of these two special administrative regions is entirely China’s internal affairs and none of the business of external forces,” Xi said in a speech at the ceremony.


“The will of the Chinese government and Chinese people to defend national sovereignty, security, and development interest is rock solid,” he said.

Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 3:56 p.m. No.7575446   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5469

Former NSA Director Cooperating With Durham Probe Of Russia Investigation: Report


Retired Adm. Michael Rogers, the former director of the National Security Agency, is cooperating with U.S. attorney John Durham’s investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe, according to a new report.


The Intercept, citing four sources familiar with the matter, reports that Rogers has met voluntarily with Durham multiple times.


“He’s been very cooperative,” a former intelligence official familiar with the meetings told The Intercept.


The development comes after The New York Times reported Thursday that Durham, the U.S. Attorney for Connecticut, has asked the CIA for emails, call logs and other correspondence from John Brennan, the former CIA director.


The Intercept report does not say whether Rogers has provided any information that contradicts Brennan, the CIA, or the FBI.


In May, Attorney General William Barr tapped Durham to lead an administrative review of U.S. agencies’ investigation and intelligence-gathering activities related to the Trump campaign. Barr said at the time that he had questions about the FBI’s rationale for investigating whether Trump campaign advisers were conspiring with Russia in 2016.


Barr said in a Fox News interview this week that Durham is looking at what happened before the FBI opened that investigation in July 2016, as well as what took place after Trump was elected.


According to The New York Times, Durham is interested in the CIA’s assessment that Russia meddled in the 2016 election specifically to help Donald Trump win the election.


The CIA and FBI assessed with a high degree of confidence that Russia meddled in the 2016 election in order to help Donald Trump win the election, rather than just to sow discord in the American political system. The NSA had only a medium degree of confidence in the theory.

Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 3:59 p.m. No.7575479   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5596 >>5830 >>6041

KY Gov. Proudly Defends Decision to Pardon Multiple Convicted Child Rapists, Murderers


Kentucky — On his way out of office, Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin dropped a huge batch of pardons and commutations of sentences of hundreds of Kentuckians. While some of these people were rotting in jail for weed convictions or other victimless crimes, many of the pardons consisted of violent criminals and child rapists.


Some of the people on the governor’s list of pardons include Blake Walker, who was convicted in 2003 of killing his parents; Kurt Smith, who as a teenager was found guilty of murdering his 6-week old son; Delmar Partin, who was convicted of beheading a woman and stuffing her in a barrel; Kathy Ann Harless, who left her newborn baby to die in an outhouse; Dayton Jones, who was convicted in 2016 of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy; Patrick Baker, who convicted of reckless homicide in 2017; Paul Donel Hurt, who was serving a life sentence for sexually abusing and sodomizing a 6-year-old girl; Doug Phelps, who pleaded guilty to child porn, and Micah Schoettle, convicted last year of raping a child and sentenced to 23 years in prison.


Doubling down on his decision to pardon these violent criminals and child rapists, Bevin went on the radio this week to defend his decision. He focused in on the child rapist Schoettle to make his case. Referring to the rapist’s 9-year-old victim and her sister, Bevin said that because their hymens were intact, no rape took place.


“Both their hymens were intact. This is perhaps more specific than people would want, but trust me. If you have been repeatedly sexually violated as a small child by an adult, there are going to be repercussions of that physically and medically,” Bevin said.


No one here is arguing that some folks don’t deserve second chances and that innocent people go to jail all the time, but pardoning a man convicted for raping a 9-year-old girl “because her hymen was intact” is horrifyingly stupid.


The former governor is now under fire from forensic experts and scientists — and rightfully so — who aptly noted that scientists have debunked the notion that inspecting a child’s hymen can prove whether they were sexually assaulted. What’s more, experts have found that most survivors of child sexual abuse do not have any physical damage.


“Bevin’s claim is flatly incorrect,” Dr. George Nichols, who was Kentucky’s chief medical examiner for 20 years and who later started the child abuse evaluation system at Kosair Children’s Hospital, told The Courier Journal.


“Rape is not proved by hymen penetration,” Nichols said. “Rape is proved by phallic penetration … where the vaginal lips meet the outer surface of the vagina.

Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 4:12 p.m. No.7575616   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5656 >>5830 >>6041



Fallouh: Top political hypocrisy when some Security Council members talk about a humanitarian crisis in Syria while they launch aggression on its people

SANA-Acting Charge de-Affairs of Syria’s permanent mission to the UN, Louay Fallouh, said that the top political and moral hypocrisy is that when some sides at UN Security Council talk about a humanitarian crisis in Syria while they launch aggression and impose siege on its people.

Fallouh, during a UN Security council session following a veto used by Russia and China against a draft resolution, submitted by Germany, Belgium and Kuwait about transporting humanitarian aid to Syria which exploits the situation in the country and violates its sovereignty, said that Syria thanks the countries that foiled the draft resolution submitted by the so-called “humanitarian co-penholders”, a step that preserves principles of the international law and UN convention.


Dozens Of Syrian, Russian Airstrikes Target Idlib Terrorists (Videos)

Syrian and Russian warplanes carried out on December 20 more than 80 airstrikes on terrorists’ positions in the so-called Greater Idlib region.


Syrian Army Shells Turkish Observation Post In Southeast Idlib

The Turkish military’s main observation post in southeast Idlib has been reportedly shelled by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

The SAA is now advancing towards al-Surman post from the eastern and southern directions. Soon, the post could be besieged by Syrian troops, similar to what happened with the Turkish observation post in the town of Murak in northern Hama earlier this year.


The Syrian army to preparing to launch an offensive to recapture and secure the Aleppo-Hama Highway and the surrounding towns writes Al-Watan.

The Syrian Army has begun wide-ranging preparations with various weaponry in the eastern countryside of Maarat al-Nu’man and Saraqeb, in an attempt to launch a military operation, apparently to access the highway connecting Hama and Aleppo with the aim of securing it and putting it into service, in accordance with the Sochi agreement between the Russian and Turkish presidents in mid-September 2018.


Military Situation In Southern Idlib Following December 20 Advance By Syrian Army (Map Update)

Since the start of the December 20 advance in southern Idlib, the Syrian Army and its allies liberated a number of villages and areas from Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies. These are Um Jalal, Sahal, Tal alSheikh, Abu Haba, Farja, Barisa, Um Tinah, Barnan, Shaarah, Khariba and Rabiya.


Pedersen calls for a political solution to the crisis in Syria in line with resolution No.2254

He stressed that the work of the committee of discussing the constitution should be under leadership of Syria totally, based on principles which call for respecting Syria’s sovereignty in line with UN resolution No. 2254.


ISIS Cells Storm Gas Field In Eastern Homs, Kill Guards & Workers

ISIS attacked the gas well, which is located in Wadi al-Dhubiyat between the town of al-Sukhnah and the T3 station, late on December 19. The terrorist group’s fighters capture the well for a few hours before being pushed away by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA).

By launch such attacks, ISIS is likely attempting to regain momentum in central Syria. The army has so far succeeded in preventing this.

Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 4:21 p.m. No.7575697   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5809

Today's Jewish Billionaires Are Much Worse than 19th c. Robber Barons - Don't Give up Your Guns Just Yet …


Recent events in Virginia are teaching rural and working class white America a lesson about what they can expect when they are electorally outnumbered and replaced in their own state. Gun control is the order of the day, and in spite of vocal protests in city council meetings and public forums around the state, Second Amendment rights will soon be as dead in Virginia as First Amendment rights already are in the city of Charlottesville.


Some believe the issue of gun rights is simply a harmless fixation of right-wing boomers, preppers and libertarian cranks. They are wrong. This issue strikes right to the heart of the biggest political and economic transformation in the United States of the past 40 years: the growth of monopolistic corporate power over the lives of the little people. Or to put it more accurately: the domination of billionaire Jews over the lives of impoverished, socially disintegrated and debt-enslaved white America.


During the late 19th and early 20th century, gigantic capitalists during the Gilded Age presided over another era of big business tyranny over the lives of ordinary Americans.


Brutal as they were, those capitalists were mostly white men who still shared some cultural and racial heritage with the masses of working people. Business magnates such as Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller oppressed their workers, but they made their fortunes from commodities such as oil and steel, the stuff which built the growth and transformation of America into an industrialized power.

Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 4:48 p.m. No.7575945   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Regime change underway in Australia?


A tale of two Prime Ministers: Former leader Tony Abbott puts on his uniform and fights fires south of Sydney while PM Scott Morrison kicks back in Hawaii in his shorts and thongs


Images of Tony Abbott in his RFS uniform have emerged as he helps fight fires

Comes as Scott Morrison has been blasted for jetting off to Hawaii on family trip

Mr Morrison has since apologised and said he'll be back as soon as he can

Petition calling for Mr Morrison to step down has 77,000 signed in 18 hours

NSW will brace for the worst on Saturday as temperatures get close to 50C


Remember the digs on SM? His links to hillsong and pedos…hmmmmm???

Anonymous ID: aacc26 Dec. 20, 2019, 4:53 p.m. No.7575987   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6062

BREAKING — HE’S DEAD?!! Italian Prosecutors Believe Mysterious Deep State Spy Joseph Mifsud – Missing for 2 Years – “ALMOST CERTAINLY DEAD!”


Italian prosecutors believe Joseph Mifsud, the Maltese professor who started Russiagate is ‘almost certainly dead.’


Joseph Mifsud approached Trump campaign advisor George Papadopoulos in the spring of 2016 and tried to plant dirt on him by claiming the Russians had Hillary Clinton’s ‘missing’ State Department emails.


Comey claimed Mifsud was a Russian spy, however, it is believed that Mifsud was working for the FBI or CIA as an informant sent to spy on Trump’s camp.


Mifsud hasn’t been heard from or seen since the spring of 2018.


Italian news outlet Il Giornale suggested that according to sources within the Agrigento Public Prosecution office, Mifsud is believed to be dead.


But who was Mifsud? And what did he do? Until 2013, the Maltese professor was president of the university center of Agrigento. In its management, however, something went wrong: budget holes and crazy expenses risked killing the institution. For this reason, the Agrigento prosecutor has launched an investigation against him. But there has been no trace of Mifsud since 31 October 2017 and now, as highlighted on InsideOver, a tragic suspect is winding through the corridors of the Agrigento court: Mifsud may be dead. A hypothesis that prosecutor’s sources believe “80%” true: “The chances that he died confirm by the court are very high”.


Investigative reporter Sara Carter reached out to Department of Justice officials and they declined to comment on the ongoing investigation or Mifsud.


Sara Carter also said she spoke to Roberto Vivaldelli on Friday about this new development.


I spoke to Roberto Vivaldelli Friday, and he affirmed that the newest details regarding Mifsud came as a result of their investigation into Mifsud’s time as president of a university in the southern Italian city of Agrigento, Sicily. Currently, prosecutor’s in Agriengento, Sicily are investigating Mifsud’s alleged misuse of university finances and unexplained expenses.


“Mifsud is under investigation for his management of the university and for some crazy expenses,” Vivaldelli told me. “From the information we have gathered, the Italian prosecutors are convinced that the professor is most likely not alive.”

Vivaldelli said a person sent an audio file to the offices of two Italian newspapers last November 11, “but according to an expert we consulted this audio is fake. I personally think it’s incredible that no one knows where Mifsud is, alive or dead.”


DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz was asked this week if Mifsud was a Russian spy and Horowitz declined to answer in an open setting.