Anonymous ID: 9973a9 Dec. 20, 2019, 9:13 p.m. No.7578574   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8592 >>8604 >>8640 >>8945 >>8948 >>8985

Dear Karen


As bread history proves, you are not the

first femmanon to go buck wild on chan tradition.

This is a familiar pattern that autists, pattern

recognizers that we are, spotted and checked

like a good pair of dubs.

Some, sure you were using sophisticated mind fuck shill tactics, filtered and moved on.

Some, ever the culture enforcers, defended the rule of TOGTFO with increasing furor, sarc and voracity.

Some, like myself, tried to answer you with reason.

Some, just begged for Bubbles.

(Bubbles, famous femmanon who, I am sure is a dynamic and complex woman IRL and wouldn't doubt she has had similar fits as yours in regards to the inevitable frustrations of being a person in the world, on here she DGAF and followed the rules. She posted her beautiful shower time titties, gave certain anons a rise and I am sure she had a damn good time doing so).


You, determined to defend your honor replied and replied

and replied

and tried to turn the tide of this consensus towards understanding. That, imho, is what (you)

were not understanding. You cannot MAKE anyone see anything from your perspective,

because it is YOUR perspective. Everybody is entitled to their own. That is literally what we are fighting for here. The freedom to think and believe and SAY what we want. And the big Quantum secret (which becomes clearer as you continue to level up) is the more you realize how entitled everyone is to their own perspective (no matter how much you may disagree with it or you think it disrespects yours) the more their perspective becomes pieces in this great puzzle of consciousness and the more that multidimensional myriad memetic puzzle of possibilities becomes your own perspective.

>All your thoughts are belong to us now.


I can understand where you are coming from (see how that works) and your fit last night wasn't just familiar because its been seen here countless times already, it was familiar because I had a similar reaction when I first jumped in here- smh at the boys club immaturity, the cruelty and wanting to defend women and whomever was the brunt of the joke because of it….


funny story, my very first post on here was a knee jerk reaction with a similar tone to your tantrum. I was incensed at some nonsense about gay folks and I replied in defense, feeling the need make their ignorance known to them. To make them see another perspective. Needless to say my post was swarmed with shill fire

>have fun with your incontinence fag

(actually had to look that word up! kek)

Heart pounding, my butt, a little hurt- the rush I felt posting here was incredible. Even though I didn't totally understand what I was jumping into, facezook this definitely was not and I was hooked.


Since that moment, sometime in Feb of 18, I have found many many kernels of truth poking out of the massive shit that is /qresearch/ -compiled by the almost 10000 loaves pinched by baker and anons..

>corn ready for harvest?

my mind has been refined like diamonds do under pressure and I feel more ready then ever to take on the SJW and brainwashed normies with logic, facts and compassion for their sometimes retarded perspective. (see how that works, this place is a refinery)


I know you said you were never coming back

but Im pretty sure your lurking (hopefully posting anon tonight) cuz you cant quit us, none of us can. We need this place. We know this fight is bigger than we can imagine, and we need each other to keep on imagining whats possible on the other side of this war. because, WWG1WGA


With Love,
