Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 12:12 a.m. No.7579343   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9348 >>9358 >>9419 >>9471 >>9543 >>9727 >>9731 >>9788 >>9871

The Criminal Democrat Deep State Coup End Game Revealed: Remove President Trump, VP Mike Pence to Install Pelosi as Temporary Placeholder Until Crooked Hillary is Inserted as President


Do you believe me now? Democrats actively rolling out scheme to remove VP Mike Pence so they can install Nancy Pelosi, then Hillary Clinton as President… the CRIMINAL COUP IS HERE


The criminal coup scenario I warned you about has finally arrived. A scheme is now active to convict Trump and remove V.P. Mike Pence from power, then install Nancy Pelosi as president. Once there, she will appoint Hillary Clinton as her V.P. with no resistance from the Senate, then she will resign, making Hillary Clinton the president.


I warned about this exact scenario in an earlier article entitled, “It’s ON: The deep state plot to install Hillary Clinton as PRESIDENT this year, bypassing elections altogether.”


As many Natural News have come to realize, I have excellent sources deep inside the bureaucracy, and they fill me in on what’s going down. That’s the only way I was able to write the following words over two months ago, almost word-for-word what we just witnessed with the fake impeachment by the House:


The deep state Democrats (now a monolithic terrorist network that’s trying to take down America) have a plan in place to install Hillary Clinton as President of the United States before the end of this year.


Full details of the plan are explained in the video below. Here’s the summary of the steps the deep state Democrats hope to achieve:


Step 1) Fake an impeachment of President Trump and whip up media hysteria to gaslight the entire nation into thinking Trump is being impeached when it’s all an act (with no real vote in the House, no legal bearing and no legitimacy).


Step 2) Stage an arrest of President Trump, V.P. Mike Pence and his Cabinet members for CNN’s cameras to create the visual impression that Trump is guilty of something. After all, why is he in handcuffs? (Everything with the Democrats is theater. Everything is staged.)


Step 3) Swear in Nancy Pelosi as the President, since she’s next in line (as Speaker of the House).


Step 4) Nancy Pelosi appoints Hillary Clinton as her Vice President.


Step 5) Nancy Pelosi resigns as President, making the V.P. (now Hillary Clinton) the President.


Step 6) Hillary Clinton then appoints a new Vice President, perhaps John Brennan, to strengthen the deep state spooks in her administration.


From that point on, the mass arrest and executions of all Trump supporters gets authorized by “President Hillary,” and all businesses or individuals who do not worship the authoritarian Clinton police state will be literally imprisoned in gulags or executed by Clinton’s death squads (which already have plenty of experience from Bill Clinton’s Arkansas days).


This is how it can all be accomplished before the end of this year, if the Democrats manage to succeed in their devious plans.


Do you now see how this plan is unfolding exact as I described over two months ago?


I remember after publishing that article how some critics were attacking the predictions as ludicrous. Now, of course, it has all unfolded exactly as I warned. Suddenly no one is laughing anymore, even about the civil war I’ve been warning about for over two years as well.


If you think this isn’t all headed for blood in the streets, you’re delusional. The Democrats will not stop until they are forced to do so. At some point, that likely comes down to the use of handcuffs, or ropes or a nationwide activation of the Second Amendment to defend the republic against domestic enemies. There are no scenarios now where this ends peacefully. That window of opportunity vanished when 228 Democrats committed treason by voting to impeach President Trump in the House.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.7579348   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9358 >>9403 >>9471 >>9664 >>9727 >>9871



The Criminal Democrat Deep State Coup End Game Revealed: Remove President Trump, VP Mike Pence to Install Pelosi as Temporary Placeholder Until Crooked Hillary is Inserted as President


Part 2


And now, doubling down on her lawless treason, Nancy Pelosi refuses to turn over the articles of impeachment to the Senate, making sure the president cannot be found “not guilty” there.


Mike Pence is their next target, and removing him will install Pelosi as president


Right on cue, the lawless Democrats have shifted their focus to eliminating V.P. Mike Pence. As Michael Snyder writes today from his website, The Economic Collapse Blog:


Within hours of President Trump being impeached by the House, the mainstream media was reporting that Adam Schiff “has declared war” on Mike Pence. What Schiff is particularly obsessed about is a phone call between Vice-President Pence and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on September 18th.


Pence’s adviser Jennifer Williams listened in on that call, and she testified about it behind closed doors to Schiff’s committee. Her testimony was later classified, and Schiff has been badgering Pence to have it declassified.


On Tuesday, Schiff sent a letter to Pence alleging that the testimony given by Williams “raises profound questions about your knowledge of the President’s scheme to solicit Ukraine’s interference in the 2020 U.S. presidential election”.


In other words, Schiff is inferring that Vice-President Pence “abused his power” just like Trump supposedly did.


The UK Daily Mail has also documented Schiff’s rabid attempts to criminalize Mike Pence and remove him from power:


House Intelligence Committee chairman Adam Schiff has declared war on Vice President Mike Pence, barely a week after his panel finished its hearings on the impeachment of President Donald Trump.


As an impeachment vote loomed Wednesday, Schiff demanded Pence’s office declassify documents that he claims could show the vice president knee-deep in the Ukraine scandal that has brought Trump to the brink.


Make no mistake: This is all proceeding according to plan. First “impeach” Trump and pretend he’s already removed from power. Withhold the articles of impeachment from the Senate to make sure the Senate can never vindicate the president and find him “not guilty.” Then impeach Mike Pence and just flat-out gaslight the entire country with fake news CNN announcing that Pelosi is now the president.


You’d better get prepared for the coming civil war, because that’s exactly where Democrats are pushing this. It now seems obvious that the only way to stop the lawless, treasonous Democrats is for a million armed Americans to descend upon Washington D.C. and take the necessary steps to defend the republic and restore the rule of law under our duly elected President Donald J. Trump.


That day is rapidly approaching, exactly as I’ve warned for nearly three years.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 12:24 a.m. No.7579371   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9471 >>9727 >>9871

Lisa Page Email Shows Direct Evidence of Investigative Leaking and Bias IG Horowitz Said He Could Not Find…


Long article w/ vids and screencaps of docs, view here:

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 12:31 a.m. No.7579387   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9412 >>9471 >>9727 >>9812 >>9871

Third tunnel found under US-Mexico border in Arizona town (Nogales)


Two Mexican nationals were arrested in Arizona this week after a third tunnel – providing a hidden passageway underneath the U.S.-Mexico border – was found in the town of Nogales this month, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said in a statement Thursday.


ICE agents found the 82-foot long, 8-foot deep tunnel Tuesday while carrying out a search warrant on a home in Nogales, Ariz., the statement said. About 200 pounds of meth, two pounds of white heroin, three pounds of cocaine and six-and-a-half pounds of fentanyl were also found during the raid. The two Mexican nationals – Jovany Robledo-Delgado and Jesus Martinez Selgado – were arrested and charged with possession and conspiracy to distribute hard narcotics. They both appeared in U.S. federal court Wednesday.


The tunnel runs from the Arizona home to the entry of a sewage pipeline called the International Outfall Interceptor (IOI). The IOI transports millions of gallons of sewage water a day from the sister cities of Nogales – one in Mexico, Sonora, the other across the international boundary in Arizona – to a treatment plant in Rio Rico, Ariz., Fox 10 Phoenix reported.


Tunnels can be used by Mexican cartel members to transport narcotics across the border. Migrants also have reportedly used tunnels to try to enter the U.S. illegally, surpassing designated ports of entry.


Officials believe the tunnel had been there for at least a few months. They carried out the search warrant on the home after receiving an anonymous tip about drug smuggling through the IOI, Phoenix’s KTVK-TV reported. It was the third discovered in Nogales during December.


On Dec. 4, U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents and Mexican police found an incomplete tunnel under the streets during a routine sweep of a stormwater drainage system that serves the sister cities of Nogales on both sides of the border, Fox 10 reported.


It ran about 10-feet underground for about 20 feet into the U.S. from the Mexican side of the border. It was about three-feet wide and four-feet tall. Agents found its entrance in the floor of an existing drainage system tunnel – the opening blocked off by dirt and a mixture of Styrofoam and concrete. No people or drugs were found inside.


Some 50 yards away – a second was found on Dec. 10. CBP agents apprehended four migrants after spotting them on surveillance camera attempting to cross the U.S.-Mexico border, according to Fox 10. While retracing the migrant’s journey, agents located the tunnel about 5 feet north of the International Boundary Fence. Mexican police later located the entrance to the tunnel on the other side of the fence. It stretched about 10-feet below ground.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 12:35 a.m. No.7579397   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9419 >>9438 >>9459 >>9471 >>9727 >>9871

The Resistance Grows Monumentally: More Than 100 Cities, Towns, and Cities Have Declared Themselves Sanctuaries from Democratic Gun Control


One week ago, I wrote about Virginia’s gun control “sanctuary cities.” And according to a new report by The Associated Press, the number of regions rising up in a pro-2nd Amendment stance against potential Democratic legislation has grown phenomenally.


From the AP: Since Democrats won majorities in the state Senate and House of Delegates in November, more than 100 cities, towns and counties have passed such resolutions, vowing to oppose any new gun laws they believe violate the Second Amendment.


The movement’s incredible expansion prompted state Attorney General Mark Herring to issue a statement Friday warning that those who believe compliance will be optional are standing outside the law.


As per his letter to state Delegate Jerrauld Jones, local governments “cannot nullify state laws.”


Furthermore, in Mark’s subjective view, it’s all a baloney conspiracy:


“These resolutions have no legal force, and they’re just part of an effort by the gun lobby to stoke fear.”


The AG’s words don’t appear set to quell the resistance.


Across the state, thousands of gun advocates have appeared at county meetings in support of the sanctuary resolutions.


Philip Van Cleave — president of gun rights group Virginia Citizens Defense League — has a distinct response to Mark’s message: “a yawn.”


The way Philip sees it, the point of the declarations is to let legislators know the citizenry wants them to back off:


“The whole idea was to send a message from local government representing large numbers of people to say no more gun control.”


But Dems look to be readying for a clampdown on firearms, nonetheless.


As noted by Fox News: The new General Assembly is expected to vote on two bills in particular — SB 18 and SB 16 — which would ban assault weapons, raise the minimum age of purchase to 21 and require background checks for any firearm transfer.


Gun owner Jim Wood told Harrisonburg’s WHSV3 it’s all an assault on American constitutional liberty:


“It’s just the invasion of someone’s personal rights. … When they start picking apart at it, then all of a sudden it becomes the anti-gun laws that they’ve had in other countries.”


He’s very far from alone.


The Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL), a gun-rights group that provides a model resolution, claims that 85 of Virginia’s 95 counties have already approved so-called sanctuary measures. At least nine cities and 17 towns have done the same, the group said.


The VCDL is planning a protest on the steps of the Capitol next month, and Culpepper County Sheriff Scott Jenkins has already promised to deputize residents if gun control passes.


This could become a dangerous situation.


Yet, Governor Ralph “Kill Babies After They’re Born” Northam doesn’t seem concerned:


“I don’t think there’s anything to be afraid of.”


There could be.


Philip Van Cleave believes state Democrats have awakened a “sleeping giant.”


And how will the giant be dealt with? As I relayed on the 13th, Democratic Rep Donald McEachin had a disturbing idea:


“[U]ltimately, I’m not the governor, but the governor may have to nationalize the National Guard to enforce the law. That’s his call, because I don’t know how serious these counties are and how severe the violations of law will be. But that’s obviously an option he has.”


Yeah — that sounds like trouble’s on the way.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 12:44 a.m. No.7579420   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9440 >>9471 >>9725 >>9727 >>9871

REPORT: For The First Time, More People Are Leaving California Than Moving In


Progressive policies are hurting the state of California.


It is now known for high taxes, a massive homeless problem, disease in the cities, and human waste in the streets.


All of this combined is causing people to flee the state.


The Associated Press reports: California still most populous, but stalls at 39.9 million


More people are leaving California than moving in, evidence of the toll the state’s housing crisis is taking as the world’s fifth largest economy inches toward 40 million people.


An estimate released Friday by the California Department of Finance put the California’s population at 39.96 million, just shy of the 40 million milestone demographers had predicted the state would have passed by now.


The report shows California added more than 180,000 people when accounting for births and deaths for the 12 month period ending July 1. But when you include people who moved in and out of the state, California lost 39,500.


State officials say it is the first time since the 2010 census that more people left California than moved in over the course of a year, contributing to the state’s slowest recorded growth rate since 1900.


“People won’t move here because they can’t afford to come in the door,” said Dowell Myers, professor of policy, planning and demography at the University of Southern California. “The jobs are there. The people aren’t there.”


More than 158,000 people moved to California over the 12 month period that ended July 1. But more than 197,000 people left.


The homeless crisis is definitely one of the driving factors here.


NBC News reports: HUD estimates 2.7 percent rise in U.S. homelessness due to California housing crisis


An estimate of annual homelessness in the U.S. released Friday by the federal government shows that the number of people living on the streets increased 2.7 percent this year over last because of crisis-level housing issues in California.


The nation’s most populous state experienced a 16.4 percent increase in homelessness in 2019, the report by the Department of Housing and Urban Development said, even though voters approved a $4 billion affordable housing bond more than a year ago, and Los Angeles passed its own $1.2 billion housing bond in 2016.


L.A. has been slow to spend its money on shelters because of neighborhood opposition, and the state’s largest coastal cities have long experienced housing prices and rents that exceed the budgets of many families. In November, San Francisco voters approved $600 million in bonds for affordable housing.


What is it going to take for California to change direction?


The state needs new leadership.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 1:20 a.m. No.7579488   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9506


Actually, I nom this for a



Outstanding, rousing speech from citizen representing Virginians for Liberty and Justice, speaking out against tyranny and gun control.


vid title: Virginia 2nd Amendment Sanctuary County Speech: Moral Obligation To Fight Tyranny

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 1:26 a.m. No.7579503   🗄️.is 🔗kun

House Committee Requests Documents to Investigate Jeffrey Epstein’s Secret Plea Deal


The Democrat-led House Committee on Oversight and Reform requested documents from federal prosecutors and Florida law enforcement officials on Friday as part of an investigation into Jeffrey Epstein’s secret plea deal.


The House Committee on Oversight and Reform sent letters to U.S. Attorney General William Barr (pdf) and Richard Swearingen (pdf), the Commissioner of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, asking for “documents and information regarding the favorable deal for sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein and the concealment of the deal from the victims of Mr. Epstein’s crimes.”


The committee wants the documents by the first week of January 2020.


Epstein, a 66-year-old financier, and already-registered child sex offender was arrested on July 6 on new charges of sex trafficking underage girls. He was later found dead in his jail cell early Aug. 10 in what was deemed as an “apparent suicide.” While the medical examiner ruled his cause of death as suicide, some lawmakers and medical experts have said evidence suggests a homicide.


Prosecutors with the Southern District of New York on July 8 charged Epstein with child sex trafficking in a legal challenge to a previous agreement that took place more than a decade ago, dubbed the “sweetheart” plea deal of a lifetime.


Epstein’s lawyers argued in July that according to that plea deal, signed with the Department of Justice (DOJ) through the Southern District of Florida in 2008, Epstein is immune to any new charges for crimes committed during the same period.


Meanwhile, the DOJ on Feb. 6 announced an internal investigation of the plea deal in a strongly-worded statement. Later, a federal judge ruled on Feb. 21 that prosecutors at the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Florida broke the law when arranging the plea deal because they didn’t notify Epstein’s alleged victims during the plea negotiations; this violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act.


Plea Deal


The plea deal, called a federal prosecution agreement, was made in 2008 after Epstein was accused in 2007 of operating an international child sex ring at his Palm Beach mansion and 72-acre private island estate in the Caribbean—Little St. James Island, and molesting more than 100 underage girls over eight years.


The deal saw Epstein avoid any substantial time behind bars, serving just 13 months in a private section of Florida’s Palm Beach County jail. Epstein, then 54, pleaded guilty to lesser state charges—only two felony prostitution charges in state court, rather than federal court. He also paid financial settlements to victims, registered as a sex offender, and gave undisclosed information to authorities.


Per the agreement, Epstein was allowed to maintain that he was unaware that any of the girls he molested were under age 18. The deal also provided a work-release arrangement that let Epstein leave jail for 12 hours each day, six days a week, and work unsupervised at his downtown West Palm Beach office.


The deal was also sealed, which means that information relating to Epstein’s alleged crimes, the people who participated in them, and specific details of the plea negotiations are still unknown.


Epstein’s 13-month sentence is believed to be one of the most lenient in U.S. history for a serial sex offender.


Secretary of Labor Alex Acosta was the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida at the time of the plea deal. Court records and emails obtained by the Miami Herald show that Acosta was personally involved. Acosta resigned in July this year amid renewed scrutiny of the plea deal.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 1:31 a.m. No.7579515   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Federal Judge Delays Ruling on Watchdog’s Request to Cross-Examine Hillary Clinton on Email, Benghazi Scandals


WASHINGTON—Former Secretary of State and 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton likely won’t know until after New Year’s Day if she and her former chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, will face direct cross-examination under oath by attorneys for Judicial Watch.


U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia Judge Royce C. Lamberth on Dec. 19 delayed his expected ruling on the nonprofit government watchdog’s request that he order Clinton and Mills to submit to the questioning.


“Well, we’ll wait and see,” Judicial Watch attorney Ramona Cotca, the nonprofit’s lead attorney on the case, told The Epoch Times on Dec. 19 following the hearing.


“I don’t know if he’s going to do anything before Christmas at this point. I would expect the order to come probably after the first of the year,” she said.


The Benghazi scandal and Clinton’s use of an insecure private email server located in her New York mansion are linked because of a 2014 Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit.


That lawsuit sought information about the government’s handling of the Sept. 11, 2012, attack on a U.S. diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, by radical Islamic terrorists that killed four Americans, including U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens.


Documents obtained in the litigation against the State Department led directly to the public exposure in March 2015 of the private Clinton email system she used from 2009 to 2013 to conduct official U.S. diplomatic business.


Dozens of highly sensitive classified materials were sent to and from Clinton on the system, which the FBI said was vulnerable to compromise by hackers outside the United States and by foreign intelligence operatives.


Lamberth called Clinton’s email system “one of the gravest modern offenses to government transparency” in a December 2018 ruling that granted Judicial Watch discovery on multiple related issues.


In a September ruling in the suit, Lamberth encouraged Judicial Watch to “shake this tree” and denounced the State Department, saying, “There is no FOIA exemption for political expedience, nor is there one for bureaucratic incompetence.”


Lamberth also declined in the Dec. 19 hearing to rule on a Judicial Watch motion that he order Paul Combetta to submit to a deposition regarding his role in transferring Clinton emails to another private email account,


Clinton turned over to the State Department 33,000 emails from her private system that she said concerned official business, but she kept another 30,000 that she said were about private matters. Despite multiple subsequent public releases of Clinton emails, new emails are still being found in government searches.


Combetta worked as an information technology (IT) specialist for Platte River Networks, a digital firm retained by Clinton to maintain her private email system. Judicial Watch wants permission from the court to subpoena Google for records of the account used by Combetta.


Government attorneys representing the State Department told Lamberth in a Dec. 18 filing that he should deny Judicial Watch’s deposition and subpoena requests because “it is self-evident that Mr. Combetta has no relevant information concerning the State Department’s search for documents responsive to the FOIA request at issue in this case.”


“And, in any event, the circumstances concerning Mr. Combetta’s use of a Gmail account and the federal government’s attempts to recover former Secretary Clinton’s emails from that Gmail account are well-known and publicly documented.”


Judicial Watch’s Cotca told The Epoch Times that “at this point, five years ago is when Secretary Clinton returned the emails, and the State Department is still getting batches of emails. So the question is, are there more emails in places where they can be found?”


Cotca said Judicial Watch also asked Lamberth for permission to depose Brett Gittleson, a current State Department employee with knowledge of the Clinton emails, and Yvette Jacks, a former State Department employee who the nonprofit believes may also have important information about the Clinton emails.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 1:45 a.m. No.7579535   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Homeless Camps Cleaned Prior To Dem Debate, Biden's 'Green' Economic Policy Could Make It Worse [Report]


One of the Democrats biggest nightmares is that people will see the misery and despair that their policies lead to.


Which is why it is not too surprising that they cleaned the homeless encampments near the site of the Democrat debate on Thursday before the candidates took the stage.


California, where homelessness is rampant, is one of the most liberal states in the nation and a good bellwether of what American would look like if Democrats ruled unopposed.


“Some residents in Venice say they’re seeing lots of cleanups at homeless encampments right before the Democratic presidential debate,” radio station KFI AM 640 said ahead of the debate.


Residents in Venice say they’re seeing lots of cleanups at homeless camps near Loyola Marymount University ahead of Thursday’s Democratic debate.


Seven Democrats are scheduled to take the stage tonight for the last Democratic debate of 2019, less than a month ahead of the crucial Iowa caucuses.


Dump trucks, homeless service workers and police have been cleaning up encampments.

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“They usually have, along Grandview, all kinds of homeless people in tents and everything,” resident Andrew Mollenbeck said to KFI.


“It’s completely different,” another local told the station. “For the most part, the city does little to nothing to combat that unless there’s a media spotlight on Santa Monica, and/or Venice.”


When reached for comment, Councilman Mike Bonin’s office said that it had no knowledge of any additional cleanup efforts.


The city said that it was part of its routine efforts to cleanup the camps, but come on, what routine cleanups?


This is a city that most often does not enforce its own laws against public encampments or people using the bathroom on the sidewalk.


Much like San Francisco these cities become homeless havens because of their policies to not enforce these laws.


But when they eyes are going to be on the city and the American people are going to have a chance to see their “Utopian” policies in action, suddenly the cleanup begins.


And former Vice President Joe Biden gave an answer at that same debate that should show people exactly why Democrat policies create homelessness.


“Vice President Biden, I’d like to ask you, three consecutive American presidents have enjoyed stints of explosive economic growth due to oil and gas production,” Tim Alberta, of Politico, said.


“As president would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth, even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue collar workers in the interest transitioning to that greener economy?” he said.


“The answer is yes because the opportunity for those workers is to switch to high paying jobs,” the former vice president said. “We should, in fact, be making sure right now that every new building built is energy contained, that it doesn’t leak energy, that in fact we should be providing tax credits for people to be able to make their homes turn to solar power. There are all kinds of folks — right here in California, we’re now on the verge of having batteries that are about the size of the top of this podium that you can store energy when in fact the wind isn’t blowing and the sun isn’t shining. We have enormous opportunities.”


If they had the skills to switch to high paying jobs would they not have them now? Does he think they are waiting for him to push them?


Everything Democrats touch they ruin. Do not allow them to get their hands on this booming economy.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 1:57 a.m. No.7579550   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9554 >>9602 >>9727 >>9871

This just in from Kekistan:


LGBT Flags Get Handed Out at School, Kids Rebel and Raise Confederate Flag


A pro-LGBT stunt at a Missouri high school backfired recently when students responded by hoisting the rebel flag.


A student at West Plains High School first handed out small pro-LGBT rainbow flags on Dec. 9, according to KY3.


It didn’t take long for other students to rebel.


The next day, a group of rebellious students raised a Confederate flag in the school’s lunchroom, the outlet reported.


This display appeared to divide the school right away.


“I was kind of mad because you can have your flag and that’s fine but it’s like they were using it as retaliation,” sophomore Rose Schilmoeller, who originally handed out the rainbow pride flags, told KY3.


Schilmoeller said she distributed nearly 60 of the pro-LGBT flags.


“It’s like they were mocking us,” another upset student, Taylor Pool, told KY3, “but not only was it that they were mocking us, they also brought in a completely different subject because people were offended by the type of flag they had.”


Although administrators apparently did nothing about the rainbow flags, the Confederate banner was confiscated and the situation investigated.


“The West Plains School District has been made aware of recent displaying of flags on the high school campus during school hours,” a statement from the West Plains School District read. “While we are unable to comment specifically on an ongoing investigation, all board policies will be followed. The West Plains School District is committed to addressing the concerns being raised by our students, parents, and community.”


“The safety and education of our students is our utmost concern. We will continue to be proactive in our efforts to keep students safe, while providing them with the highest-quality education.”


Thankfully, these students didn’t burn the pro-LGBT flags like a man in neighboring Iowa decided to do.


After his stunt, he was slapped with 16 years in prison and a “hate crime” conviction that will follow him around for the rest of his life.


This comes at a time when Confederate flags and symbols are under increased attack.


In some places, statues that have stood for over a century are now at risk of being taken down and their memory forgotten.


Those who display any flag associated with the Confederate States of America also open themselves up to scrutiny and possible attack.


It’s still unclear what will happen to the students who hoisted the rebel flag in Missouri.


Hopefully, their freedom of speech will be protected by the school district, as well as the media and politicians who help hold school officials accountable.


If not, these students may have a fight on their hands.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:02 a.m. No.7579556   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Trump Breaks Racial Narrative, Signs Bill To Restore Funding for Historically Black Colleges


President Donald Trump signed a bipartisan bill into law on Thursday that will fund historically black colleges and universities for the next 10 years at over $250 million per year.


The move is just one of many has made since Trump took office that work against the narrative that he is a racist, as Democrats love to claim.


Of course, they say that about all Republicans presidents.


At the bill signing, Trump said HBCUs have “never had better champions in the White House,” The Washington Times reported.


“When I took office, I promised to fight for HBCUs, and my administration continues to deliver,” Trump said. “A few months ago, funding for HBCUs was in jeopardy. But the White House and Congress came together and reached a historic agreement.”


Ja’Ron Smith, a special assistant to the president, told the City Club of Cleveland last week that Trump wrote an executive order in support of HBCUs within 30 days of being in the White House in 2017, and invited presidents from 70 historically black schools for the signing.


Since that time, Smith said Trump has stayed true to his word: Funding for HBCU’s now is at a 20 year high.


President Trump continues to Keep his Promises by making HBCU’s a Priority Again!!!! Today he signed the FUTURE Act which permanently reauthorizes and funds $2.5 Billion over 10 years to HBCUs and MSIs.

— Ja’RonSmith45 (@JaRonSmith45) December 19, 2019


The White House staffer said that before Trump signed the bill, several schools around the country were facing dire financial situations.


As I’ve previously argued, if Trump intended to be a racist president, he has not been very good at it.


African-Americans, Asians and Hispanics are currently experiencing their lowest unemployment figures in U.S. history, and wages (particularly for the lowest income earners) have been rising for the first time in years under policies instituted by Trump.


These facts are something the president proudly touts often.


Trump also firmly backed the First Step Act, which enjoyed strong bipartisan support.


During his State of the Union address in February, the president heralded the sentencing reform legislation’s passage, saying it will give those imprisoned for nonviolent crimes a second chance at life.


Trump invited Matthew Charles — an African-American man and the first to be released from prison under the new law — to the State of the Union, where the president honored him.


All the members of the Congressional Black Caucus voted for the legislation, and former Obama administration official Van Jones praised Trump for backing the bill.


Black Entertainment Television founder Robert Johnson, a lifelong Democrat, said last month, as things currently stand, none of the Democratic Party candidates can beat Trump next November.


He gave the president an “A+” in his handling of the economy.


Some recent polling suggests that Trump’s approval rating among African-American voters has increased substantially.


A Rasmussen poll found Trump at 34 percent approval, while an Emerson survey found 34.5 percent approval.


In a recent interview, conservative African-American commentator Brandon Tatum told The Western Journal he believes 30 percent of black people likely do support Trump.


Tatum contended Trump has been like a “battering ram” shaking up the political landscape.


Whether the president will see 30 percent support in November, Tatum is less certain, saying it will depend on turnout and whether African-Americans even tell pollsters they voted for Trump.


Similarly, comedian and commentator Terrence Williams, whom the president honored at a White House event in October, believes Trump will enjoy greater support among the black community in 2020.




Growing up I went from foster house to foster house & i never thought I would be at the White House… let alone speak on the same stage with Pres @realDonaldTrump a man that loves the black community


thank you @charliekirk11 for making it happen

— Terrence K. Williams (@w_terrence) October 4, 2019


“CNN won’t see it coming. MSNBC won’t see it coming,” Williams told The Western Journal. “Fox News won’t see it coming. I don’t even think Trump will see it coming. The black community is going to come out of the woodwork to support this man.”

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:05 a.m. No.7579561   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9761


>>>7576476 (pb)


>How was this not selected as a Notable?


>Sidney Powell, Flynn's attorney, retweeted and entire thread about Durham's scrutiny of Brennan.




Sadly, many anons don't bother nominating posts as notables any more, I've noticed. And some bakers either just wait for noms, or are too busy (ie: when Q's posting) to catch them all themselves.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:13 a.m. No.7579567   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9583

FISC: FBI Lawyer Who Altered Carter Page Warrant Must Be Reported To Bar. Court Reviewing All Warrant Applications


Part 1


Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer released a public order Friday, demanding to see all the applications handled by the FBI attorney, who is alleged to have changed the details in the FISA application on Carter Page. In the two-page Dec. 5, order Collyer also requested that the bureau advise the court if FBI Attorney Kevin Clinesmith, who was involved in altering Page’s application has been reported to the appropriate bar association for disciplinary action.


Page, who was a short term campaign volunteer for President Donald Trump, was wiretapped by the FBI. The bureau was given approval by the secret court to spy on Page based on the information it provided in the application to obtain the warrant from the court. Earlier this week Collyer released her public order giving FBI officials a Jan. 10 deadline to address how to remedy the extraordinary malfeasance that led to the FBI’s baseless warrant to spy on Page. That was the first time the court has spoken since the Department of Justice Inspector General released its findings on the FBI’s now debunked investigation into the Trump campaign and Russia.


Friday’s order, which redacted the name of FBI Attorney Clinesmith, criticized the government for failing to provide all the information requested by the court. Horowitz named Clinesmith in his shocking report released earlier this month on the significant abuses discovered by his team regarding the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane probe into the Trump campaign.


Collyer also asks the FBI to advise the court if Clinesmith’s conduct “has been referred to the appropriate bar association(s) for investigation or possible disciplinary action.”


In her letter Collyer states that “the Supplemental Letter identified the the USGA and provided additional information on the matter, some specific requests made by the Court concerning the conduct of the FBI OGC attorney and the nature of Page’s prior reporting relationship,” Collyer stated. “The United States noted, however, that not all of the detailed findings of the OIG regarding those issues were contained in the letter and the full OIG’s report, which was still being finalized, would be provided to the Court.”


“To date, the Court has not received any part of that report in any form,” she says. “The United States also noted that a separate Rule 13 letter describing other information of which it had become aware as a result of the OIG investigation was being prepared.”


Further, Collyer advises that the court is reassessing the surveillance procedures utilized by the FBI in an effort to obtain the warrant to spy on Page. Horowitz discovered more than 17 significant errors and omissions in the application provided by the bureau to court. One omission was so imperative that it may have changed the court’s decision that allowed the bureau to spy on Page. The FBI was aware at the time it applied for the warrant, which accused Page of being an asset of Russia, that Page, a foreign policy specialist, had actually worked with the CIA to provide information on Moscow.


On December 5, the FISC ordered the executive branch to identify for it “all other matters currently or previously before this Court” that involved Clinesmith. Collyer also demanded descriptions of how the DOJ and the FBI verified that Clinesmith’s submissions were accurate.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:14 a.m. No.7579568   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9583

FISC: FBI Lawyer Who Altered Carter Page Warrant Must Be Reported To Bar. Court Reviewing All Warrant Applications


Part 2


From Collyer’s order released Friday:

It is further ORDERED that by written submission on or before December 20, 2019, the United States shall:


(1) Identify all other matters currently or previously before this Court that involved the participation of the FBI OGC attorney whose conduct was described in the Preliminary Letter and Supplement Letter;


(2) Describe any steps taken or to be taken by the Department of Justice or FBI to verify that the United States’ submissions in those matters completely and fully described the material facts and circumstances; and


(3) Advise whether the conduct of the FBI OGC attorney bas been referred to the appropriate bar association(s) for investigation or possible disciplinary action.



The seriousness of the violations discovered are forcing lawmakers on both sides of the aisle to reassess whether or not to keep the FISA program, which comes up for reauthorization in March. The FISA court was founded in 1978, under the enactment of the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. It was created to authorize the “most intrusive surveillance techniques modern technology allows” and many contend it conflicts with the basic tenants of the Fourth Amendment, noted criminal defense and civil rights attorney David Schoen, who spoke last week to


Collyer’s letter addressing the FBI’s failure in the Page case is significant and was the first time the court has been given information that law enforcement officials directly violated the court standards to wiretap an American citizen.


“This order responds to reports that personnel of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) provided false information to the National Security Division (NSD) of the Department of Justice, and with held material information from NSD which was detrimental to the FBI’s case, in connection with four applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) for authority to conduct electronic surveillance of a U.S.citizen named Carter W. Page,” stated Collyer, in her first order issued earlier this week.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:24 a.m. No.7579577   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.7579584   🗄️.is 🔗kun


KEK. Never was booted out of a concert. Carried out though. Last thing I remembered was "Wheel in the sky"….was wheeling a little too much to drink and that was it for me.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 2:57 a.m. No.7579634   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9653 >>9726 >>9727 >>9871

Trump Campaign Launches ‘Democrats For Trump’ Initiative For 2020


Trump is reaching out to the other side for support.


In an effort to show he is a president for all Americans, his 2020 campaign is now launching an initiative to court Democrats who don’t want to vote Democrat.


FOX News reports: Trump campaign launches ‘Democrats for Trump,’ seeking disaffected liberals


Has the left gone too left, making the right the new center?


The Trump reelection campaign is betting that “disaffected Democrats” have had enough of radical progressivism, launching the “Democrats for Trump” coalition on Thursday.


“From the sham impeachment to the outright embrace of socialism, the Democrat party of today is unrecognizable and leaving moderate Democrats behind,” said President Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, in a statement.


“For Democrats who feel abandoned by the socialist radicalization of their party, there is room for you on Team Trump and we welcome you to join the movement and a President that are putting America first.”


Parscale also took to Twitter to release campaign internal polling showing the possibility of Democrats holding House seats in districts won by Trump in 2016.


He tweeted: “House Dems sitting in @realDonaldTrump won districts know a vote for impeachment is a vote to lose their seats in 2020. Internal polling shows voters in those districts OPPOSE impeachment by 10 points.


See Parscale's tweet:


See video.


This is one of the reasons the Democrats sound crazier every time they talk about Trump.


They are trying to scare people away from supporting him.


He might just beat them at their own game.

Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 3:22 a.m. No.7579691   🗄️.is 🔗kun


My understanding as well. A lot of us were looking for any other options the last day and a half and don't think anyone found any other way of having him removed from office except through conviction in the Senate.


Anonymous ID: 0393af Dec. 21, 2019, 3:40 a.m. No.7579736   🗄️.is 🔗kun



I honestly don't know any Californians other than 1 person. Had 4 friends who are Conservatives and moved out probably 5 yrs ago. They'd had enough.