Anonymous ID: bbb489 Dec. 21, 2019, 1:08 a.m. No.7579465   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9472


>Unity of the masses, the Party aand the whole country is essential

Okay, that sounds like great and all, but essential to what?

It's easy to make vague statements to calm fragile minds into submission.

>Criticism may take place along comradely lines

So criticism is allowed so long as it doesn't subvert the will of the machine?

Way to be a stupid faggot that can't think things through with no objective idea of how centralized power is easily corrupted and infiltrated.

>while at the same time a basic unity is felt and preserved

So you're telling me that unity is felt by those left out of the conversation because their ideas don't sit well with the collective?

Mob rule is for faggots.

>This is the dialectical method

Of being an insufferable faggot.


Neck yourself, holy shit.

Imagine being this dense, what the fuck am I even reading?


check em!

Anonymous ID: bbb489 Dec. 21, 2019, 1:22 a.m. No.7579495   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9513 >>9801


Power to the people doesn't necessarily mean condoning mob rule.

The product of individuality and the drive of the individual should be the focal point of morality in any society.

Where as the family is a microchasm of society, the individual creates the sum of that structure.

A system built with junk, will only create garbage.

A truly free society that empowers the individual and trust in the common good of humanity to naturally choose a path which supplies the greatest benefit to the whole, will have greater innovation and prosperity.

It is an anthem within each and every human being to want to do good, but it is those systems which deem humanity as bad before they have even acted which drive men to cause harm instead of good.

Certainly there are cases where people have chosen to cause harm, and this is the sole duty of government.

To ensure that those who go good are protected by those who wish to exploit and manipulate the greater whole and each individual for their own schemes.

Government is a necessary evil, and its mechanism should allow for the greatest level of freedom so that the individual may have the means to protect themselves and their loved ones, to prosper and create of their own will.

To achieve what is capable of them.


You however have achieved being an absolute and complete faggot.

Good on you.

Anonymous ID: bbb489 Dec. 21, 2019, 1:38 a.m. No.7579523   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9526


A democratic republic requires the greatest level of intelligence and insight to operate.

It requires the greatest amount of responsibility and self education, contemplation and reflection.

The mob has been given consumerism and escapism.

The mob has been convinced that the price of liberty is greater government oversight so they may carry on with their lives in search of the newest product or latest social trends.

It is not capitalism or democracy that has failed, but those who have given their minds to mob rule.

Those who have deemed the will of the collective greater then their own ability to discern and discovery a genuine experience for themselves, from which to share with those they love.

They have been sold the idea that you are your car, your phone, your clothes.

They have lost the value of their intellect and with doing so they have given their children to the state.

Where citizens take on debt as the prize for indoctrination to those who wish to expand their power and influence over the population.


It is up to the individual to self educated and self replicate, no government institution can be trusted in this regard.

More arbitrary moral high grounds with excessive laws, rules and regulation only serve to strangle the true nature of liberty and the idea that the human spirit is inherently good.

Anonymous ID: bbb489 Dec. 21, 2019, 1:42 a.m. No.7579530   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>9534 >>9540


Because, the role of government is to protect the people and ensure their God given rights.

A military to defend the free people from other nations.

A police force to investigate and respond to crime within the nation.

And the right for the individual to bear arms so that they may defend themselves in the moment of unrest and criminal behavior.

That is why, anonโ€ฆ That is why I post anime.