Anonymous ID: b8c481 Dec. 20, 2019, 11:19 p.m. No.7579152   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9255 >>9471 >>9727 >>9871



I checked for this article from June 2019, but didn't get any results, so I'm assuming it was never posted. IMO it's a great 10 min read for normies that really lays out enough of the story accurately without overwhelming with too much. It sticks to a few key players (Adm Rogers vs Comey, Brennan, Clapper & Strzok) while leaving Q out of it, but aligns with everything Q has been telling us. IMO it's a nicely (((coated))) red pill


Here's a couple excerpts:


Durham has questions for Brennan, NSA’s Mike Rogers has the answers


You remember John Brennan’s Intelligence Community Assessment. This is the document where 17 US intelligence agencies all “unanimously” concluded that Vladimir Putin personally authorized FSB operations designed to favor Donald Trump and harm Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election. The implication was, of course, that Trump was possibly a Russian agent.Except it wasn’t 17 agencies as only four were involved in making the actual assessment. The CIA, DNI, DOJ, and NSA. Only three people were part of formulating the document. John Brennan, James Clapper, and the infamous Peter Strzok.


Admiral Rogers noted that a two-page index summarizing the Steele dossier and listed as “Christopher Steele information” was added to the ICA index. Brennan had been pushing the Steele dossier all over town for months. Leaking it to the media.


James Comey had specifically authorized 3 CIA/DNI contractors ongoing illegal access to the surveillance systems. In Mike Rogers, Admiral Mike Rogers, Rogers, NSA, Spying, Intelligence Community AssessmentMarch of 2016, Rogers was alerted to the illegal use, cutting off access to the 3 contractors in April 2016. Rogers ordered an investigation. He found that of 40000 inquiries made since 2012 that 85% of them were illegal. 32500 illegal queries by CIA and DNI contractors authorized by James Comey to use FISA 702 authority to access the NSA surveillance systems, including PRISM.Rogers took the findings of his investigation to FISA Court presiding Judge Rosemary Collyer four days after the FISA court had approved the first FISA warrant on Carter Page..'


So the Russians clearly interfered, but I would dare say that their most important collaborators or co-conspirators in upending the American political system and sowing chaos were John Brennan, Hillary Clinton, James Clapper, James Comey, and Barack Obama.


John Durham certainly knows that none of this could have happened on the scale it involved if Barack Obama had not authorized it. Durham has questions for John Brennan and the rest of the coup plotters. Admiral Mike Rogers, an American hero, is ready to provide many of the answers.




For a less (((coated))) version that includes select Q posts and links to the above article among other links, see this unrolled twitter thread: