Anonymous ID: d06ee0 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:37 p.m. No.7577735   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7751


Q's Warning to America….PAY Attention


When the stranger came to town

All the people watched with wonder

In their tattered clothes

Gathered 'round and raised their eyes up from the dirt


And the stranger said to them

I have been upon the mountain

I have witnessed forces, like cannons

That could ram you to the ground


Stand up on your feet

'Cause your life is short as hell

You could be dead tomorrow

Today may be your


Last chance to believe in yourself

Your last chance to yell

Your last chance to be good to yourself

Your last chance to drink from life's well


The enemy is in your heart

Self-respect robbed by self-pity

Look across the country

All the people with their dreams dead in their hearts


Stand up your feet

'Cause your life is short as hell

You could be dead tomorrow

Today may be your


Last chance to believe in yourself

Your last chance to yell

Your last chance to be good to yourself

Your last chance to drink from life's well



Last Chance ~ Shooting Star

Anonymous ID: d06ee0 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:46 p.m. No.7577829   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7877

'In denial, in hiding or in Hawaii': Scott Morrison goes MIA


Australia has now solved its most mystifying prime ministerial disappearance since Harold Holt's, but what difference will it make? By quietly taking leave this week and passing the prime minister's duties to Michael McCormack without any announcement, Scott Morrison instantly did two things.


First, he created a bit of a mystery, and a mystery always invites scrutiny and speculation and turns a small thing into a bigger one. Second, by doing so, he transformed a routine break into a political vulnerability.


The demands for leadership in the midst of a national crisis grew by the day until finally, amid a burst of remorse and apology, he broke his silence and his vacation to rush home a day early.


It took the deaths of two volunteer firefighters amid Australia's Great Burning to move him. That is, the deaths of the two volunteer firefighters as well as the six other people who have perished in fires so far this season.


And the great contribution by acting Prime Minister McCormack? The Nationals Party leader, a politician unknown to most Australians and with all of the moral authority that that implies, lectured the protesters who dared call on Morrison to come home and do something.

Anonymous ID: d06ee0 Dec. 20, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.7577860   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Worth the watch.. Great song… beautiful ladies.. and a true story ..not to mention you can't beat 7777 kek


TLC - Waterfalls (Video Version)

Anonymous ID: d06ee0 Dec. 20, 2019, 8:09 p.m. No.7578060   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8123

Sweden launches original Communist Party with NO Multiculturalism, LGBT, Climate Change just like in USSR

Posted by EU Times on Dec 20th, 2019


Not only do the defectors regard these phenomenons as having been “rammed down workers’ throats” by the establishment, but they also want to discard the name “Communist” as “drawn down to the dirt”. Now this is what we’re talking about! This is real communism! Many in the alt-right movement down-talk all this modern mass schizophrenia as “communism”, they say antifas, gays, multiculturalism, climate change, all this nonsense is communist but we wrote an extensive article about it explaining that this is NOT communism and these are just the products of Satanic capitalism and furthermore we endorse communism in its original European form.


Almost half of the members of the Communist Party in Malmö are resigning. Instead, they plan establish a new workers’ party that doesn’t put as much emphasis on things like multiculturalism, LGBT issues and climate alarmism, which have become the staples and rallying calls of today’s left.


Nils Littorin, one of the defectors, explained to Lokaltidningen that today’s left has become part of the elite and has come to “dismiss the views of the working class as alien and problematic”. Littorin suggested that the left, as a movement, is going through a prolonged identity crisis and that his group, instead, intends to stick to the original values, such as class warfare.


“They don’t understand why so many workers don’t think that multiculturalism, the LGBT movement and Greta Thunberg are something fantastic, but instead believe we are in the 1930s’ Germany and that workers who vote [right-wing] Sweden Democrats have been infected by some Nazi sickness,” he explained to Lokaltidningen.


The right-wingers’ major gains from the working class are, according to Littorin, a token of widespread dissatisfaction with liberal economic migration that leads to “low-wage competition” and the “ghettoisation of communities”, a development that “only benefits major companies”.


According to Littorin, one of the underlying problems is a “chaotic” immigration policy that has led to cultural clashes, segregation and exclusion due to an uncontrolled influx from parts of the world characterised by honour culture and clan mentalities.

Anonymous ID: d06ee0 Dec. 20, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.7578165   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8193 >>8211 >>8221


Q said they have a special place pick out for Soros.. But he is just a puppet ..just like the rest of them..Nobody gives away this kinda money out of the kindness of their heart.. His time is running out…Just how FKing old do you think he is…..Q what about all the NGO's he gave his money 2.. And when is Trump going to do something about the MB Some of us have been here since the beginning and we ACTUALLY read your posts.. and PAY what you say


George Soros Just Used $18 Billion to Create One of the World’s Biggest Charities


Billionaire investor George Soros has transferred “the bulk of his wealth” to the Open Society Foundations, the nonprofit organization said.


The $18 billion donation from Soros, who has long championed democratic causes, makes the organization one of the world’s largest philanthropic nonprofits, according to the Wall Street Journal.


Created by Soros in 1979, Open Society is a grant-making foundation with branches and partners around the world and focuses on supporting democracies and combating issues of injustice and discrimination, among other causes.


Open Society’s total expenditures are nearly $14 billion over its several decades of existence. Its 2017 budget is $940.7 million, with grants to seven regions around the globe focused on issues like economic governance and advancement, justice reform and human rights, according to the organization.

Anonymous ID: d06ee0 Dec. 20, 2019, 8:28 p.m. No.7578224   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>Who are the puppet masters?


What the FK is wrong with you READ a BOOK.. STARTING with this one..and LEARN some of the PUPPET masters are…DUMMY…And don't talk NO BULLSHIT 2 me..







Why did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers than medical doctors? Rather than caring for the victims of war and revolution, its members seemed more intent on negotiating contracts with the Kerensky government, and subsequently the Bolshevik regime. In a courageous investigation, Antony Sutton establishes tangible historical links between US capitalists and Russian communists. Drawing on State Department files, personal papers of key Wall Street figures, biographies and conventional histories, Sutton reveals: the role of Morgan banking executives in funneling illegal Bolshevik gold into the US; the co-option of the American Red Cross by powerful Wall Street forces; the intervention by Wall Street sources to free the Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky, whose aim was to topple the Russian government; the deals made by major corporations to capture the huge Russian market a decade and a half before the US recognized the Soviet regime; and, the secret sponsoring of Communism by leading businessmen, who publicly championed free enterprise. "Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution" traces the foundations of Western funding of the Soviet Union. Dispassionately, and with overwhelming documentation, the author details a crucial phase in the establishment of Communist Russia. This classic study - first published in 1974 and part of a key trilogy - is reproduced here in its original form. (The other volumes in the series include "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" and a study of Franklin D. Roosevelt's "1933 Presidential election in the United States").