Anonymous ID: baa175 Dec. 21, 2019, 2:01 a.m. No.7579552   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9561 >>9727 >>9871

Today I tried participating in day shift... now I recall why I like night shift. If the shills aren't too verbose, I can keep up here.


>>7576209 (pb)

>that fly above 40k feet


So THAT's what Q was hinting at when using that term... perhaps tech's already been in use which can only now become widely known. Perhaps that's how some of the photos were attained.


>>7576476 (pb)

How was this not selected as a Notable?

Sidney Powell, Flynn's attorney, retweeted and entire thread about Durham's scrutiny of Brennan.


"You're watching a movie" - Literally. Apparently, grating, greedy Greta is a movie star [pic related]

Anonymous ID: baa175 Dec. 21, 2019, 3:12 a.m. No.7579664   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9669 >>9680 >>9770


Based on her past behavior, I'm betting Pelosi is pressuring Schiff to ready impeachment for Pence, and Pelosi will get that passed also before Christmas (or that's her plan). Then, midnight on Christmas Eve, she sends both impeachment docs to the Senate, where the vote is taken immediately, to declare both guilty. Dirty deeds done in the dead of night on the holiest night of the year for Christians: that's been Pelosi's pedigree thus far (remember ObamaCare). I hope she and Schiff are arrested before then, but not holding my breath. If the Dems do pull off this coup, though, I think Soros and the nation-destroyers will get their wish: blood in the streets as We the People rise to say "ENOUGH!"

Anonymous ID: baa175 Dec. 21, 2019, 3:37 a.m. No.7579725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9736


Naturally, the pharma-funded "news" omits the mention of mandatory vaccinations. My family left for that reason. Calif's government has asserted that it OWNS and controls the bodies of its citizens, and has given itself the authority to chemically rape people with whatever the shot of the hour may be. Unacceptable. After fighting this tooth and nail through the legislature and the courts, people are leaving in droves.


The people leaving are educated, sensible, healthy and employable. They are being replaced by people who are not well-educated (and utterly ignorant of American civics); many are unhealthy, and most are only qualified for blue-collar, entry-level or unskilled labor. They're not able to fill the jobs of those who are leaving.


Democrats demand to control every detail of your life, including what you are and are not allowed to say; what substances you're required to admit into your body and which are prohibited; who may enjoy freedom of speech and who must remain silent; what tableware you may use and what is prohibited,… and the list goes on. It become stifling, as does all totalitarian control, yet the deluded and undereducated manage to miss the connection between their misery and their electoral choices.

Anonymous ID: baa175 Dec. 21, 2019, 3:47 a.m. No.7579756   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>A President must be selfless, with the interests of the masses at heart. He must also possess a largeness of mind, as well as a practical, far-sighted mindset.


There, I fixed it for you. Stated this way, it's a good brief description of President Trump.

Anonymous ID: baa175 Dec. 21, 2019, 4 a.m. No.7579801   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The only proper role for government is to protect We the People from force, fraud or abuse from other humans, from cyborgs, and especially from government itself. Any government constituted without strong checks on its own power becomes illegitimate very rapidly.