This is humiliating for him i can sense it. Quoting it as if he can't keep coming out to say these things.he says it with physical threats with threatening and intimidating trump saying he wants trump to be hauled into jail. He is defending the cult because this is how sad this is. The cult is using this like a movie they think robert deniro can intimidate trump like its goodfellas. but that is what they are doing mainly imo. ITS WHY THEY GOT ALL THE STARS TOGETHER TO TEACH AMERICA TO SAY NO TO TRUMP. THEY THOUGHT YOU WOULD FOLLOW THE STARS.
The joker is like the lady dancing video. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
what are you talking about? If it was an of age woman where is this video?
And i have heard of things like this but he said a woman lying down. I have heard of an account of an anon during twittergate (right before comet ping pong false flag during pizzagate)saw a twitter account with a video of a man telling a screaming child who was screaming "where is mommy" "i am your mommy now" before stabbing the child to death. I never sought it out but part of me wants to know if that kind of shit is widespread i am sure it exists. And if he is saying a woman a full grown woman is being slashed to death in a ritual dungeon you better give the link i won't listen to it ill skip through it might see symbolism. You cant do that with the child sacrifice fuck that but human grown adult sacrifice we need to see it it can wake people up like you said it woke you up. I can cut it right before it gets really bad.
>human sacrifice
You know what i have seen that before there is one on youtube of a satanic cultist getting raided for selling heads.I bet they sell heads for adrenochrome. Shows the cultist stabbing a man and decapitating him. The bloody mouth alone was bad enough i understand not wanting to share that. Or even be able to if it was something an elite or maybe they are in law enforcement showed them or something like that.
Ok that is a pedo thing. I think its called hurtcore..The satanic element is interesting and worth investigation by citizens but only if its an adult. Though either way the frazzledrip needs to somehow come out i think if she is wearing a kids face the people need to know about that. But That just makes me mad to think about generic child torture. Fuck these people. I remember the streaming menu screenshot from the wethepizza fake menu (maybe it was real) where it said they sold streams to red rooms for children. Has to do with adrenochrome i have read that over and over again.
caverns? Ancient tunnels?
on here someone even said hrc tape was for adrenochrome. The human sacrifice cp and adrenochrome all combine i think.
they say you can't dig far under the ground in florida. They say there is WATER under the ground. They arent talking about water. They are talking about you can't dig because it will make it rain on their underground cities they have. Daddy goes to the real disney while the children play on the surface. Daddy drinks blood for freemasonry.