Anonymous ID: acda71 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:56 p.m. No.7577936   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8213


Anon, you never needed to show anything…I have also been told Tits or GTFO..I tell those anons no not gonna happen. I usually never reveal my gender as it doesn't matter but your message here has moved me and I want to tell you that there is more than enough love in the universe for all souls and I am sending some positives and energy your way. Do not travel your journey with your head down in shame, mistakes are just that momentary blips that make us go, "FUCK" what the hell do I do now? Take one day, or one hour at a time. Try to seek help if you can, its ok to ask for asistance if needed. I agree your kids need you to be close and you need to be close to them, I don't have any easy answers for you, but you must believe that you are worthy and you will work through this and find a solution or perhaps many solutions. Today is a new day and you can start over any time you need to…Take care of yourself, medicate talk to your higher power, call you children, release the burden of your pain and struggle through tears, get a good nights sleep. Take a break from the internet including this place, I have taken breaks for a week at times I was too sensitive to handle what was going on in the world and seeing it here, the clear blunt truth can rattle you sometimes. Never give in to the darkness, there is more than enough love, compassion and kindness, just make that your intention to seek such qualities in yourself and others and it shall manifest. Peace and love to anon…Godspeed.

Anonymous ID: acda71 Dec. 20, 2019, 8:34 p.m. No.7578271   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My father use to read Carl Sagan books….reminds me of him and his foresight into life and all things of heaven….miss him…been gone 20 years this past Sept….