` ID: 380079 Dec. 20, 2019, 6:31 p.m. No.7576972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

We just have to ban the violent abuse of infant children by cutting off pieces of their penis, a very sensitive organ. The trauma of this child abuse causes no end of problems in society.


Alternatively, families with male children who have been circumcised can be required to wear a large yellow star on the front and back, at all times. Makes no difference whether they are Muslim or Hebrew families. Mothers and sisters must also wear them. And I won't be counting how many points they use on the stars because I don't care.


Yes, these people will be pariahs who won't be able to find any work except garbage collection, where they will be able to find plenty of food for their families and materials to build shelter for the night.


Disgusting people, every one of them.


Circumcision is not religion. It is violence!!!

Violent sexual abuse should be illegal!!!

Otherwise, it should be made legal to rape women whenever you feel the urge for a fuck.


It's all about BALANCE and FAIRNESS just like in the trade deals that Trump is negotiating.


I have nothing against Jews who study the Kabbalah (I do too) or against Muslims who study Sufism (I do too). That is religion, and that is just fine and a noble use of one's time.


Religion is a latin word related to the English relinking'. It is supposed to be about reconnecting to the divine source of the universe. Anything that is VIOLENCE cannot be religion.



` ID: 380079 Dec. 20, 2019, 6:46 p.m. No.7577156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7246



Fuck off shill!

I will share whatever I want, whether I believe it or not.

If I have learned something and I haven't seen it here, I will share it.

It may be bullshit but that is EVERYBODY's job to find out for themselves.

In the process, your researching muscles and your logical thinking muscles get a good workout.


Sitting around analyzing your beliefs looking for the one that is 100% sounds like something liberals do with the psychoanalyst babel-shit.


Q is a source of crumbs.

Crumbs are leads for research.

Often two or three seemingly unrelated crumbs, will help Google pull up some info to the first page of results.

The crumbs themselves could be completely irrelevant red herrings of disinfo.

That's up to each person to decide for themselves.

Over time your crazy ideas won't find much evidence to confirm them.

But your good ideas will keep bumping into independent sources, and like those TV detectives, you will focus on the probabilities, and look for the one fits the patterns the best.


In the end, we do not issue indictments and prosecute the cases. So we can afford to make lots of mistakes as we learn.

Later on we can run for public office, or take on important local government tasks and we will be well prepared for that.