Anonymous ID: 1946ba Dec. 20, 2019, 7:33 p.m. No.7577674   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7700 >>7720 >>7746 >>7747 >>7759 >>7799 >>7810 >>7819 >>7847 >>7855 >>7859 >>7936 >>7983 >>8119 >>8127 >>8213

I sincerely apologize to all of you last night.

yes I did show my body

I am close to being evicted from my apartment unless I cough up 9000.00

I am and have not been in a rational state of mind. I dont want to go live 2000 miles away from my kids after their father just past away suddenly last august.

I have never been in such a hopeless and dark time.

I am not looking for any sympathy just know I am deeply deeply troubled. And yes I am already under a care of drs and therapists. So thanks for the advice that you gave me while ridiculing me

How would any of you if you just lost a parent when you are in your young twenties deal with the only other parent having to move far away due to financial difficulties.

dont ridicule me and dont make jokes about topanon. I am going thru a horrendously difficult time( yes I will make mistakes) but do not make fun of me. I only wanted to share some music last night and I got laughed at. I wasnt seeking attention. I was only sharing a song for you anons who I admire and respect, A song sent to you out of love.

I am not seeking attention at all, I am on here every day like clockwork and even during my work day I am that devoted and yes I have been reading and learning from you great anons for 2 years. I was vulnerable last night and scared out of my wits. I made mistakes. But do not I repeat do not ridicule me. I would not ridicule anyone on the verge of losing everything including her kids.. so go ahead and ridicule me as topanon or whatever and have a laugh. Just know I dont deserve it and I am on the your team. Team Q and Trump.

I love you all and respect your devotion to the truth

Just be respectful and don't continue to make me a laughing stock I do not deserve it.

Anonymous ID: 1946ba Dec. 20, 2019, 7:41 p.m. No.7577774   🗄️.is 🔗kun


go ahead leave you miserable unfeeling POS

I hope you go thur difficult times someday and have

others like you laugh. Nice. I am a patriot and I have spent

a ton of time on this site, so be an ass I can give a shit. Just shows others what a POS you are.

Anonymous ID: 1946ba Dec. 20, 2019, 7:54 p.m. No.7577906   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7940 >>7952 >>7974 >>8046 >>8047 >>8152 >>8161 >>8256 >>8264 >>8285 >>8363


yes I will leave and I will never post here..Good to know other patriots do not give a shit about anybody…sad I gave this site so much attention.

there is no empathy at all. But it is anons like me who take info from this site and educate the masses. So go about your way and treat other anons like shit. soon no one will share info from here on other sites. I really dont care anymore and you all can make fun of me when I leave. We are all connected. We are all created by God. Its beyond time to treat others like it. Peace be with you all.