Anonymous ID: d2613b Dec. 20, 2019, 8:05 p.m. No.7578026   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8044 >>8072 >>8136 >>8248 >>8335 >>8377

Crowdstrike Collyer 702s


FISA Court rules FBI illegally and routinely gave 70 private contractors unrestricted access to secret spy data


Judge Rosemary Collyer, pictured above, Presiding Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), ruled the FBI illegally outsourced an unlimited amount of top secret surveillance information to 70 private contractors.


Judge Collyer said the FBI's "improper disclosure of raw intelligence about Americans to unauthorized individuals" was illegal. The FISA Chief Judge also said the FBI was told in previous court orders to stop outsourcing its intelligence services.


The Judge's 99-page ruling dated April 26, 2017 is attached here:


Footnote 68 on Page 86:


"It appears that the government views the above-described disclosures of information to the _____ contractors as disclosures to a federal agency, rather than to a private entity or private individuals. In any event, the government acknowledges that those disclosures were improper . . ."


Footnote 69 on Page 87:


"The improper access granted to the (DNC) contractors was apparently in place ___ and seems to have been the result of deliberate decision-making.


"Despite the existence of an inter-agency memorandum of understanding, no notice of this practice was given to the FISC until 2016."


Editor's note:


The blackened portions of Judge Collyer's ruling contain names of 70 private contractors and reporters. They will be identified shortly through Congressional hearings and public information lawsuits.


FISA Court rules FBI illegally and routinely gave 70 private contractors unrestricted access to secret spy data


Judge Rosemary Collyer, pictured above, Presiding Judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), ruled the FBI illegally outsourced an unlimited amount of top secret surveillance information to 70 private contractors.


Judge Collyer said the FBI's "improper disclosure of raw intelligence about Americans to unauthorized individuals" was illegal. The FISA Chief Judge also said the FBI was told in previous court orders to stop outsourcing its intelligence services.


The Judge's 99-page ruling dated April 26, 2017 is attached here:


Footnote 68 on Page 86:


"It appears that the government views the above-described disclosures of information to the _____ contractors as disclosures to a federal agency, rather than to a private entity or private individuals. In any event, the government acknowledges that those disclosures were improper . . ."


Footnote 69 on Page 87:


"The improper access granted to the (DNC) contractors was apparently in place ___ and seems to have been the result of deliberate decision-making.


"Despite the existence of an inter-agency memorandum of understanding, no notice of this practice was given to the FISC until 2016."


Editor's note:


The blackened portions of Judge Collyer's ruling contain names of 70 private contractors and reporters. They will be identified shortly through Congressional hearings and public information lawsuits.



Anonymous ID: d2613b Dec. 20, 2019, 8:20 p.m. No.7578166   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8178 >>8209 >>8220 >>8344

The dots connected in this post are:


CIA, FBI, CrowdStrike, Michael "Papa Bear" Alpernovitch, Keith Mularski, Robert "Moscow Mule" Mueller, Canadian Embassy, Tennessee Valley Authority, Oak Ridge Nuclear Laboratory, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, Georgia Tech, Dark Market, Max Ray "The Iceman" Butler, Shawn Henry, President Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Steven Chabinsky, James Clapper, CipherTrust, TrustedSource, SecureComputing, McAfee, Intel, Operation Aurora, Google, John Carlin, Loretta Lynch, George Soros, "The Dukes".




CIA, FBI, and Hillary Clinton use CrowdStrike software to tap, collect, and sell surveillance information


The CIA and FBI use CrowdStrike software as a back door into the nation's cyber systems.


CrowdStrike software is installed in nearly every federal agency and department including Congress, the FBI, the Defense Department, and the White House.


Stuart McClure, a founder of CrowdStrike, said their software "doesn't do anything around prevention", "only … detection". And CrowdStrike software doesn't "do it all that well." McClure was quoted in Forbes, a global business PR network.


To prove McClure's point, Google has never used CrowdStrike software.


Three out of four federal agencies are at significant risk of being hacked, according to a May 2018 report from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).


The report is called "Federal Cybersecurity Risk Determination Report and Action Plan". It was released today. It is 22 pages and is linked here:


The OMB found 71 out of 96 federal agencies have computer information security programs that were either "at risk" or at "high risk". Only 25 agencies were reported to be managing risk using recommended tools and policies.


The Office of Management and Budget is part of the Executive Office of President Donald J. Trump.


Yet as an FBI contractor, CrowdStrike still has top secret clearance.


According to a FISA (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act) ruling, CrowdStrike has "unrestricted illegal access" to the nation's surveillance data.



Anonymous ID: d2613b Dec. 20, 2019, 8:26 p.m. No.7578209   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8228



Homeland Security's first head, Tom Ridge, routinely called the FBI "a propaganda machine". If alive today, Ridge would say the FBI has upped its game. That FBI public relations (PR) fiasco is compounded at CrowdStrike by its President, Shawn Henry, who retired from the FBI.


A search of "CrowdStrike" on Reuters, a global PR service for businesses, shows 240 posts since 2012.


CrowdStrike was part of the Department of Defense's cyber program that granted top secret clearances to non-government employees and corporations. The program was designed by the Obama Administration in 2011 to fill the gaps in the nation's cyber defense programs.


Pictured above is Shawn "Uncle Fester" Henry. He retired from the FBI to become President of CrowdStrike. Henry's real picture will appear later in this post. Uncle Fester was a character on the "Addams Family" television show. A light bulb would turn on whenever it was inserted into his mouth.


According to George Webb Sweigert, Henry is one of Hillary Clinton's "Three Henchmen" with FBI connections. The other two are former FBI Directors Robert Mueller and James Comey.


Deleting the back door in CrowdStrike software may be impossible. It may require a new non-CrowdStrike system, an act of Congress, or an Executive Order to plug CrowdStrike's back door.


Pulling CrowdStrike's troika is the CIA, FBI, and Michael Alpernovitch or "Papa Bear". According to George Webb Sweigert, "Papa Bear" heads "Hillary's Hackers" (Clinton).


CrowdStrike and its top executives have a history of fiascoes and hacks.


CrowdStrike is the cyber world's Clinton Foundation without the charity.


CrowdStrike has a real Russian connection. The key players, the Alpernovitch family, were born in Moscow. They are known as "Mueller's Moscow Mules" by the FBI after their former director, Robert Mueller.


What is worse than being exiled to Siberia? Being "assigned" to the Chernobyl clean-up team. The Chernobyl nuclear disaster occurred in 1986. Chernobyl is 65 miles north of Kiev, in the Soviet Ukraine.


Michael was to be sent to Chernobyl as part of a rescue mission. Many of Michael's close friends and colleagues died of radiation poisoning within months of the mission.


After 30 years, the Russians are still cleaning up the nuclear radiation mess in Chernobyl.


The CIA made "Papa Bear" Michael Alpernovitch an offer he "couldn't refuse".


Come to America and work for the CIA. Or stay in Russia.


America! America!


To get him out of Russia, Canada approved a visa in 1994 for "Papa Bear". Once in Canada, the CIA made Michael an American citizen. He was granted top security clearance to work for the Tennessee Valley Authority, Chattanooga office.


***long Article more to read at first link, sorry for the copy pasta fellow patriotfags:)

Anonymous ID: d2613b Dec. 20, 2019, 8:38 p.m. No.7578304   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8323 >>8366



Crowd strike given access


Backdoor PROMIS?


no pun intended;) but I've always had an itch that PROMIS plays a role in the events playing out now.


Combine that with LEADER technologies scandal and the implications there and you begin to paint a picture